The proposed forward plan  for FoHP has been given to the Council for consultation. The large items that may involve expenditure, fundraising and co-operation with the Council  are presented in the following table and the full plan  including the more mundane tasks of weeding, laurel clearing  etc. can be downloaded  below,  together with a reference sketch map

Notes for Council: Items for discussion from the FoHP forward plan.
Items for cooperation and fundraising. 2022-2023
1: M: Memorial Garden
1.1: Pergola:

FoHP have already undertaken minor repairs to the rotting structure of the pergola. We would like the council to propose and agree a way forward to maintaining this structure.

1.2: New Bed:

Proposed insect friendly low maintenance bed- The laurels and cypress clearing has been started, but needs to be concluded this winter if we are to plant next year. The removal of laurel last year has allowed regrowth of Leycesteria : we suggest removing this to an agreed area in the park periphery.

1.3: Replacement of Box Balls:

These have been removed and were to be replaced by yew, but Pittosporum would be a more a more attractive and aromatic alternative.

1.4: The Arbor:

Make this a scented space by replacing the Clematis montana, Rosa Rambling Rector and Fuchsias with Jasmine, Sarcococca, and scented Damask roses.

1.5: The Birch:

Replace the birch recently cut down with two others ( we have lost one just outside the garden earlier this year.

2 Kd: Between the conserved water fountain and the gardeners’ compound:

With the loss of the large Acer, this area is now derelict with laurel snowberry and cotoneaster remaining under the cut logs and brash. We propose clearing this area and replacing the tree with something more attractive, possibly a Nyssa sylvatica and replacing the bushes with (say) the Leycesteria from the Memorial garden and a Cotoneaster carlcephalum and Chimonanthus both heavily scented. We would also suggest removing the large Ailanthus altissimus as it is growing very close to number 20 Henrietta St and we believe it poses a serious risk of catastrophic and expensive failure.

3: J: Towards Henrietta Mews:

The lack of mowing between the Henrietta Garage and Sunderland St entrances has resulted in the dominance of Wild Garlic, now spreading across the path to the central areas. This can only be adequately controlled by regular mowing and strimming. We suggest that a regular mowing regime is adhered to.

4: Composting Compound:

Railway sleepers and external fencing.

5: Entrance 5: Sunderland St:

The only negative comment on or recent Community Award concerned the Holly tree, stripped by the fall of the poplar, and recently pruned by FoHP. We suggest removing the holly and replacing it with Rowan trees ( one of which was lost here in the storm) or birches – something that will not shade the roses in the future.

6: HD: Between Sunderland and Pulteney Arms entrances:

Remove the ash trunk.

7: D: Towards Henrietta Gardens
7.1: Opposite the Noticeboard:

Replace the two dead thorn trees that have died over the last couple of years.

2: Baumannii Horse Chestnuts:

Clear the leaves under these trees as an early priority as this will remove hibernating moth larvae and in conjunction with the moth traps used by FoHP will reduce the attacks on these fine trees.



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