We have started recording Butterflies, moths, hoverflies, dragonflies and damselfies and anything of interest like this Send your records to HF, month by month and I will add them with your initial, date a statement of the weather – you can see how we record them from the table.
Happy hunting.

18.07.23light overcast, then sunnyGV
open grass/around trees and shrubs, very busylarge whiteLrg White?lotsGV
dittosmaller whiteSmall White?lotsGV
settled briefly around hemp agrimony? On edge of memorail garden)blue; undersides silvery blueHolly Blue?1GV
open grassTortoiseshell1GV
open grassRed Admiral1GV
29.07.23sun and intermittent clooud
buddleiapeacock2 or 3GV
flying low around plant cover eg forget-me-not, spurgevery small brown with spots around edge, V shaped mint moth?a fewGV
07.23SunnyBuddleiaunmistakableVolucella zonaria5HF
07.23marjoramhornet hoverfly1GV
07.23sunnypondcommon darter2HF
07.23Sunnypondwide bodied chaser2HF
07.23overcastoutside memorial resting on nettlesComma1HF
05.08.23sunny Memorial, resting on laurelJersey Tiger Moth1FD
05.08.23sunnySunderland StRed Admiral1HF
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