Minutes of FoHP AGM 7.30, Aix-en Provence, Guildhall.
1: Present : Mayveen Blackwell, Ian Critchley, Susanne McCarraher, Erica Timothy, Henry Ford, and some 20 Members. Apologies,: Erica Jones, Julia Virley, David Carr,and several other email apologies.
2: Welcome and Report from the Chair:
HF Welcomed all to the first AGM of the FoHP, invited everyone to make use of the drinks and nibbles, view the displays on the pinboards ( Erica Timothy, digitised tree map; HF, park posters, David Carr, historical photos). Thanks were extended to the Abbey Ward Councillor, Peter Turner, for arranging the room in the Guildhall, the Council Gardeners for their work, the volunteer litter pickers, gardeners, stick collectors for their work and their achievements ( Sunderland Street entrance, Memorial Garden pruning etc. ) and thanks were extended to the council contact, Jeremy Dymond, for his work with Jane Robson in organising the cleaning and resiting of the Forester Plaque, and closure of the gap in the hedge, and the replacement litter bins. Finally thanks were given to the committee for their hard work, the members for their support particularly for the Fun and Forage in the Park, Avon Wildlife for their assistance with this and the Bat Walk and those present for their attendance.
3: Minutes:
The minutes were briefly presented, and as they had been on the website for 10 months and were passed with no ammendments.
4: Liaison {MB):
Attention was drawn to the excellent level of cooperation with the council as a result of a single point of contact, resulting in much good work being undertaken. Jeremy Dymond (Council, Parks) was invited to comment and reiterated the good working structure and the progress made from the council’s point of view. A brief overview of achievements this year was given.
5: Finance (ICC):
The current balance is :Receipts 7th February 2017 – 6th Feb 2018 £3614.94Expenditures £1427.08NET £2187.86Balance at AGM 6.2.17 £1164.63Balance at AGM 6.2.18 £3352.49
Projected Future Expenditures: Forester Plaque, Notice Board. Interpretation Board (sponsorship sought), Bird and Bat boxes and fixing.
6 : Green Flag:
Ian Critchley and Mayveen Blackwell outlined the benefits and requirements of the Green Flag award which we received this year. Parks are judged every year and we need to maintain engagement, and activities with the park, the council and the public.7Membership : IHFoHP has over 80 members
8: Election of Officers:
It had been noted that David Carr ( History) was standing down and that a new person was required to undertake historical research. One suggestion was received and would be investigated. Other officers were confirmed in place.
9: Art Competition: We announce an annual Art Competition to be judged in two age classes, 15 and under, and 16 and over, in any medium easily transportable and suitable for display at the next AGM. Judges and prizes to be announced later in the year. There is no theme but the work must relate to an object, an activity,or a plant or animal in the park. Members of the committee may be judged separately.
10: Talk from David Lambert, Parks Agency. Past and future of Public Parks
10.1. Parks are not a statutory requirement for councils.
10.2. Often founded by individuals or groups as a profit making venture, or as a philanthropic gesture.
10.3: Often donated to the council as maintenance becomes burdonsome, original founders no longer available to fund, profits fail, marginal land is donated
10.4: Victorian heritage neglected but appreciated in the 90’s and Heritage lottery funding under Lord Rothschild revives public parks
10.5: Heritage Lottery ring fenced finance for Parks no longer extant and under current government Austerity regime council funding slashed
10.6: Importance of parks for public well-being discussed, noting that some parks are well provided with volunteers with time and expertise, others, in socially deprived areas, are not.
11: AOB: None
12: Next AGM: Tuesday 6 Feb 2019