5 Feb, 2019. Aix en Provence Room, Guildhall, Bath
1: Present : Mayveen Blackwell, Ian Critchley, Erica Timothy, Henry Ford,and some 15 Members. Apologies: Suzanne McCarraher, Ian Herve, Julia Virley, and several other email apologies.
2: Welcome and Report from the Chair:
HF welcomed all to the third AGM of the FoHP, invited everyone to make use of the drinks and nibbles, and to view the displays ( digitised tree map, park posters, historical photo etc.). Thanks were extended to the Abbey Ward Councillor, Peter Turner, for arranging the room in the Guildhall; the Council Gardeners for their work; the volunteer litter pickers, gardeners, stick collectors for their work and their achievements ( removal of laurels, rose, and snowberry in the Garden of Remembrance, general pruning, the beds for planting and weeding andthe watering at the beginning of the year which saved the hydrangeas and the bedding, etc. ). Thanks were also extended to the council contact, Jeremy Dymond, particularly for his work with the Work and Play Day, and Jane Robson for supply of plants and general support throughout the year. Finally thanks were given to the committee for their hard work and the members for their support.
Amongst the photos displayed were a small selection from the 1980s showing The Garden of Remembrance: of particular interest was the sundial and the height of the water jets in the fountain. We hope to restore both of these next year. The two activities of the year, Work and Play organised by Jeremy Dymond from the Council and the Carols by Candlight (FoHP), were both a success, and the Carols will become an annual event.
3: Minutes. :
The minutes were briefly discussed and passed with no amendments.
4: Liaison (MB) : Attention was drawn to the excellent level of cooperation with the council as a result of a single point of contact, resulting in much good work being undertaken. A brief overview of achievements this year was given. Particular mention was given to the woodland planting of native bulbs, anemones, Iris, euphorbia and hellebore, atthe northern entrance of the garden. Most of the plants were supplied by Jane Robson from the council. Comment was also made on the positioning of 4 bird boxes facing the horse chestnuts which have been visited by blue tits already. MB announced that as she was leaving the area this year, she wouldstand down as Council Liaison. HF particularly thanked her for her sterling work with the council. The Friends group was initially formedas a response to changes in Council activity with which many disagreed. MB has steadfastly and patiently persevered with developing good working relations, so that now a good measure of trust exists between us. The current committee will strive to maintain this. She was presented with a small token of thanks from the committee, and we wish her well in her move to the Cotswolds. We look forward to her corrections in the Newsletter which she will continue to receive.
5 : Finance (ICC) :
Receipts 6th February 2018 – 5th Feb 2019 | £1511.71 |
Work and Play | £454 |
Tree posters | £140 |
Tree Trails | £40 |
Carols by Candlelight ( collection) | £233 |
Expenditures | £1871.27 |
Forester Plaque | £860 |
Advertising for W&P event | £198 |
Tree posters | £126 |
Tree trails | £85 |
Bird Boxes (4) | £83 |
Donation to Julian House | £116 |
NET (£399.66) | |
Balance at AGM 6.2.18 | £3352.49 |
Balance at AGM 6.2.19 | £2992.83 |
Projected Future Projects:
Restoration of the Sundial, and birdbath, the old drinking water fountain, interpretation Board (sponsorship sought), restoration of the pump for the fountain.
6: Green Flag:
The benefits and requirements of the Green Flag award which we received again this year were outlined. Parks are judged every year and we need to maintain engagement, and activities with the park, the council and the public.
7: Membership (IH):
FoHP has over 86 members
8: Election of Officers:
With Mayveen Blackwell standing down the post of Council Liaison was handed to Ian Critchley. Two new committee members volunteered themselves and were dully elected. The Committee welcomes Jean Evans and Peter Wallis and look forward to their contributions. We are still searching for someone to help out on the media and website.
9: Photographic Competition:
We hope to announce a monthly photographic competition with photos put on the web.
10: Talk from Sally Helvey, Cleveland Pools Trust: Past and future of the Cleveland Pool
1: The history of the the only surviving Georgian lido was outlined, from its opening in 1815 as a diversion from the river; its refurbishment in 1827 with the Ladies Pool, the upper pool in 1861; Mr Evans, being one of the first people to provide public swimming lessons; its use as a trout farm in the 1980s; and finally its current Heritage Lottery grant of £4.7 million.
2: The current plans were very enthusiastically received and many of us look forward to making full use of the pools in the future.
3: We also look forward to combining with the Pools in discussing simplejoint activities such as being part of guided walks, etc.
10 AOB: None
11 Next AGM: Monday, 6 April 2020