4 June

A splendid morning’s work was completed in glorious sunshine. Sunderland Street, which has had new Cornus bushes planted, donated by the council, was mulched, weeded and watered. The rest of us spent time in the Memorial Garden  weeding and watering. Goose grass and Bindweed are the worst of course, Many Read more…

February Flowers

Glorious weather has  brought out the first spring flowers. The little  petticoat Narcissus, Narcissus bulbocodium and the native  Daffodil, Narcissus pseodonarcissus, are out, along with the first of the spring narcissi. The Winter Aconites, that Simon the gardener planted some years ago are now doing well, and the snowdrops and Read more…

New year Gardening

Happy New Year, Everyone. Now, while some of you were recovering from yesterday evening’s celebrations ( you know who you are, and so do we…) the rest  of us  were out sweeping the paths, clearing the pond and filters, pruning the Hydrangeas,  and getting on with the removal of laurels. Read more…

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