The Council Parks Department

The Council own the Park and manage the major tasks that require machinery - clearing the leaves in autumn and mowing regularly in spring and summer- and organise major tree surgery. We liaise with the Parks department and work mainly in the Memorial Garden and entrances and organise some major refurbishments such as the Pond. Any problems in the Park can be referred directly to Fix My Street.

The Friends Group

What we do, who we are, and how you can join in
What We Do

What We Do


Gardening and Litter: We meet on the first and third Sunday mornings of the month ( 10-12) and the first Wednesday afternoon (2-4). The details are on the Noticeboard along with other items of interest. We hold an AGM (currently in abeyance) and usually hold one special event to raise awareness and to raise funds for specific projects. Carols by candlelight are held in December

Who we are

Basically we are you

We have about 130 members who donate a minimum of £5 a year. We have about 25 regular volunteers and we usually have 15 out on any one gardening session. We call upon everyone for special events.

How you can Join In

How you can Join In


The membership forms are on the website from the membership menu above. You can help in any number of ways from counting birds, butterflies, bats and insects, gardening and litter picking, organising and helping out with events, behind the scenes with the website and research. There are plenty of ways we have not thought of.

Use the menu above to explore the park, old photographs and history, the shrubs, and the interactive map of our wonderful trees and find out how you can have fun with us in the Park.




Everything from light pruning, weeding, to heavy shrub trimming and compost distribution. We work mostly in the Memorial Garden and the Sunderland and Henrietta Mews entrances but we seasonally remove leaves and sticks and prune the perimeter bushes, removing saplings and blackberries.

Litter Picking

Litter Picking

Every gardening session is preceded by a litter pick - we remove everything from motor scooters, gym equipment, to cigarette ends and bottle tops

Fund Raising Parties

Fund Raising Parties

Though the Council remain very active in the Park their funding is restricted. We halp out by having a fundraiser every year, specifically targeting a project - pond clearance, tree planting etc. These usually involve a large amount of work both planning and on the day, but we have several years of experience of this.

Photo courtesy of Bath in Time


We have had extensive redearch doen by three volunteers in to the history of the park from its foundation to modern times but more is always welcome, particularly oral history.

 Community Engagement

Community Engagement

Part of our remit is to make sure that the park is used by everyone in the locality and we have organised Bat walks, Bird and Insect walks, Tree walks etc, We have produced a park map with all the trees including the champions, and tree and history trails and Schools activity trails.

The Environment

The Environment

As everyone walks round the park we are constantly told and monitor the state of the trees and shrubs. We have maintained monthly bird lists, but are always on the lookout for people to record butterflies and other insects and spiders, birds, bats. We have had lichen surveys done and we can alwayr report observations to the Bath Naturalists.



Various groups use the Park for activities, gyms and fitness instructors, circus artists, Tai Quondo,


FoHP Blog

Birds and Fungi

The redstarts are still around: a flock of about 20 has been a regular visitor in the park. And the Goldcrests have been around as well. It is a pleasure to watch them. They are Read more…

Your Park Volunteers

Thursday 13 th  Feb, we had a splendid turnout from Your Park Volunteers with Carol Sgtone and Mali Kedward, to provide a dead hedge to fill in a gap in the boundary hedge on Henrietta Read more…

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