AF001Mask07G04.01Wooden mask. 'Bundu' society, used in female initiation.49
AF002Mask07G04.01Wooden mask. 'Bundu' society, used in female initiation.49
AF003Carved head07G06.18Piece of carved soapstone showing head and upper part of human figure carved out of irregular block. Nomoli fertility figure ?49
AF004Carved head07G06.18Piece of carved soapstone showing head and upper part of human figure carved out of irregular block. Nomoli fertility figure ?49
AF005Carved head07G06.18Piece of carved soapstone showing head and upper part of human figure carved out of irregular block. Nomoli fertility figure ?49
AF006Figurine07G03.07Wooden doll, "akua 'ba", fertility figure carried by women.36
AF007Box07G04.04Brass box for collecting shea butter, used as pomade.36
AF008Box07G04.04Oval brass box for collecting gold dust.36
AF009Container07G04.04Aubergine-shaped gourd container, ornamented with brass wire. Snuff box ?80
AF010Container07G04.04Round gourd container ornamented with brass wire.80
AF011Stool07G19Wooden stool, Fanti or Asante, Style not typical, possibly made for a European.36
AF012Figurine07G04.04Painted wooden figure. Figure was painted in red, black and white. Both hands are detached and there is evidence they have been glued on to the figure in the past.39
AF013Fan07G03.07Hide fan with wooden handle.69
AF014Carving07G04.04Carved wooden object carried by women in their belt.39
AF015Thumb Piano07G04.06'Thumb Piano' of wood with iron strips. Iron strips are rusty. Small piece of wood broken off at one end.80
AF016Spoon07G04.04Large wooden spoon with grinding surface at one end.36
AF017Spoon07G03.07Wooden spoon with handle carved in the form of a wisdom knot.36
AF018Headrest or stool07G03.07Wooden headrest or stool (?). Carved diamond like pattern painted black or dark brown.36
AF019Figurine07G04.04Small wooden figure, probably a fetish.47
AF020Bowl07G06.15Wooden bowl with spout. There are diamonds and vertical lines carved around top edge.63
AF021Ladle07G04.04Wooden ladle. Three parts to handle with two rings on upper part. The whole carved from one piece of wood.69
AF022Spoon07G04.04Wooden spoon.36
AF023Mask07G03.11Wooden dance mask backed by netting which is very fragile, mostly detached from mask.46
AF024Mask07G03.10Wooden dance mask painted red. Series of holes around opening, open mouth with teeth showing.46
AF025Box07G06.15Cylindrical bark box. Geometric pattern carved on sides of box and lid. The remains of a cord handle or hanging loop are attached to the lower part of the box with another hole opposite where cord is attached.63
AF026Drum07H02Double-headed drum.69
AF027Drum07G01King's ceremonial dress drum ornamented with two skulls and three lower jaws (human). Skulls coloured, attached by string and wire, probably not aurthentic.36
AF028Large Drum07G09'Talking' drum. Thongs for stretching skin cut in spiral, probably from a single cow-hide. Stones inside to make drum 'sing.'43
AF029Drum07G01Wooden drum, (no drum stick). Lower half carved with chequerboard pattern.36
AF030Drum07G01Wooden drum. Lower half carved with rings of vertical stripes.36
AF031Drum and drum stick07G01'Talking' drum with carrying strap of red fabric and drum stick. Stones inside which make drum 'sing.'80
AF032Drum and drum stick07G01'Talking' drum with drum stick. Sring thonging rather than leather.80
AF033-034[unknown]NULLCard missing, items unidentified.63
AF035Belt and apron07A089Beaded belt and apron. Belt consists of double row of red beads sown on to fibrous rope backing and finished with a double row of large pale blue, and smaller red, beads. Apron rectangular, suspended from a double rope of white beads. Design is a geometric pattern of black, red and green lines with white edging, finished with a wide row of pink, red and white beads.69
AF036Belt and apron07A089Beaded belt and apron. Belt consists of double row of pink and black beads sown onto fibrous rope backing and finished with a beaded fringe in red, green and black. Apron is rectangular , suspended from a pink beaded rope, and the design is a zigzag pattern of black, red and green lines with white edging, finished with a small beaded fringe in pink and red.69
AF037Neckband, beaded07A090Neckband consisting of a continuous string of beads sown in a spiral on to a thick rope base, in such a way that it appears to be made up of bands of different colours - red, green, black in wide section, and white ones in thin. One end is finished off in a loop of single yellow beads and the other forms a toggle in larger red and white beads.69
AF038Neckband, beaded07A090Neckband consisting of a continuous string of beads sown in a spiral onto a thick rope base, in such a way that it appears to be made up of bands of different colours - red, green, black and white. The ends are finished off in pink and one has a metal button for fastening.69
AF039Ornament07G04.06Beaded ornamen. A piece of leather decorated with white and purple/dark blue beads.69
AF040Necklace, bead07A090Necklace of 17 strings of deep blue beads, occasional interspersed with double white ones, and joined at the top by a string knot.69
AF041Necklace07A091Necklace of eight strings of multi-coloured small beads of pink, green and white. Joined by string know at back.69
AF042OrnamentNULLBeadwork ornament.69
AF043OrnamentNULLBeadwork ornament.69
AF044OrnamentNULLBeadwork ornament.69
AF045OrnamentNULLBeadwork ornament.69
AF046Ornament, bead07A091Bead ornament, possibly a necklace or belt, consisting of an upper and lower row of continuous pink beads with closely spaced zig-zag pattern of blue and white beads. One end ends in a metal toggle and the other in a loop of pink beads.69
AF047Ornament, bead07A091Bead ornament, possibly a necklace or belt, consisting of a central string supporting 3 attached strings of spaced blue beads. One end is a loop with metal toggle, the other a toggle and 2 red beads.69
AF048Ornament, bead07A091Bead ornament, possibly a necklace, consisting of short vertical rows of black beads supported along an upper and lower string of white beads, with occasional red ones.69
AF049Ornament, bead07A091Bead ornament, possibly a bracelet, consisting of nine or so beaded strings plaited into a band to form a circle. Beads are predominantly a greyish white with an occasional darker one.69
AF050Ornament07A091Beaded ornament: rectangular band with beaded string attached. Band is made up of a geometric design of red, white, black, blue and yellow beads. String is in black, white and blue beads ending in a 'toggle' of white beads.69
AF051Belt and apron07A092Bead belt with apron attached. Belt consists of 3 separate round cords decorated with alternating bands of red, black and blue beads, one with an additional bead 'frill'. Apron is joined to one end of belt and consists of alternating rows of red and blue lines finished off with a wider band of black and white beads. Ends of belt have loose cord and string attached.69
AF052Container07A092Wooden tube with wooden lid attached by beaded string to open end of tube. Tube is decorated with encircling bead rows in black, pink green and red. Lid is undecorated. Tube is attached at closed end to a thin beaded string in red and black sections.69
AF053Hide objectNULLHide object with bead ornament.69
AF054Ornament or necklace07A091Beaded tassle on supporting triple row (one row broken) of white beads. Large 'tassel' is made up of thick core encircled by rows of black, red and white beads with many short strings of white beads hanging loose beneath. These are combined with some larger irregular brown beads (or seeds). The top of the 'tassel' has short strings of white beads, each finished off with a larger red bead.69
AF055Ornament, bead07A092Beaded band with a wide blue section in the middle next to a white section on each side and a red bead edge.69
AF056Beaded ornament07G03.07Gourd covered by blue and pink beadwork with small beaded handle.69
AF057Beaded ornament07G03.07Gourd covered with red, white, and blue beadwork with small carrying handle.69
AF058Belt07A092Belt consisting of a central string support with brass buttons sewn on to form a dense 'rope'. Buttons are dome shaped with a flat base and loop for attachment underneath. A few are more pointed and resemble those used as 'toggles'on other necklaces in these drawers. The central string is tied off in a knot at one end.69
AF059Bracelet07A093Bracelet formed by a single piece of heavy wire, loosely coiled.69
AF060Bracelet07A093Thin brass bracelet made of a tighly coiled brass wire and thread over with interspaced brass 'beads' at regular inbtervals. Makes a pair with AF061.69
AF061Bracelet07A093Thin brass bracelet made of a tighly coiled brass wire and thread over with interspaced brass 'beads' at regular inbtervals. Makes a pair with AF060.69
AF062Bracelet07A093Thin brass bracelet formed by a tightly coiled wire, overlain with three sections of 9 brass'beads'.69
AF063Bracelet07A093Finely made bracelet formed by a tightly coiled beaded wire, with an open end, each finished by a brass cylindrical terminal.69
AF064Bracelet07A093Bracelet formed by tight wire coils around a thin string, coiled around a larger string 'core'.69
AF065Bracelets07A093Three identical bracelets of coiled brass wire, each with a similar spiral metal bead at one place (for fixing?).69
AF066Necklace07A093Necklace of flat brass rings, 8mm dia and 1.5mm thickness, mounted on crude leather thong. Thong is exposed in certain places and frayed. Some loose rings have become detached and are in a plastic bag in box.69
AF067Tobacco box007G06.15Bamboo tobacco box with copper spoon attached. Decorated with a geometric pattern cut into the bamboo.69
AF068Ornament, bead07A092Leather strip, formed into a circle and sown with a series of short loops of bi-coloured blue-and-white bead. Some red and blue loops as well. Leather strip is tied with string at one point.69
AF069Necklace07A093Necklace of small beads threaded on string. Beads are of red, blue and white, each interspaced by a smaller black bead, and are arranged in a pattern of alternatiing colours.69
AF070Knife with sheath07G04.05Knife with black wood handle and sheath of red leather. Blade rusty.80
AF071Knife with sheath07G04.05Knife with leather sheaf, and wood handle.80
AF072Knife with sheath07G04.05Knife with ornamental leather sheaf. 8 1/2 inch Iron pointed blade of thin section with slightly bevelled edges and pointed tip, Plain wooden grip, the pommel of ring shape with iron dome-shaped retaining knob. Red leather sheath with raised decorative front. Suspension loop bound with red leather.80
AF073Knife with sheath07G04.05Knife with ornamental leather sheaf.80
AF074Knife07G04.05Knife with leather handle.80
AF075Knife and sheath07G04.05Knife with ornamental leather sheaf.39
AF076Knife and sheath07G04.05Knife with ornamental leather sheaf.80
AF077Knife and sheath07G04.05Knife with 6 1/4 inch iron blade, flat with bevelled edge and pointed tip, shaped wooden handle with ring shape pommel and iron retainer, leather sheath with embossed decoration and bands of snake skin? Leather suspension loop.37
AF079Knife and sheath07G04.05Knife with sheaf of lizard or crocodile skin. 3 1/2 inch blade with fish and insect engraving.45
AF081SwordNULLCeremonial sword.36
AF082Purse07G04.06Tan coloured wallet made of two layers of leather with a tassel at one end. This fits inside a sleeve made of leather covered in a layer of black leather with a geometric pattern ut into it. There are small pieces of red and green leather inset in some of the spaces, also some purple coloured thread used to sew some of the pieces together.80
AF083Powder-flask07G04.05Leather powder-flask.39
AF084SpearNULLShort spear.43
AF085Comb07A094Small flat comb, carved from wood with 6 teeth and a handle decorated with carved lines on one side.80
AF086Spoon07A093Brass spoon with circular bowl beaten from thin sheet of brass. The curved wedge-shaped stem is decorated with incised and beaten patterns of lines and dots.36
AF087Bracelet07A093Ivory bracelet, slightly oval in shape. Discoloration of ivory (natural?) on inside.120
AF088Powder-horn07G02.12Curved horn flask decorated with red hide and red, black and white reed in a diamond pattern.80
AF089Powder-horn07G02.12Curved horn flask decorated with red hide and red, black and white grass or reed in a diamond shaped pattern.80
AF090Flask07G02.12Horn flask covered in brown hide decorated with a circular pattern, and two bands of brown and white reed decoration.80
AF091Trumpet07G02.12Hide covered wooden trumpet. Hide has numerous holes.80
AF092Gourd instrument07G06.17Shen (Chinese mouth organ). Musical instrument of gourd and bamboo. There are symbols scratched on to two of the pipes. Bamboo pipes now detached from gourd.25
AF093Gourd instrument07G06.17Shen (Chinese mouth organ). Musical instrument of gourd and bamboo. The eleven pipes are held together with black thread/string.There is also the remains of red, purple and brown thread/string on the pipes which are detached from the gourd.25
AF094Trumpet07G02.12Wooden trumpet, side-blown. Wooden horn bound with wickerwork.36
AF095Trumpet07G02.12Wooden trumpet, side-blown. Wooden horn bound with vegetable fibre.36
AF096Necklace07A094Leather and fibre woven neck band with coiled wire thing and loose ends knotted.69
AF097Model of crocodile07G02.09Model of crocodile made in lead.45
AF098Bottle07G03.11English spirit bottle, encased in Rhodesian leather work.42
AF101Axe07F11War axe (machete) with wood shaft.85
AF102ClubNULLWooden club.80
AF103Scoop07A093Circular brass scoop with angled sides and flat base, turning into a funnel at the other end. Used for blowing impurities out of gold dust. Made of a thin brass, exhibiting marks of beating during manufacture. Base shows a series of inscribed circles.36
AF104Wooden object07G06.18'Biet'. Used by Boers for inspanning oxen.69
AF105Figurine07G03.11Carved wooden female figure holding a 'Mankala' games board on head.80
AF106Figurine07G06.17Carved wooden figure of a man and infant. Early tourist piece? Arms detatched from body, but evidence that they were once glued to the body.80
AF107Figurine07G06.18Carved wooden figure of a woman and infant. Early tourist piece? Infant has been carved separately and attached to woman with two nails.36
AF108+A-CCarved wooden symbols07G06.17Top of state umbrella, in use probably covered with gold foil. Three wooden symbols, probably a war-horn, the sun and the moon (or a mirror). The moon was recorded as broken in the 1930s.36
AF109Fetish cup07G03.11Fetish cup. Spherical wooden pot. Lid, carved with four figures:: a) man with headress holding a ball? in right hand and a tool or charm in left b) man with right hand on groin and left on shoulder c) man holding one or two objects in hands d) man hiding face with hands.39
AF110Game boardNULLWooden games board, 'Mancala' or 'Oware', similar to stool types.80
AF111Fly-whisk07G06.18Leather handled fly whisk made from. Elephant or Rhino's tail. Handle decorated with red, green and white leather.39
AF112Hand broom07G02.12Grass hand broom.80
AF113Hand broom07G04.06Grass hand broom.80
AF114Broom07G04.06Grass hand broom.80
AF115Fly whisk07G06.16White horse tail fly flap.80
AF116Fly whisk07G06.16White horse tail fly flap.80
AF117Fly whisk07G06.16Horse tail fly flap.63
AF118Fly whisk07G06.16Horse tail fly flap.36
AF119Fly whisk07G06.16Horse tail fly flap.36
AF120Fly whisk07G04.06Horse tail fly flap with leather handle. Handle is of brown leather with tan and green leather strips woven into it.80
AF121Fly whisk07G06.16Horse tail fly flap with leather handle. There is black, brown and cream coloured leatherwork between the handle and the horsehair.80
AF122-123DrumNULLCarved and painted wooden leopard with a drum on its back.36
AF124-143SpearsNULL20 Spears. AF126 and AF136 missing their points. AF142, with carved relief on end, may be a ceremonial spear used as a staff.43
AF144StaffNULLWooden staff.43
AF145-155SpearsNULL11 Spears.80
AF156-159Spears or AssegaisNULL4 Zulu spears or assegais.69
AF160SpearNULLSpear or assegai.69
AF161SpearNULLMatabele spear.42
AF167SpearNULLMatabele spear.41
AF168Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear or Assegai.80
AF171Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]35
AF172Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]35
AF173Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]35
AF174Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]35
AF175Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]69
AF176Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]69
AF177Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear, or assegai snapped in two to make short stabbing spear. [not seen]40
AF181Spear or AssegaiNULLSpear or Assegai.80
AF185-186SpearsNULL2 Spears.35
AF188Basket07G04.05Large basket with lid, decorated with beadwork. Basket and lid with woven pattern. Two straps decorated with red, black and yellow beads in a chevron patterrn (now detached). There are also eleven shells (detached) which were once part of the decoration, possibly attached to the straps.45
AF189Sword and scabbardNULLSword and scabbard with worked leather fittings. Curved steel blade 60.5cm, with a single edge, slightly fullered. Leather covered hilt (no crossbar) and brass ball pommel. Paddle shaped wooden scabbard covered overall with leather; the lower portion bulbous in form and decorated with geometric designs overall; some attached decorative hangings - some missing. Sudanese sword from the Manding region.36
AF189ALeather item07A084Leather fitting or decorative piece composed of two long tapering flanges joined at the top onto a plaited knob and with a number of leather strings attached. These flanges are decorated in a series of geometrical designs worked into the surface of the leather.36
AF189BLeather item07A084Leather fitting or decorative piece composed of two long tapering flanges joined at the top onto a plaited knob and with a number of leather strings attached. These flanges are decorated in a series of geometrical designs worked into the surface of the leather.36
AF190Sword and scabbardNULLSword and scabbard with worked leather fittings. Curved steel blade 66cm, with a single edge, slightly fullered. Leather covered hilt (no crossbar) and brass ball pommel. Wooden scabbard covered overall with leather; the lower portion bulbous in form and decorated with geometric designs overall; with attached decorative hangings of leather & leather strips Sudanese sword from the Manding region.36
AF191PaddleNULLCarved wooden paddle.39
AF192PaddleNULLCarved wooden paddle. Top damaged.39
AF193Paddle07F12Paddle with one side concave. One of a pair?125
AF194SpearNULLWooden spear.43
AF195Sheath?07G02.12Leatherwork object. Sheath for a knife or dagger?80
AF196Digging-stick weight07G03.10Digging-stick weight, unmarked.69
AF197Digging-stick weight07G03.10Digging-stick weight. Marked "Dale" "B" "Cape" "C.H."69
AF198Spear headNULLSudanese spear head.37
AF199Spear headNULLSudanese spear head.37
AF200Spear headNULLBarbed spear head.80
AF201Horn (Musical)NULLHorn, side-blown.80
AF202Horn (Musical)NULLHorn, side-blown.80
AF203Pouch and belt with gourd for powder07G04.06Pouch and belt with gourd for powder.36
AF204Hunting pouch and belt - powder canisters of wood07G02.09Hunting pouch and belt, with powder canisters of wood. Belt with two empty sheaths.36
AF205Powder horn07G06.16Dark brown horn with decorated copper at each end. About one third of the horn is visible. Thick plaited cord attached to the horn about one third of the way in from each end. Attached to the cord by leather bindings are two concertinaed leather pouches which are closed by leather drawstrings. Pouches held in place by a leather 'sling' decorated with black, white and red pattern. At the bottom of the 'slings' are leather tassels.72
AF206Shield07G03.08Shield (probably only the 'boss' of a shield) made from Rhinoceros hide. Used by Arabs when fighting, to ward off sword or sabre cuts.95
AF207Necklace07A094Necklace of knotted leather interspersed with cut and facetted blue glass beads. At bottom of necklace are three panels of leather, stiched with large leather stiches and containing some hard unknown objects, two in each panel. Ends of necklace are plaited and tied into fringes, with a sliding thong.80
AF208Chain07A094Dark wooden chain carved from one piece of wood. One end finished in the shape of a curved hand (thumb missing?), the other end is formed by a carved 'wedge' with a pattern of criss-crossing lines. Within the chain are two other decorative devices - one carved to contain a wooden bead, the other carved into a 'cube' with holes through centre.80
AF209Container07G03.07Gourd container with vegetable fibre carrying handle.69
AF210Gourd containing lead shot07G06.15Gourd containing lead shot. The stopper is a piece odf crumpled paper.80
AF211Gourd container07G03.07Gourd container with carved decoration.80
AF212ClubNULLWooden club.37
AF213Wooden object07G02.13Wooden object (function unknown). Geometric design, bottom part arch shaped, upper diamond with string attached through hole. Each arm of the arch has a hole at end (?part of something else).36
AF214Quiver and arrowsNULLQuiver of 9 arrows.80
AF215Quiver and arrowsNULLQuiver of 17 arrows.39
AF216Quiver and arrowsNULLQuiver of 4 arrows.80
AF217Knife and sheath07G04.05Knife and sheath.80
AF218Knife and sheath07G04.05Knife and sheafth (ornamental).39
AF219Iron 'spear' currencyNULLIron 'spear' currency.41
AF220Comb07A094Comb formed from strips of pointed cane (?) woven together with fibre but in such a way that they fan out out towards one end . woven fibre forms bands across the canes and zig-zagging lines.41
AF221KnobkerryNULLKnobkerry. Entirely of wood with shaft and ball-shaped head80
AF222BowNULLEgyptian bow.45
AF223BowNULLBow (remnant of bow-string attached).80
AF224Almanac stickNULLWood stick with carved and shaped handle69
AF225Witches stickNULL'Witches stick for smelling out witches for sacriffices'. Carved with clenched hand with pointing forefinger. Probably a 'Linguist's or chief's spokesman's staff.'36
AF226Knife in sheath07G02.12Bone-handled knife in leopard skin sheath. Knife European made.80
AF227Paddles07F32Pair of paddles.36
AF228PaddlesNULLPair of paddles.

O/L 110cm
AF229PaddlesNULLPair of paddles.
O/L 171cm
AF230PaddlesNULLPair of paddles.

O/L 159cm
AF231PaddleNULLPaddle with one side concave.
O/L 154cm
AF232Shoulder bag07G02.09Tan coloured leather bag with pale green cord shoulder strap. Bag folds over to close. Records indicate it once held incense.72
AF233Oil lamp07G02.09Oil lamp of green glazed pottery. Small areas of glaze have flaked off.72
AF234Inkwell07G02.09Pottery ink-pot in shape of a low building. Glazed in blues and green. Large chip missing from rim72
AF235Powder horn07G06.16Powder horn with a decorated wooden stopper. Horn is olive green with red, black and grey painted decoration. There are two strips of leatrher attached, one of which is pierced with small holes possibly for use with a buckle. The other piece of leather is broken.68
AF236Door lock and key07G03.08Door lock and key. Consists of four pieces of wood. Two marked "door lock from Cairo" another with four metal pins marked "key to door lock from Cairo" the other is a possibly newer piece of wood with three holes that go completely through it. Two of the holes have metal pins in them.45
AF237Drum stick07G02.09Carved wooden drumstick.72
AF238Sword or dagger with sheath07G03.08Short sword or dagger, ornamental sheath, wood and metal hilt. Cord attached via 2 metal rings.72
AF239Sword or dagger with sheath07G03.08Short sword or dagger, ornamental sheath and hilt, brass. There are two metal rings for attaching sword to a belt.72
AF240Dagger or Jambya with sheath07G03.08Sticking dagger or Jambya. Sheath of decorated leather and ornamental metal work. Strap attached.63
AF241Sandals05A05Pair of leather sandals.36
AF242Sandals05A05Pair of leather sandals.36
AF243Sandals05A05Pair of leather sandals.36
AF244Sandals05A05Pair leather sandals.28
AF245Sandals05A05Pair leather sandals.80
AF246Sandals05A05Pair of leather sandals (ornamented).28
AF247Pair of ear-ringsNULLPair of ear-rings.72
AF248Scoop07G03.08Basket work scoop.36
AF249Garment07G02.14Women's apron. Rectangle of brown fabric [cotton] with red, black and white beaded fringe, some damage to fabric and some strands of beads missing.125
AF250Almanac stickNULLCarved wooden stick, the shaft divided into decorated segments of different decoration80
AF251Digging stick07G02.12Digging stick or hoe. Wood cracked.80
AF252Mace?07G06.18Mace? Head carved on end of stick.63
AF253Whip07G06.18Leather whip with ornamental handle.80
AF254Carved staffNULLCarved wooden stick, the head formed as a 'hand' holding a snakes head, the body of the snake twisted around the shaft36
AF255Bracelet07A095Small bracelet of coiled wire with four larger pieces of wire coiled at intervals.80
AF256Spoon07A094Horn spoon with long shaped handle. Spoon has deep bowl and is transparent. Handle is more opaque with darker markings in the horn.80
AF257Necklace07A095Necklace of coiled brass wire with larger metal 'beads' at intervals.80
AF258+A-JBracelets07A09511 Bracelets made of brass wire, used and decorated in slightly different ways.80
AF259Container07A094Small round container with slightly flattened base. Stopper in the form of a plug with a dark shiny button-like knob. Inside are two pieces of lead shot.80
AF260Scoop07A096Wooden 'scoop' in the form of a hand ('thumb' broken off), carved from piece of rough timber. Hand is convex on outside surface and concave on inner one.80
AF261Fly whisk07G04.06Fly whisk with wooden handle inlaid with black, red and white.63
AF262Anklet ?07G06.16Spiral of bark, possibly a leg ornament. Very dry.80
AF263Gourd container07G06,15Gourd container with incised decoration. In two halves. Both pieces have the same incised decoration.80
AF264Gourd container07G06.17Bottle or container made from gourd. Incised decoration, remnants of bead-work decoration on stopper. Stopper attached to body by a piece of chain.69
AF265Gourd container07G06.15Bottle made from gourd with two handles attached plus a cork. Handles plaited. Cork broken, one half stuck in gourd, both pieces attached to one handle by a thin cord of the same material as handles.80
AF266Gourd container07G06.15Bottle gourd with stopper decorated with bead-work.69
AF267SpearNULLShort spear.43
AF268AssegaiNULLLong throwing assegai.69
AF269Pipe07A096Large wooden pipe, carved and polished, with bowl ornately decorated with inlaid metal. Stem covered with coiled brass and iron wire. End of mouthpiece has a circular decorated brass mouthpiece. Smells smoky!80
AF270Pipe07A096Pipe of Karree wood, carved and polished, with stem secured in base of bowl by wooden peg. Bowl has broken away at top to reveal inner lining of iron. Plain shaft flares out to form mouthpiece.69
AF271Pipe07A096Wooden pipe, carved and polished, with bowl decorated with grey inlaid metal. A peg connects bowl to stem. Stem covered with coiled brass wire up to half its length. End of mouthpiece flares out..69
AF272Pipe07A096Pipe of Karree wood, carved and polished, with plain bowl lined with a thin layer of iron which rises just above the edge. Stem attached to bowl by a protruding wooden peg and is a long straight piece of hollowed wood, flaring slightly as it becomes the mouthpiece.69
AF273Drumsticks07A0972 Wooden drumsticks, slightly different. Both have wooden shafts with a hard, padded, rounded end, possibly leather , possibly once covered with a waxy or resinous substance. One is covered over at end and has a plain shaft, the other has a dimple in the padding at the end and some coiled string around a broken portion of the shaft.80
AF274Metal forge ?07G04.04Portable metal forge? Oblong piece of metal (iron?) possibly used in smelting gold? or copper?. Traces of unidentified metal attached. Holes in base largely filled in. There are metal bands where some type of long removeable handle may have been inserted. Some evidence of heat damage.80
AF274AMetal forge ?07G04.04Portable metal forge? Oblong piece of metal (iron?) possibly used in smelting gold? or copper?. Traces of unidentified metal attached. Holes in base mostly unblocked. There are metal bands where some type of long removeable handle may have been inserted. Some evidence of heat damage80
AF274BMetal forge ?07G04.04Portable metal forge? Circular piece of metal (iron?) possibly used in smelting gold? or copper?. Traces of unidentified metal attached. Holes in base mostly unblocked. There are metal bands where some type of long removeable handle may have been inserted. Some evidence of heat damage80
AF275Rattle07G06.17Rattle of open basketwork and seeds. Medicine man's rattle?80
AF276Purse07A0952 Similar purses (once joined?)made from a loose net of beads ( green, white, red, yellow, black and white) and larter coral beads. threaded on string which is drawn in at both ends to close off the ending. One is closed off with a red bead and a coin with a samll hole. Coin shows on obverse the head of Alfonso X11 and reads "ALFONSO X11 POR LA G. DE DIOS 188- (?)". On reverse is a crown and other symbol (?defaced) and the inscription "REY CONSTL ESPANA , 2 PESETAS".72
AF277Beads07A095String of round wooden beads with longer 'pendant' bead in middle and two differently shaped beads further up.80
AF278Cartridge cases07G02.136 Martini Rifle cartridge cases.69
AF279Figurine07G03.10Brass model of monkey sat in a tree eating corn-cob.39
AF280Figurine07G03.10Brass figure of a woman holding a container and balancing a further container on her head. This second container has a hinged lid on which is seated another female feeding a child.39
AF281Figurine07G03.10Brass female figure holding container and balancing further container on her head.39
AF282Decorative novelty07G03.10Brass model. Central pivot with three 'arms' on each of which is a model of a bird (two being cockerels). The centre is dominated by a much larger bird.39
AF283Oil-lamp07G08Brass oil-lamp with four burners.72
AF284Oil-lampNULLBrass oil lamp, four burners. Swivel arm attached.72
AF285Oil-lamp07G08Brass oil-lamp with three burners. Swivel arm attached.72
AF286Oil-lamp07G08Brass oil lamp with five burners. Thin brass plate attached to swivel arm. 'Plate' ornamentally shaped.72
AF287Oil-lamp07G02.09Hanging oil lamp in two pieces. Hand shaped panel decorated with a leaf and flower pattern, cross piece missing from handle. 'Hand of Fatima' - symbol of good luck.72
AF288Figurine07G03.11Small 'doll' carved from one piece of wood.63
AF289Gourd container07G06.15Half a gourd decorated with animals and a ship. String of small blue beads attached. Lines picked out in white.87
AF290Gourd container07G06.15Half a gourd with incised decoration.39
AF291Gourd container07G06.15Half a gourd with incised lattice work.39
AF292Gourd container07G06.15Half a gourd decorated with geometrical designs/motifs. Lines picked out in white.80
AF293Gourd container07G06.15Half a large gourd, incised decorations. There is a large crack from the bottom of the gourd to near the top.39
AF294Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF295Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl with lid. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF296Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl with lid. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF297Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl with lid. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF298Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl with lid. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF299Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl with lid. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF300Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman holding a bowl with lid. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF301Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman offering her breasts for suckling. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF302Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of woman offering her breasts for suckling. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF303Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a man holding a flintlock gun. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF304Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a man holding a flintlock gun. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF305Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a man holding a flintlock gun. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF306Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a man carrying over left shoulder a flintlock gun, holding in right hand a bush knife. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF307Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a man, playing a musical instrument, flute (?). Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF308Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a horned animal. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF309Figurine07G04.03Bronze figure of a horned animal. One leg broken. Part of a set, made for sale to Europeans?39
AF310Fake memento ?07G203.11Piece of wood supposedly from the tree under which David Livingstone's heart was buried.42
AF311Mealie basket07H09Women's market carrier made of reed and bamboo.39
AF312Basket07G02.14Small basket, woven, narrow mouth with stopper.80
AF313Basket07G02.14Basket, woven.80
AF314Hat07G02.14Hat made of basketwork with cowrie shell ornamentation. The crown and trimming at the bottom edge is of dark brown hide.80
AF315Mealie basket07H09Market carrier made of basketwork.39
AF316BasketNULLSmall oblong woven basket with handle.63
AF317Woven grass container07G03.07Small oblong container with lid, made of woven grass. Outside very faded, colours inside still bright - orange, purple, red.152
AF318Woven grass container07G03.07Small oblong container with lid, made of woven grass. Very faded/dirty outside. Colours inside bright orange, red, purple.152
AF319Hat07G03.08Hat of vegetable fibre, decorated with alternating patterns of black and red dyed grasses.63
AF320Hat07H04Hat, wide brim, of vegetable material, traces of grass decoration.63
AF321Hat07G04.04Conical shaped hat with upturned brim decorated in red and black. There is a wooden 'lip' nailed to the lower edge.63
AF322Hat07G02.12Head wear of grass, crown composed of ring covered in animal skin.80
AF323Helmet07G02.13Head wear of split cane, covered with a black cloth, a visor of brass attached, a tuft of vegetable material on the crown.29
AF324Hat07G03.08Hat of woven cane, partially covered with animal skin with long fur.63
AF325Basket07G02.13Basket of plaited vegetable material, with a handle, decorated with a series of strings on either side. Contains dried laurel? leaves.63
AF326Basket07G02.13Basket of plaited vegetable material.63
AF327Basket07G02.13Basket of plaited vegetable material, lined with bark.80
AF328Back-pack07H09Basket used in the form of a back-pack. Made of split cane, decorated with tassels of grass and two monkey skulls (originally three - the third being broken).28
AF329Basket07G02.09Small basket of cane, containing an earthenware pot.80
AF329ABasket07G02.09Small basket of cane.80
AF330Basket07H09Basket, cane work.63
AF331Basket07G06Basket,, cane work with web-handle and string fringe.63
AF332Poncho ?07B08Cloak? of woven material, square shaped with slit in the centre. Colour black with a wide band of white, red, yellow and blue worked around the outside edge, a line motif is also worked in. Edge fringed with alternate yellow and black.63
AF333Pouch07G03.08Leather pouch. Three pockets, middle pocket has two pieces of hand written script (Arabic?) sewn in. Decorated on outside with pieces of green leather. Shoulder strap attached consisting of three thongs of cotton material bound with various coloured threads.36
AF334Hand loom07B08Hand loom with specimen of weaving attached. Narrow strip loom used by men.39
AF335Head-dress07G03.07Head dress of a 'Kaffir Chief', made of a fine woven cloth covered with Guinea Fowl feathers. Grey and white feathers with touches of red.69
AF336Hat07B08'Fez' or skull cap of fine woven material.39
AF337Hat07B08Conical hat of woven coconut fibre.80
AF338+A-CPot-lids07G02.144 Disc-shaped pot lids. Three of same size, one smaller, three have same concentric rings in greenish pattern, smaller one has triangular pattern around edge and a concentric ring in tan colour.80
AF339+A-HHats07G03.079 Grass woven Fezs, of differing patterns.39
AF340Apron07B08Short skirt or apron of individual fibres of vegetable material attached to a small band of cloth.69
AF341Bag07G04.06Wovern bag or container with a band of stripes in brown, black and blue/green at top. No handle. Long strands of grass coming from the top edge as if it were not finished. The grass "fringe" is fragile.69
AF342Fishing? net07A098Part of a net, formed of twisted fibre cord with pieces of leather strip woven around at intervals.69
AF343Apron07A098Apron, with leather waist thong supporting many short cords , a few with small beads at end and probably once decorated overall with beads. Loose portion of thong has broken off?69
AF344Scarf ?07B08Long fringed 'scarf'. Elongated triangular design in red and yellow.72
AF345Bainyo Ba Ngoi07G02.093 Leopard's teeth. A hole drilled in each one to take a cord. 2 large and 1 small.41
AF345ABainyo Ba Ngoi07G02.093 carved wooden objects, curved and tapering at each end, perforated at one end and joined on a string (string possibly not original).41
AF345BBainyo Ba Ngoi07G02.092 Carved wooden objects, curved and tapering at each end.41
AF346Necklace07A097Long rope threaded with the vertebrae of a large snake.80
AF347Necklace07A097Necklace of three loops of fish vertebrae threaded on string. Some snake vertebrae at ends taper off in size. String is coiled and knotted at end.120
AF348Necklace07A098Necklace of snake vertebrae threaded onto twisted fibre cord and fastened in a loop.80
AF349Necklace07A098Lower jaw of monkey or dog with traces of leather ornamentation in the form of small leather 'beads' threaded on a string and grouped at back end of jaw. Two separate leather thongs attached - probably the means of it hanging as a pendant.69
AF350Necklace07A099Necklace of snake vertebrae threaded onto twisted fibre cord.120
AF350ANecklace07A099Necklace of snake vertebrae threaded onto twisted fibre cord.120
AF351Necklace07A099Short necklace composed of brownish/greyish seeds on thin string.69
AF352Necklace07A099Short necklace composed of dark brown seeds on thin string, open-ended.80
AF353Beadwork07G03.07Strip of beadwork. Red and yellow beads in a striped pattern on a strip of black woven fabric.80
AF354Necklace07A099Necklace composed of sections of four strands of small yellow beads punctuated by sections of a single large round blue bead, flanked by pearly bead, and then black lozenge shaped bead with white band around centre.69
AF355+AArrow heads07G06.172 Iron arrow heads.45
AF356NecklaceNULLBead necklace (poor condition).69
AF357Spoon and fork07A081Wooden implement with small bowl-shaped 'spoon' at one end , with its shaft divided into two tapering prongs. Made of a light wood.69
AF358Bow (part of)07G03.07End of bow with notch for string. Plain design.41
AF358ABow07E-F ?Part of a bow (made from a creeping plant), broken, notched end with hole. See AF358 for another part. Ba-Foma, Botalia Wa Koko. Congo.41
AF359Arrows or blow-darts07G03.07Bundle of 19 arrows (or darts) made of bamboo, with flights made of leaves.41
AF360+AAnklets/Garters07C02Leg ornaments worn like garters. Fine vegetable fibre cord with three 'tails' attached. Traces of red coouring.41
AF361Pieces of wood07A094Samples of Skele. 3 Chippings from a hard red wood of Tropical Africa (Baphia nitida). Its.wood is powdered to provide pigment for painting.41
AF362Medicine charm07B07Medicine charm, worn round neck. The Lokele call it 'Lisso.'41
AF363Necklace07C02Necklace of Chevrotain astragalus bones.120
AF364Bracelet07C02Bracelet of Chevrotain astragalus bones. One of a pair, see AF364A.120
AF364ABracelet07C02Bracelet of Chevrotain astragalus bones. One of a pair, see AF364.120
AF365Necklace or charm07C02Necklace or charm with four rows of snake vertebrae joined together at each end, and another loop of Chevrotain astragalus bones joined to the first by twine.. Part of an unidentified animal's jaw with teeth, plus flat Cone shell disk with spiral ornament.120
AM001Figurine (fragment)07D002Model of head with upstanding (incomplete) headress.Broken at neck.50
AM002Figurine (fragment)07D002Portion of figure, broken at neck, showing skull-like face with headress. At back of head is a hollow shaft.50
AM003Model (fragment)07D001Fragment of pottery model of temple showing stairs rising from a broken base.50
AM004Potsherd, moulded decoration07D002Fragment of pot with head and headress in relief applied.Grey fabric.50
AM005Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure, broken at neck, chipped along top of head. Earrings. Grey colour.50
AM006Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure, broken at neck but base looks moulded so may have stood alone. 'Grotesque' face with thick neck forming base. Deep hole at back into centre of head.50
AM007Pottery object07D002Crudely shaped 'thumb' pot, a lump of clay with two finger shaped holes. Surface roughly decorated with finger impressions.50
AM008Figurine (fragment)07D001Portion of figure, showing head and upper part of torso with (?) cloak or garment decorated with small vertical slashes.50
AM009Pot07D001Small 'bowl' shaped object with rounded base and moulding around edge below rim.50
AM010Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of figure, showing a hand holding an object (?)50
AM011Stone object07D002Conical stone object with domed base and flattened off at top. Partially pierced on one side.50
AM012Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure, broken at neck, chipped along top of head decoration. eye and nose missing.. White deposit on back.50
AM013Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along sides and top. Patterned headress. White deposit on back.50
AM014Model (fragment)07D001Part of pottery model of bird with one wing, no head. Hollow on inner side.50
AM015Figurine (fragment)07D001Portion of female torso, arms shoulders and lower half missing. Hollow at back.50
AM016Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure , broken at neck.50
AM017Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure, broken at neck and top. Bulging eyes.50
AM018Figurine (fragment)07D002Head and upper body of female figure. Pierced (or deep hole) on right hand shoulder.50
AM019Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure , broken at neck. Face scored with 'wrinkle' lines.50
AM020Figurine (fragment)07D002Finely modeled head with high rounded cranium, no headress or hair.50
AM021Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, with bulbous head, rougly moddelled features and a single large ear decoration.50
AM022Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, broken at neck. No decoration.50
AM023Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, broken at neck. No decoration, features roughly modelled with little detail.50
AM024Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, broken at neck. No decoration. Small indentation in forehead.50
AM025Model (fragment)07D002Head of bird, broken at neck, showing pronounced crest on top of head and large beak.50
AM026Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, broken at neck. No decoration.50
AM027Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, broken at neck. No hair or headress, head is broad at top.50
AM028Disk07D002Disk made from potsherd. Traces of red colouring on upper face.50
AM029Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure with small head wearing large anthropomorphic headress (or possibly animal).50
AM030Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine, broken at neck. Incision in top of head. Stylised features.50
AM031Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along top. Earrings and neck decoration.50
AM032Disk07D002Roughly circular disck cut from potsherd, reddish surface, dark clay core.50
AM033Figurine (fragment)07D001Part of figure, no head or feet. shows hand holding large club or other object, with flower-like shape on chest.. Flat at back.50
AM034Figurine (fragment)07D001Part of figure, no head or feet. shows hand resiting on knee, with flower-like shape between legs.. Flat at back.50
AM035Figurine (fragment)07D001Stylised head of figure, teeth bared, eyes protruding.50
AM036Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure, broken at neck, with stylised hair or headress. Plain back.50
AM037Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along top of headress. Patterned headress. White deposit on back.50
AM038Figurine (fragment)07D001Female torso, head and legs missing. Stands on small base. Arms holding sides of extended belly (pregnant female?). Perforated by 2 holes under armpits.50
AM039Figurine (fragment)07D001Upper part of figurine with high headress and holding something in front (?)50
AM040Figurine (fragment)07D001Part of female torso, broken at waist.50
AM041Figurine (fragment)07D001Head with headress in the shape of two rolls. Broken at neck. Flat back.50
AM042Model (fragment)07D001Part of pottery model in the shape of a headress of feathers. Flat back.50
AM043Figurine (fragment)07D001Head with stylised hair or headress. Pointed nose, slightly chipped. Flat back.50
AM044Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figurine, broken at neck with large upstanding headress. Flat at back.50
AM045Figurine (fragment)07D001Part of female torso, broken at head and hips with one arm missing. Hands appear to be holding something across midriff. Flat back.50
AM046Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of head (broken across shoulders and top of head) wearing cowl-like headress.50
AM047Figurine (fragment)07D001Head with hair or headress and circular incisions for ears or earrings.. Flat back.50
AM048Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along side. Plumed headress. White deposit on back.50
AM049Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of body of seated female pottery figure. Broken along shoulders and legs missing.50
AM050Figurine (fragment)07D001Body of pottery figurine, broken at head and feet. Robed figure , flat at back.50
AM051Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of pottery figurine, broken neck. Head is modelled with distinct incised eyes and pierced ear decorations (one chipped), as is mouth).50
AM052Sculpture (fragment)07D001Fragment of a pottery object. Outer curving edge intact but broken on three other sides. shows a curvilinear motif with indented swirls. Smooth on back.50
AM053Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of pottery figurine, broken neck and top of headress. Flat at back.50
AM054Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of pottery figurine, broken neck and above eyes. Neck decoration of a series of rings.50
AM055Figurine (fragment)07D001Head and shoulders of (possibly female) figure , chipped along one side of head and lower part of body broken off. Headress has been broken off and glued back.50
AM056Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along side. Nose chipped.Patterned headress. White deposit on back.50
AM057Figurine (fragment)07D001Kneeling pottery figurine, broken at neck and chipped at feet.. Flat at back and base. Coiled neck decoration around shoulders.50
AM058Figurine (fragment)08A12.32Head of figure, broken at neck, with headress. Flat at back.50
AM059Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of pottery figurine, broken at neck. Realistic appearance. Rattles.50
AM060Figurine (fragment)07D001Foot of pottery figurine, broken at ankle, wearing sandal with 2 thongs going between toes.50
AM061Figurine (fragment)07D001Seated headless figure, crudely modelled.50
AM062Mould (fragment)07D001Part of pottery mould, with rounded end. Design stamped into recessed surface.Rounded back. Broken diagonally.50
AM063Figurine (fragment)07D001Small head with pronounced hair or headress. Lines incised on cheeks. flat base.50
AM064Figurine (fragment)07D001Head with patterned headress. Broken across neck. Flat back.50
AM065Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of head with pointed headress.50
AM066Figurine (fragment)07D001Head animal, possibly jaguar. White deposit on back.50
AM067Figurine (fragment)07D001Head (broken off at neck, otherwise intact) with wide headress.. Flat at back.50
AM068Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of head showing headress and ear (?) ornament . Flat on back.50
AM069Stamp (fragment)07D001Pottery stamp (fragment) with pattern on flat surface. Possibly used for body painting (?).50
AM070Stamp (fragment)07D001Pottery stamp? (broken) with pattern inside a moulded edge.50
AM071Stamp (fragment)07D002Pottery stamp (broken) with pattern on flat surface. Possibly used for body painting (?).50
AM072Spindle whorl (fragment)07D001A part of a round, domed spindle whorl, with central shaft. Flat on base. Domed surface is decorated.50
AM073Model (fragment)07D002Head of monkey modelled in reddish clay. Broken at back. Adornments to top of head.50
AM074Figurine (fragment)07D002Lower half of head, open mouth, pointed nose. Hollowed at back.50
AM075Spindle whorl07D001Dome-shaped clay spindle whorl with central hole, red painted and patterned on exterior. Base slightly convex.50
AM076Figurine07D002Crudely shaped figure with simplified features, hands and feet broken.50
AM077Figurine (fragment)07D002Fragment of head of figurine, front of face only.Top and sides missing. Smiling or grimacing visage.50
AM078Figurine (fragment)07D002Head and shoulders of figurine with headress and ear ornaments. Flat at back.50
AM079Figurine (fragment)07D002Pottery figure (fragment). Lower half of head and trunk of body with one(broken) leg, a missing leg and missing two arms.50
AM080Model (fragment)07D002Head of animal with long muzzle or snout, and decorated with incised lines.Traces of black colour remain.50
AM081Model (fragment)07D002Head of bird with broken 'stem'. Large curved beak.. Patterned with feathers on head.50
AM082Implement07D001Piece of flat ground stone with a wedge-shaped profile and tapering towards the edge. chipped at one end.50
AM083Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure with large stylised features.50
AM084Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of head of figure , broken across nose and ower part of face missing. Elaborate headress. Black colouring on both sides.50
AM085Model (fragment)07D001Fragment of pottery model showing a scalloped upper-edge moulding and a rendering of a doorway (?)-like pattern below. Back is plain.50
AM086Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure , broken at neck. Face framed by headress. Back indented.50
AM087Figurine07D001Sitting (?) figure, modelled front and back. One arm missing, the other folded over front of body but partially broken.50
AM088Spindle whorl07D002Spindle whorl, circular, domed and pierced in centre. Decorated on domed surface. Traces of red colour on upper and lower sides.50
AM089Figurine07D002Pottery figurine, simply modelled. Bottoms of legs missing.50
AM090Model (fragment)07D002Head of pottery fanimal (possibly a dog), broken neck and ears chipped.50
AM091Model (fragment)07D002Head of pottery animal (possibly a rabbit), broken neck and ears chipped. Protruding eyes and curved muzzle.50
AM092Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of pottery figurine, broken at neck and chipped around face.50
AM093Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along sides.50
AM094Model (fragment)07D001Head of pottery monkey, broken at neck.50
AM095Model (fragment)07D002Head of animal with long, curved snout or muzzle.50
AM096Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure , broken at neck, chipped along one edge.. Flattish face with prominent nose. Traces of white colour on both sides.50
AM097Spindle whorl (fragment)07D002Spindle whorl, circular, high-dome and pierced through centre. Decorated on domed surface with linear pattern.50
AM098Spindle whorl07D001Spindle whorl, circular, flattish dome, pierced in centre. Chipped in 3 places along edge. Decorated on domed surface with a star pattern.50
AM099Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure , broken at neck and chipped around face on all sides.50
AM100Model (fragment)07D002Head of snake, chipped at jaw.50
AM101Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figure , broken at neck, ear chipped along one side. Tall 'eared' headress.50
AM102Spindle whorl07D002Pottery spindlewhorl, high dome pierced through centre. Decorated with a pattern of incised lines. Base slightly chipped.50
AM103Stamp07D002Pottery stamp with decoration of stepped lines cut out in relief. Whitish deposit on back seems to overlay Accession number, suggesting it is not original.50
AM104Potsherd, decorated07D002A moulded head underneath a high thickening shape which could be a headdress or the leg of a pottery vessel. Traces of red, orange and black paint.50
AM105Potsherd, decorated07D002A moulded head in a tapering shape with traces of red, black and orange colouring. Broken at neck and top of head.50
AM106Potsherd, decorated07D002Piece of pot, red slip inside, and outer surface with red background and decoration painted on in yellow and brown, white slip showing through.50
AM107Potsherd, decorated07D002Piece of pot, patterned inside with black 'stepped' lines on red/orange background , and red/orange outer surface with darker red band.50
AM108Potsherd, decorated07D002Piece of pot, red slip inside, and outer surface with orange background and decoration of stepped lines and spirals in dark brown and red.50
AM109Potsherd, decorated07D002Polychrome potsherd with black and red decoration on orange background.50
AM110Potsherd, decorated07D002Tapering piece of solid ceramic. Head, probably of a snake or crocodile. Shows traces of black and red decoration on an orange /cream background.50
AM111Figurine (fragment)07D002Head of figurine. Flat base to neck, top of head heart-shaped. Features flat with prominent ears.50
AM112Potsherd, decorated07D002Flat-bottomed piece of hollow ceramic. Head of a bird, probably a duck. Shows traces of black and red decoration on an orange /cream background.50
AM113Spindle whorl (fragment)07D002Spindle whorl, decorated with pattern of lines. Red colouring on sides on base. Pierced through centre.50
AM114Figurine (fragment)07D001Upper torso of female figure, upstretched arms broken off at shoulders. Painted ochre colour. Flat at back.50
AM115Figurine (fragment)07D001Head of figure, high domed forehead with hair or headress above, large lips and protruding jaw and ear ornaments. Blackish clay, hollowed out at back.50
AM116Model (fragment)07D002Fragment of model of an ear of maize (?) with flat base.50
AM117Figurine07D001Pottery figurine, broken at feet. Modelled on all sides.50
AM118Figurine (fragment)07D001Pottery figurine, one leg and arm missing, other leg broken at foot and top half of head missing.50
AM119Figurine (fragment)07D001Pottery figurine, broken at top of head. Modelled on all sides. Seated figure with arms around knees.Protruding jaw.50
AM120Model07D002Model of skull with eye sockets, row of teeth. Broken off at neck. Painted black.50
AM121Figurine (fragment)07D001Pottery figure with arms and legs missing from torso. Top of head broken off. Pronounced eyes and ear decorations.50
AM122Figurine (fragment)07D001Fragment of head with assymmetrical hair/headress.50
AM123Figurine (fragment)07D001Pottery head, very stylised, possibly with arms. Whitish clay.50
AM124Figurine (fragment)07D002Body of figurine with one arm folded across body and holding something. Seems to be wearing a skirt. Body is perforated below shoulders with two holes.50
AM125Model (fragment)07D002Head of animal, possibly a dog, or horse? broken off at neck.Snarling teeth. Ears broken off.50
AM126Model (fragment)07D001Head of cayman in black pottery , broken at neck.50
AM127Figurine (fragment)07D001Model of head with hair. Flat back.50
AM128Model (fragment)07D002Head of animal, possibly a dog, broken off at neck and lower jaw.50
AM129Weight?07D002Pottery drill weight(?). Small dome shaped ceramic object with hole through centre. Slight 'shoulder' on dome.50
AM130Weight?07D002Pottery drill weight(?). Small dome shaped ceramic object with hole through centre.50
AM131Stamp (fragment)07D002Pottery stamp (broken) with portion of maze-like pattern.. Possibly used for body painting (?).50
AM132Ornament07D001Carved ornament out of concave piece of shell. Pierced on each side. Simple face pattern in central boss?50
AM133Ornament07D002Semi-circular object carved out of shell, with slight ridge carved on each side of flat piece. Pierced at both ends.50
AM134Bead07D001Circular shell object with portion cut out to make an abstract shape. Perforated through centre. and polished on one surface.50
AM135Ornament07D001Roughly semi-circular carved shell (or bone) object, possibly a pendant. Flange on each side and pierced at both ends.50
AM136Ornament (fragment)07D001Curved tapering object of bone (?) with hole (which could be natural) running down centre.One end has been flattened out by carving. Possibly decorative, alternatively could be a weaver's shuttle.50
AM137Ornament (fragment)07D001Curved tapering object of bone (?) with hole (which could be natural) running down centre. both ends have been flattened out by carving. Possibly decorative, alternatively could be a weaver's shuttle.50
AM138Implement07D002Black stone implement, in the shape of an axe head, possibly obsidian. Tip and one side polished, also back edge.50
AM139Implement07D002Rectangular piece of worked stone, tapered at one end to make a blade. Broken on one corner.50
AM140Ceramic pot with decorative head08A11.30Wide-rimmed complete ceramic pot in pinkish coarse clay fabric. From one side of rim has been applied a human face (tooth missing?) with exaggerated features. projecting ears with ear decorations. Pot shows blackish stain internally. Base of pot is raised up inside.50
AM141Stirrup spouted pot with bird08A27.28Complete stirrup spouted pot with spout emerging from the back of a bird which sits on top of the circular pot. Decorated with bands of red and white slip, clay fabric red. Pot has been broken and heavily restored.Two pieces absent from body of pot, and hole in base.57
AM142Pot08A12.32Rounded pot on inward sloping base pedestal, with stirrup-spout rising from top (broken in centre and with rest of spout missing.) A panel on each side shows the same design, with two figures (masked or helmeted?) engaged in some sort of interplay involving various objects held in their hands. Figures are in pressed relief against a background painted in white slip. Clay matrix is reddish - red slip applied (?).57
AM143Ceramic pot in form of bat08A27.28Complete vessel in form of a bat with stirrup-spout arising from back. Wings of bat extend around back of pot..Traces of red and white slip remain. Large projecting ears chipped.some scarring on surface of head and on spout. Traces of black decoration on base.57
AM144Pot08A12.32Pot in form of a smiling seated figure, with full cheeks and chin and projecting ears. Figure is holding something in one hand. Stirrup shaped spout protrudes from back of head, though the upstanding portion of the spout is missing. Clay matrix is reddish with and orangey slip or glaze applies. Figure appears to have been moulded in two parts and joined. Some restoration work (consolidation of flaking clay?) appears to have been done to the face and lower portion of the figure and this shiny 'glaze' may be associated with that. Traces of white slip appear on bottom of figure.57
AM145Pot08A12.32Pot in form of seated figure, with draped fabric head covering and hair gathered back down neck. Feet are pressed together at bottom and hands rest on knees. Top of head forms wide neck to vessel (broken in places). In red clay with white slip applied to headdress and hair. Blackening of clay on one side. Hairline crack extends around base and up back.57
AM146Pot08A29 Full-bodied pot with irregular curved and rounded projections formed in the shape of an owl. The features of the face are picked out in white slip against the red-slipped base colour. A stirrup-spout has been applied to the back though the vertical part of the spout has been broken. The base is flat and has been covered with white slip. There are drip marks of white slip visible inside the broken spout. There is a small hole near the left hand base of the spout and a horizontal crack.57
AM147Ceramic pot in form of frog08A27.28Complete vessel in form of a frog with spout arising from back. Frog is decorated with moulded shapes including ears of corn.Traces of red and whit slip remain. Some black staining on shoulder.57
AM148Pot08A11.31Ceramic vessel in which the front part has been moulded in the form of a standing figure framed by two snakes. The figure is decorated with a pattern of white slip and is wearing neck and ear decorations. Its eyes and front teeth are highlighted in white. A large spout rises above it. the clay matrix is a reddish brown with white slip applied for decoration.57
AM149Pot08A11.31Ceramic vessel with wide spout and body formed in the shape of a frog.. clay matrix is reddish, with eyes, legs and spout highlighted in white slip. Stands on a flat base.57
AM150Pot08A12.32Complete rounded pot on small flattish base, with head forming spout. Handle projects from back of head. Figure has two arms moulded on shulders of pot. Also a beard (?) and hanging hair or hair adornment falling onto pot. Dark clay matrix with black slip ((?), greyish in parts.57
AM151Pot08A11.31Round-bodied pot with stylised face on one side of a flaring spout (chipped). A three-dimensional monkey-like figure with tail stands on the shoulder of the pot and its arm is joined to the spout. Two decorated panels adorn the front and back. Pot stands insecurely on a small flat base and clay matrix is dark, probably covered with a black slip, burnished. It appears the pot has been broken and re-glued.57
AM152Pot08A12.32Complete vessel formed of high sloping base with rounded body and tall tapering spout with handle. Body is decorated with relief decorations of two stylised figures with curving headresses. Clay base is black with traces of white slip (?) showing in places, especially base which is decorated with a circular pattern.57
AM153Ceramic pot08A27.28Double bodied black vessel joined at body and with arching handle at necks. One vessel has a tall spout (chipped) with flaring rim, the other is in the form of an animal head (panther?) with perforations beside the eyes and at corners of mouth (whistling vessel?). Both bodies are decorated with curving bands of decoration in the form of incised lines . Surface of black slip but traces of shite slip remain.57
AM154Portion of pot decorated with 2 relief heads08A11.30Pot sherd from large pot decorated with two moulded heads. black slip applied to outside surface.57
AM155Pot08A29Round bodied pot with rounded base. It appears to have been made from two moulded halves, joined vertically. a flaring spout has been applied (chipped). A small projecting point arises from one shoulder of the main body. No flattening of base. Clay matrix is dark with black slip applied.57
AM156Pot fragments08A29Pot in five fragments, four of which have been glued together. Pot is of a greyish clay covered in black slip. The round body of the pot forms the body of the figure with arms in front. The head stands above the body and a round spout rises out of it.57
AM157Pot08A11.31Ceramic vessel with two bodies joined, and necks joined with a bridge of perforated ceramic. One vessel has a broken neck, the other one is finished with a small bird (beak chipped) with small hole underneath. Material is a dark clay covered with black slip. Each vessel is decorated front and back with a panel of patterned incised design. Bases are curved.57
AM158Pot08A11.31Pot with spout (broken) and handle. Sits on flat base, handle attaches to broad shoulder. Upper half decorated with a relief moulding of two winged beasts with beaks, arms and legs, holding something in their hands. No colour applied, whole pot is an orangey-red.57
AM159Pot08A11.31Ceramic vessel in form of recumbent dog (or other animal) with head projecting on one side. Legs and tail are moulded in relief on surface. A hollow stirrup spout arises from the dog's body but is broken at the top. There is a small animal with tail moulded on at the point where it is broken. The vessel is mounted on a pedestal base with rounded bottom, chipped on one edge. It is decorated in a basic white slip, with red and black to pick out details of face, ears, paws, genitals. Handle is decorated with a pattern of rings. On the back is a patch of black staining. Head has been broken off and re-glued.57
AM160Flagon -shaped pot with spout and handle.08A11.30Flagon-shaped pot with tall narrow spout and large handle. Body made in two parts probably. Body decorated with wide band of whit slip and bands of red slip with two birds. Traces of white slip on spout. Spout chipped at top. Flat base.57
AM161Pot08A29Pot with rounded base and large 'waist'. Simple upright rim. Upper half of body above waist decorated with stamped pattern of lines and dots. Some damage to main body is seen. a piece of string has been tied around base of rim. Cllay matrix is dark and blackened on one side (possibly slip).57
AM162Club07G18.04Short wooden club. Handle has grip of woven cane.88
AM163-197Arrows07F12-F22Reed arrows, some with flights, many damaged.73
AM198ArrowNULLReed arrow, poisoned, with cased head'.73
AM199-206ArrowsNULL6 Arrows with barbed wooden points and flighted.90
AM201, AM203ArrowsNULL2 Arrows with long smooth points, no flights.63
AM207-209BowsNULL3 Wooden bows.63
AM210Pot in shape of human form08A11.30Pot with human form moulded from one side, with head rising up from rim. Male figure is sitting with one leg bent (or amputated at knee) and one arm folded across chest, the other resting on knee. Face an d body decorated on a white background with geometric pattern of lines and dots in black. A similar, more elaborate pattern in black and red, is painted around the back of the pot. Clay fabric is whitish. Top of head is broken off. Two more recent chips from forehead are in a seperate tube with a note. A repair has been made at the neck of the pot.75
AM211Stone vessel07G11Vessel of soft stone (steatite). Donated as a 'Sioux Bowl.' Probably archaeological.75
AM212Cooking trough07G11Soapstone cooking trough.21
AM213Basket07G18.04Birchbark basket with porcupine quill embroidery.21
AM214Pouch07B02Beaded (tobacco ?) pouch.82
AM215-216Beadwork07B02Beaded hide panels - for tobacco pouch (?).21
AM217Moccasins05A06Pair of moccasins (beaded). One has tongue of black material, the other dark blue matching rest of upper.82
AM218Boots05A06Pair of soft hide boots.82
AM219Moccasins05A06Pair of moccasins - ornamented with porcupine quills (?) and ribbon.21
AM220Moccasin05A06Moccasin, embroidered.21
AM221-224Beadwork07B02Cloth band with bead embroidery.21
AM225Bag07B02Cloth bag with bead embroidery.82
AM226Snowshoes07G05Pair of snowshoes with loops for shoes.59
AM227Snowshoes07G05Pair of snowshoes with open weave dyed red.59
AM228Model harpoon07G05Ivory model of a sealing spear.21
AM229Holster07G18.04Large leather holster, tooled decoration and fringed.58
AM230BowNULLBow of red wood with grooved back.63
AM231BowNULLBow of red wood with black back, half round section.63
AM232Wooden toolNULLStick, slightly pointed at one end, with a hole at either end. Possibly part of a fishing net or used to make or mend a net?63
AM233Maneas07G18.04Maneas for fettering horses.89
AM234StirrupNULLCarved wooden stirrup.50
AM235Flagellae07G18.04Mexican flagellae for riderless horse.50
AM236Flagellae07G18.04Mexican flagellae for riderless horse.50
AM238BowNULLShot Bow. Iron body covered with sinue21
AM239BowNULLLaminated bow apparently secured by pitch or a similar substance and wrapped in vegetable fibre. Broken about a third of the way along bow.21
AM240Stone axe/chisel07G18.04Stone axe head attached to wooden handle.21
AM241Hosiery07B02Pair of Mexican hose.50
AM242Figurine (fragment) or potsherd?08A29Three dimensional ceramic head with realistic features, hollow with two holes pierced through centre of ears. Circular moulded headdress runs around front and sides of head. Plain on back and top. This head has been broken off at the neck - so hard to tell if part of a pot or a figure sculpture. Head feels heavy to hold. Clay matrix is greyish with black slip applied and possibly areas of white slip, relics of which can be seen in the folds of the decoration.50
AM243Pottery head - fragments08A11.302 Fragments of a pottery human head, broken and neck and across head. One fragment has eyes, nose and hair, the other has the right hands side of hair and back of head. hair is decorated in a pattern of incised lines filled with white slip. Clay is thick and heavy.50
AM244Ceramic fragments from figure08A11.30Fragment from ceramic figure sculpture, comprising part of chest and arm . Draped clothing or decoration on top of arm and around neck. Hand broken off and loose. Small piece of decoration broken off from chest is wrapped seperately. Dark clay fabric with black slip. Part of same figure as AM245 and AM246, though surface finish less polished.50
AM245Ceramic fragment from figure08A11.30Fragment from ceramic figure sculpture, comprising folded arm and part of chest. . Draped clothing or decoration on top of arm and around neck. Hand is curled into fist with hole as if may have held something. Small piece of decoration broken off from other hand is in with it . Dark clay fabric with black slip. Possibly part of same figure as AM246 and AM244, finish similar to AM246. Also similarity in style to AM242.50
AM246Ceramic head08A11.30Head from a ceramic figure, broken at neck, wearing some kind of head covering. Dark clay fabric with black slip. Old glue on break. Part of same figure as AM244 and AM245? Also similarity to AM242.50
AM247Basket01C17Carapace of an armadillo fashioned into a basket. Handle/tail broken.73
AM247APurse ?01C17Carapace of an armadillo fashioned into a purse ?73
AM248Blow pipe07F12-F32Blow pipe, 'Bodeguera.'90
AM249Sail-cloth07G17.02Piece of sail-cloth.21
AM250Fish spear07G17.02Three-pronged fish spear. Shaft broken, prongs made of bone.21
AM251Fish spear07G17.02Fish spear with bone blade. Part of shaft attached.21
AM252Fish spear07G17.02Bone blade of fish spear. No shaft.21
AM253Watch pocket07G17.02Watch pocket of animal skin, decorated.21
AM254Kayak07G17.02Model of Kayak carved from Ivory.21
AM255Improvised fish hook07G17.02Iron nail used as fish hook.21
AM256+APurses07G17.022 Purses made from 'penguins' feet. Not so, but probably Loons or Geese.21
AM257Sail-cloth07G17.02Piece of sail cloth.21
AM258Sail-cloth07G18.03Piece of sail cloth.21
AM259Rope07G18.03Piece of rope.21
AM260Food tin07G18.03Lid of food tin.21
AM260AFood tin07G18.03Fpod tin. Pressed on base: Goldner patent.21
AM260BFood tin07G18.03Food tin. Pressed on base: Goldner patent. Also remains of paper label with instructions.21
AM260CFood tin07G18.03Food tin. Pressed on base: Goldner patent. Signs of being placed on fire.21
AM260DFood tin07G18.03Food tin. Pressed on base: Goldner patent. Remains of paper label with instructions.21
AM260EFood tin07G18.03Food tin. '154' scratched on base.21
AM261Iron hoop07G18.03Piece of iron hoop.21
AM262Piece of barrel07G17.02Portion of a barrel with 'Mixed Pickles' scratched thereon.21
AM263Snow shovel07G05Snow shovel.21
AM264Knife and sheath07G17.02Knife and sheaf. Handle of knife and sheaf made of bone, with leather attached. Decorated with incised lines and caribou/reindeers.63
AM265Bone spoon07G17.02Bone spoon traced with figures of caribou/reindeer.63
AM266Bone container07G17.02Container made of bone with wooden lid and plug.63
AM267Bone needle07G17.02Bone needle with 2 eyes.21
AM267ABone awl/drill?07G17.02Bone awl/drill for enlarging existing hole?21
AM267BBone awl/drill?07G17.02Bone awl/drill for making hole?21
AM267CBone implement07G17.02Bone implement. Mouth-piece for use with awl/drill when making hole?21
AM267DBone implement07G17.02Small piece of bone with large hole. Probably to place under skins when making holes with awl.21
AM268Kayak paddle07G17.02Model of Eskimo Kayak paddle. Bone tipped (one end broken).21
AM269Drill07G17.02Drill made of native copper.21
AM270Pieces of pitch07G17.023 Pieces of pitch. Relics of the Franklin Artic Expedition.21
AM271Matrix from a fire07G17.02Matrix from a fire. Relics from Sir John Franklin's Artic Expedition.21
AM272Model of knife07G17.02Model 'ULU' - woman's knife - usually metal.21
AM273Piece of sacking07G17.02Piece of sacking. Relic of the Sir John Franklin Artic Expedition.21
AM274Lacrosse crosses07G18.04Models of lacrosse crosses (pair).21
AM275Plaited bowl07G18.04Plaited bowl covered with bitumen,,cowries embedded.63
AM276Stone axe07G18.04Axe with stone blade. Blade probably genuine, haft very light and pale (dyed), 'modern' looking. Hand grip of string.88
AM277Military medal07G18.04Military medal gained by a Soldier of the Uruguayan Forces at the surrender of the town of Yatay, Paraguay, Aug. 17th, 1865, during the war between Brazil and Paraguay.89
AM278Potsherd07D009Pottery fragment, open at one end with a kind of plug. Reddish fabric . No decoration.50
AM278-01Pottery fragment, spear-head07D002Pottery fragment. Probably the head of a spear, representing a stone blade lashed on to shaft. Broken off near top of shaft.50
AM278-02Pottery fragment, adze-shaped07D009Pottery fragment. Possibly the head of an adze, with a broad curving blade. Broken off at 'shaft' and other end of 'blade'. Upper surface of 'blade' is decorated with a pattern of criss-crossing incised lines.50
AM278-03Potsherd07D009Potsherd of dark fabric, with four moulded figures in semi-relief. Greyish deposit on curved inner surface with shelly inclusion. AM278.03A is part of base of the same vessel, AM278.24 & AM278.36 possibly also belong.50
AM278-03AFragment of pottery base07D009Pottery fragment. Portion of base, roughly made.Blackened on outer surface with greyish deposit on inner surface. AM278.03 is part of the same vessel, AM278.24 & AM278.36 possibly also belong.50
AM278-04Pot07D009Solid fragment, (part of shoulder or leg?),. Surface decorated with a pattern of impressed marks like grains of cereal.50
AM278-05Potsherd, decorated07D009Pottery fragment from large vessel. Decorated with upper half of a figure in large headdress and holding aloft some object. Lower part of figure has sheared off from the surface of the vessel. Exterior is covered with black slip or colouring. Inner surface shows traces of a heavy deposit and also some adhesive. Fits against AM278-26.50
AM278-06Pot07D009Tapering solid fragment, (part of horn or leg?), broken at both ends . Surface decorated with a pattern of impressed circles in 2 rows.50
AM278-07Pottery fragment, animal sculpture07D009Broken fragment of horn from animal scupture, decorated with impressed circles.50
AM278-08Pottery head of animal07D009Large solid head of horned animal , broken at neck and horns. Cylindrical nose with impressed, indented nostrils, also eyes.Horns and back of head decorated with impressed circles. AM278.31 also belongs.50
AM278-09Pottery fragment, animal sculpture07D009Snake's head and part of body (fragment) with scales impressed into clay and with traces of white slip or colouring.50
AM278-10Pot07D009Broken fragment, tapering piece, undecorated.50
AM278-11Pot07D009Large fragment of pot with relief stamp applied. Grey/white slip on interior surface.Interior shows internal shoulder. Stamp in the form of a Maya inscription identical to that on AM278.17, possibly from the same vessel.50
AM278-12Pot07D009Pottery fragment decorated with human head in conical headdress, standing in relief. Whitish deposit in decoration. Joins to AM278-19.50
AM278-13Figure07D009Head of figure in a dark red fabric, either coarse ceramic or a light stone (tufa?). Only front part of face and one side of skull survive.50
AM278-14Pot07D009Large pottery head with curved inner surface, possibly a decoration applied to a pottery vessel. Eyes, nose and upper part of mouth, with part of surrounding headdress survive. Coated with red slip or colour. Stylised features with eves as tow circles in relief and pierced holes for pupils. Joins AM278.15.50
AM278-15Pot07D009Fragment of base of pottery vessel. Joins AM278.14. Crudely made.50
AM278-16Pot07D009Pottery fragment in the shape of a rounded, tapering object, curved, and showing traces of reddish colouring. Broken off at both ends. Joins to AM278.42.50
AM278-17Pot07D009Pottery rim fragment of dark fabric, decorated with a stamp. Whitish deposit on inner surface. Grey/white slip on interior surface.Interior shows internal shoulder. Stamp in the form of a Maya inscription identical to that on AM278.11, possibly from the same vessel.50
AM278-18Model07D009Portion of head of a horned animal, one horn and side of face missing. eyes are tow impressed circles. Long wide muzzle. Broken area reveals structural detail - the head appears to have been moulded around a central tapering core.50
AM278-19Pot07D009Large pottery sherd with part of a figure attached. Dark fabric with traces of white colouring. Inner surface of potsherd has a coarse layer applied. Joins to AM278-12.50
AM278-20Pot07D009Pottery fragment with same colouring and finish as AM278.14 and 15. Curved inner surface suggests it is from a ceramic vessel. Inner surface is cracked.50
AM278-21Pot07D009Lid (?) of pottery vessel. Domed top rising to a broken tip, decorated with radial lines and cross-hatches. Reddish fabric.50
AM278-22Pot07D009Animal muzzle, fragment of head. Shows two peforated nostrils and partially open mouth. Light clay fabric.50
AM278-23Pot07D009Pot sherd with human head and headress attached. Black colouring on exterior., Inner surface is a pale orangey colour. Traces of ashesive on edges and inner surface.50
AM278-24Pot07D009Pottery fragment with two figures in partial relief, one human, the other with animal characteristics. Traces of whitish colouring. AM278.03, 03a & AM278.36 possibly from the same vessel.50
AM278-25Potsherd with decoration07D009Pottery fragment with decoration of stylised human head in relief.50
AM278-26Potsherd with decoration07D009Large pottery fragment with relief decoration of head, shoulders and arm of figure, holding an object (frond?) in hand. Tall headress on head. Back of sherd shows some kind of cement addition. Old glue on some edges. Fits against AM278-05.50
AM278-27Potsherd, decorated07D009Pottery fragment with head of snake in relief. Scales decorated with traces of whitish colouring. Inner surface shows white deposit. AM278.48 also belongs.50
AM278-28Potsherd, decorated07D009Pottery fragment, decorated with stamp-moulded human head and headress. Black colour or slip on outer surface. Same stamp as AM278.23, 29, 32, 35, 39, 46.50
AM278-29Potsherd, decorated07D009Pottery fragment with decoration of head in headress. Black slip or colour on outer surface. Inner surface shows a heavy deposit plus traces of adhesive (fragment has been broken and mended).50
AM278-30Potsherd, decorated07D009Pottery fragment, possibly forming part of base. Greyish fabric decorated with a looped pattern in relief.50
AM278-31Pot fragment, decorated07D009Tapering solid fragment, (part of horn or leg?) with 3 flat surfaces decorated with a series of incised dots. Part of AM278.08.50
AM278-32Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with modelled head in relief applied. Black colour or slip on surface.50
AM278-33Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with modelled head in relief.. Black slip or colour applied.50
AM278-34Pot fragment, decorated07D009Tapering solid fragment, (part of horn or leg?), broken at both ends. Surface decorated with a pattern of impressed marks.50
AM278-35Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with modelled head in relief applied. Black colour or slip on surface.50
AM278-36Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with relief stamp applied., showing a series of standing figures. AM278.03, 3a & AM278.24 possibly from the same vessel.50
AM278-37Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with relief stamp applied. Stamp appears to be in the form of a Maya inscription similar to but different from those on AM278.11 and AM278.17.50
AM278-38Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with modelled head in relief.50
AM278-39Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with modelled head in relief.. Black slip or colour applied.50
AM278-40Pot, fragment, head of snake07D002Head of snake, broken at one end and along bottom. Modelled on both sides. Red slip or colour applied.50
AM278-41Potsherd, decorated07D009Fragment of pot with head modelled in relief.50
AM278-42Pot fragment, decorated07D009Tapering solid fragment, (part of horn or leg?), broken at one end. Joins to AM278.16.50
AM278-43Pottery head07D002Pottery head, very finely modelled, wearing black head covering. Very expressive with a humerous expression. Traces of polychorme colour, red, white, black remaining. Head does not appear to have been broken off but is a complete piece, though bottom flat surface is perforated by 3 small holes. A crack, filled with adhesive, is visible near the base.50
AM278-44Pottery head07D002Pottery head, with coiled head-dress, simple features. chipped at base. Red fabric.50
AM278-45Pottery figurine07D002Figurine on flat base. Pierced ears and holes punctured underneath arms. Appendage with flattenened top on back (possibly for ease of holding). Possibly a rattle (shake it!).50
AM278-46Pottery head07D009Pottery head, partially in relief with flat back. Elaborate headdress, coated with black colour.50
AM278-47Pot07D009Animal head with flat snout like a pig, but appears to have horn. Light clay fabric.50
AM278-48Pottery fragment07D009Fragment of pot in the shape of a decorated coil, part of snake's body. Scale-like pattern incised and filled with white slip. Part of AM278.27.50
AM278-49Pottery fragment, animal sculpture07D002Snake's head, broken at neck. Traces of white colour on black base.50
AM278-50Pottery fragment, head of bird, probably Condor07D002Bird's head, broken at neck. Whattle above beak suggest a Condor. Material a yellowish clay.50
AM279+A-KDoiliesNULL12 Doilies made from the bark of lace bark tree.63
AM280Fur coat07J01Buffalo skin robe.21
AM281Flagellae07G18.04Flagellae for riderless horse.50
AM282Flagellae07G18.04Flagellae for riderless horse.50
AM283Hat07G17.01Large Panama-type hat. Eight cords coming from crown to brim. Tassels of green, red and yellow on top of crown and around edge of brim.63
AM284Piece of lace bark07B02Specimen of piece of the Lace Bark Tree illustrating the use to which the bark is put.51
AM285Piece of lace bark07B02Piece of 'cloth' made from the bark of Lace Bark Tree.51
AM286Piece of lace bark07G20Ornament made from bark of Lace Bark Tree contained in a domed glass case.63
AM287Specimen of the 'silk cotton' tree07G18.04Seed pod of the 'Silk Cotton' tree, Jamaica. (or Pod of Bombax ceiba, White-flowered Silk Cotton Tree from Bangalore).28
AM288Bowl07G18.04Turned wood; bowl made from large seed-case of a Brazil nut.73
AM289Flagellae07G18.042 Hhanks of braided fibre cord. Flagellae for horses?50
AM290Stone carving08A11.30Small carving in sandstone of human head with hair or head decoration framing face incurving strands. Break at top of back of head suggesting it was not part of a figure sculpture but formed part of a decoration.50
AM291Canvas bag07G18.03Large canvas bag ('Strong Bag'). Relic of the Franklin Artic Expedition.21
AM292Potsherd07D002Potsherd, polychromatic - red, orange, black decoration.50
AM293Potsherd07D002Small potsherd, polychromatic - red, orange, black.50
AM294Potsherd07D002Potsherd, polychromatic - red, orange, black decoration.50
AM295Potsherd07D002Potsherd, polychromatic - red, orange, black decoration.50
AM296Coin, American07A044Obverse shows a woman's head inside a circle of stars withdate "1843". Reverse shows a circular wreath containing the words "ONE CENT" and around edge "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". Worn.75
AM297Coin, American07A044Obverse shows plumed head of a native American with inscription "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 1866". Reverse shows a circular wreath containing the words "ONE CENT".75
AM298Token, Canadian 184207A042Obverse shows a large house with portico, and inscription around edge "PROVINCE OF CANADA. BANK OF MONTREAL". Reverse shows an oval crest ("CONCORDIA SALUS") with a diagonal cross containing 3 types of flower and a beaver. A banner at the bottom contains the inscription "BANK OF MONTREAL". Around the edge is the inscription "BANK TOKEN" and "ONE PENNY 1842".21
AM299Coin, Canadian07A042Obverse shows male nude onhorseback fighting dragon with inscription "Bank of Upper Canada 1857". Reverse shows crown, crossed sword and anchor, 2 horns of plenty and section of flag with inscription "BANK TOKEN - ONE PENNY"21
AM300Token, New Brunswick07A042Obverse shows head of yound Victoria with inscription "VICTORIA DEI GRATIA REGINA 1843". Reverse shows a three masted sailing ship in centre with inscription "NEW BRUNSWICK 1843. ONE PENNY TOKEN"21
AM301Coin, British Columbia07A042Obverse shows male head with inscription "COLUMBIA" . Reverse shows a seated female figure (Britannia?) holding a scales and seated on a Union Jack-type motif contained in a wheel. English/American?21
AM302Token,Canada07A044Obverse shows a classical male head with the inscription "PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA". Reverse shows a thistle with the inscription "ONE PENNY TOKEN 1832". Milled edge.21
AM303Samples - Burning nutNULLSamples of 'Burning Nut' - source of oil for burning (Babasu nut, N. Brazil) and 'Vegetable Ivory.'112
AM304Botijo08A10.28Water container with spout for drinking, central loop handle and larger spout for filling.89
AM305Pot lid08A13.44Pot lid with long-legged animal handle, head missing.50
AM306Potsherd08A13.44Pot fragment with handle as an axolotl. 2 (human) faces on pot fragment.50
AM307Potsherd08A13.44Pot lid with fragment of handle.50
AM308Potsherd08A13.44Pot lid.50
AM309Potsherd08A13.44Pottery fragment with animal design.50
AM310Potsherd08A13.44Fragment of pot handle.50
AM311Potsherd08A13.44Pottery fragment with design.50
AM312Potsherd08A13.44Pot fragment with animal design.50
AM313Potsherd08A13.44Pot lid.50
AM314Figurine08A13.44Human figure with semicircular headdress, carved from volcanic rock. The 'headdress' has a fairly sharp edge and the opposite end is slightly concave which would facilitate use as a hand tool or attachment to a shaft. Probably a ceremonial axe.50
ARC/SL1-SL6Archaeological remains07B06Fragments and buttons (?) from Swiss Lake Village Robenhausen. Eight items, 1 to 4, 5a, b, and c, and 6.11
ARC0003Oil lamp08A13.40Earthenware oil lamp with a pinched handle, two small holes on top, large hole for wick. Design of a horse or unicorn within a ring on top.63
ARC0005Oil lamp08A13.40Roman oil lamp with maker's stamp SAECVI.Small handle, with top portion missing. Hole for filling and for wick and small hole near wick hole, presumably to let air escape when filling with oil.63
ARC0007+ATextile fragments07B06Textiles taken from stone coffin in Terrace Walk, Bath. One striped, one perforated.1
ARC0008Fibula07A061Fibula. Large metal 'pin' formed of two pieces of metal, square in section, fused at bottom to form a point and at top curving outwards and supporting a semi-circular ring (broken).1
ARC0009Brooch07A082Circular bronze brooch with 6 protruding arms in the shape of rings with round, flat discs at the end. The centre of the main circle is formed of a four armed cross and out of this protrudes a raised central 'boss' with four small discs inscribed with concentric circles. At the centre of this 'boss' is a raised piece of white enamel, encircled by a collar, with 6 small circular sockets which probably held enamel inlay (or jewels?). There is a small trace of something deep pink inside one of the sockets. The main ring contains a repeating patterns of enamel inlaid segments, of two designs; one is a grid-like design of intersecting blue lines and white squares, with red dots where the lines intersect, the other is a 'flower-shape' with blue 'petals' radiating from a yellow centre, on a white background. The arms of the 'cross' that support this circle are also inlaid with enamel, as are the 6 disks on the ends of the 6 rings, in blue and white. The back of the brooch has tow projecting pieces, one flat and perforated by a small hole, the other welded with a pin and with a broken segment, presumably the base of the pin. From the Lansdown excavation of 1905.1
ARC0010Carved stonework08B01.39Carved stone (3 leaves), church boss.1
ARC0011Carved stonework08B01.39Piece of fluted stone.1
ARC0012Carved stonework08B01.39Piece of stone (fragment of column).1
ARC0013Carved stonework08B01.39Piece of marble with scrolls and leaf pattern on three sides.1
ARC0014Perfume jar08A13.34Small perfume jar. Roman glass.1
ARC0015Mosaic07E16Boxed sample of plain mosaic flooring. Small tesserae ca. 5mm square.10
ARC0016Mosaic07E16Boxed sample of plain mosaic flooring. Small tesserae ca. 5mm square.10
ARC0017Mosaic07E16Boxed sample of plain mosaic flooring. Small tesserae ca. 5mm square.10
ARC0018Mosaic07E16Boxed sample of plain mosaic flooring. Small tesserae ca. 5mm square.10
ARC0019Mosaic07E16Boxed sample of plain mosaic flooring. Small tesserae ca. 5mm square.10
ARC0020Mosaic07E16Boxed sample of plain mosaic flooring. Small tesserae ca. 5mm square.10
ARC0021Plaster castNULLCast of Rosetta Stone. Major H.D. Haviland [sic, Haverfield] (Annual Report for 1877).45
ARC0022Ice skate07A100Piece of worked bone with a flat, polished underside and a curved wedge-shape front, perforated through the width. Back is formed by the back end of the bone and is perforated by a large hole lengthwise. Inscription in faded handwriting on underside reads "A SKATE USED BY THE LONDONERS IN THE 13TH CENTURY, SEE FITZSTEPHEN" and "FLEET DITCH".1
ARC0023Pocket knifeNULLPocket clasp knife, 13th C., with inscription: 'I'le waite upon you at the table, And doe what service I am able, To carve your meate is my intent, Use me; but let me not be lent'.1
ARC0024Piece of woodNULLPiece of beech (cut from a log 1907, found underwater in the 11th C. foundation of Winchester Cathedral). The grey colour is due to soaking in limewater 800 years.1
ARC0025BridleNULLAncient bridle found at Drogheda, 1844.3
ARC0026Pipe07A086Bowl of small clay pipe with flat heel and portion of stem. Heel is stamped with a 'GH' and a small decorative mark. Bowl and stem are finely stroke-burnished. Bowl has a thin decorative ring around edge. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001.1
ARC0027Pipe07A086Bowl of small clay pipe with flat heel . Heel is stamped with a 'GH' and a small decorative mark. Bowl has a thin decorative ring around edge. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001.1
ARC0028Pipe07A086Bowl of small clay pipe with flat heel . Heel is stamped with a 'EDWA/RDVND/(ER)HI(LL)' . Maker is Edward Underhill, Leigh-on-Mendip. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001.1
ARC0029Pipe07A086Bowl of small clay pipe with flat heel . Heel is stamped with a 'RICH/GREN/LAND' . Maker is Richard Greenland of Norton St Philip, c.1660-1685. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001.1
ARC0030Pipe07A086Shaft of small clay pipe with flat heel . Heel is stamped with a 'TS' . Maker possibly Thomas Smith of Bristol, 1640-1670. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001. Note in box adds 'Thomas Smith made a Freeman in 1651'1
ARC0031Pipe07A086Bowl of small clay pipe with damaged heel . Heel apparently unstamped. Bowl has a thin decorative ring around edge. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001. Fingerprint on bowl.1
ARC0032Pipe07A086Bowl of small clay pipe with broken heel . Bowl has a thin decorative ring around edge. North-east Somerset style. c.1640-1660. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001.1
ARC0033Pipe07A086Bowl and stem of clay pipe, bowl damaged. Stem stamped "RD/CARP [ENTER BATH]". Maker Robert Carpenter, Bath c. 1695-1730.
Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001. Also seen on bowl is an inscription in ink (?) "-(?)ASB. (abbreviation) DISPENSARY" (?).
ARC0034Pipe07A086Fragmentary bowl. Spur embossed "W" on left, "C (not G)" on left. Maker Ward, Richard, and Clarke, Thomas, Bath, probably. Indentification notes by Marek Lewcun of Bath Archaeological Trust, 2001.1
ARC0035Pipe07A085Portion of stem of clay pipe 'found whilst digging garden, 1 Walcot Terrace, Bath'. Stem is stamped "RO/CARP/ENTER/BATH". Note in 1978 Inventory says 'Maker Robert Carpenter, date 1695-1730, idnetified by Marek Lewcun, Bath Archeological Trust 2001.' Old blue label in box.1
ARC0036Pipe07A085Lowere part of bowl and part of stem of clay pipe, showing chin and lower portion of beard and projecting spur. Notes with object state ' Lower portion of bowl which if complete would be in the form of a Russian or Turkish head. Spur embossed R/R. Maker Richard Ring & Co, Bristol, Date c.1853-1880. Provenance: allotment, Lower Common, Upper Bristol Road, Bath. Old blue label in box.1
ARC0037Pipe07A085Large clay pipe bowl and portion of stem covered with projecting 'spurs' . Notes with specimen state 'clay pipe bowl of 'rustic type' with spurs projecting from a plain face. Maker unknown. Date c.1880-1920. Provenance: mud in canal, presumably Kennet and Avon, and presumably local to Bath. Old blue label in box.1
ARC0038Flint core05C10Wedge shaped flint core or tool. White cortex with 2 flakes chipped off exposing black interior. 'Cissbury' written on object in pencil.
Probably part of Dymond p.1, no.32: '11 unfinished neolithic implements from Cissbury, Prof. W.B. Dawkins'. Jennings p.34: '6 Unfinished Neolithic implements, found Cissbury, Prof. Boyd Dawkins (& Mr. Collins)'. See also ARC0043, ARC0098, ARC0115, ARC0126.
ARC0039Flint tool05C12Fine triangular grey flecked point, reworked on one side. Marked 'M' in pencil on back. Old label in box states "Batheaston' found by E.E.Broome. 6 Solutrean points (Laurel Leaf)". ?Neolithic. Dymond p.3, no.40: Flint scraper found at Batheaston, Mr. C.E. Broome.
'Oblique arrowhead, Late Neolithic' (Dr Josh Pollard, Dept of Archaeology, Bristol University, 1020).
ARC0040Fint tools05C12Four Neolithic flint scrapers - white, weathered flint. One marked 'field near Ashley Wood', three 'Stellards'. Could these be '4 rough flints', Kendal and Winwood' from Jennings Catalogue p.24?1
ARC0041Flint flakes05C129 Small flint flakes - possibly microliths. Mesolithic.63
ARC0042Flint tool05C12Whitish flint point, triangular in section, roughly worked. Marked on flat side 'Avebury'. No information found on other Avebury flint finds. Probably Neolithic. Previously with ARC0122.1
ARC0043Fint flakes05C10Four large white flakes, unmarked, but originally glued to a base. One fragment, discoloured on both sides and no sign of glue, probably does not belong here. A.C. Jennings label in box: No.32. Unfinished Neolithic implements found at Cissbury. Donor Prof. Boyd Dawkins'. Dymond p.1, no.32: '11 unfinished neolithic implements from Cissbury, Prof. W.B. Dawkins'. Jennings p.34: '6 Unfinished Neolithic implements, found Cissbury, Prof. Boyd Dawkins (& Mr. Collins)'. See also ARC0038, ARC0098, ARC0115, ARC0126.1
ARC0044Flint implements05C12Six flints from Grimes Graves, including end scraper and thermal fracture, of which five are marked as follows: a) Grimes Graves, b) Grimes g, c) Grimes Graves, d) End scraper Grimes Graves, e) Thermal Fracture Grimes Graves. f) 'GG'. Accompanying label reads 'Flint from Grimes Graves near Brandon, Norfolk, where flints have been mined for thousands of years. The ancient pits are over 100 in number and the type is a white flint flakes and scrapers (sic) etc. Found by the donor, Mrs Tipping 1927' See Jennings catalogue and note (Publications data below). Also Grimes Graves: ARC0178, ARC0110.1
ARC0045Obsidian cores05C022 Obsidian cores.63
ARC0046Obsidian core05C03Large obsidian core. Likely to be 'Obsidian core from which blades for knives and razors etc have been struck off (and 3 stone axes etc...) .from Guatamala, C. America' ' from 1935 acquisitions catalogue.76
ARC0047AObsidian tools05C022 Unifacial obsidian flake tools.50
ARC0047BObsidian tools05C022 Unifacial obsidian flake tools.50
ARC0047CObsidian flake tool05C02Bifacial obsidian flake point.50
ARC0047DObsidian flake scraper05C02Obsidian flake disc scraper.50
ARC0047EObsidian flake point05C02Obsidian unifascial flake point.50
ARC0047FObsidian flake knife?05C02Obsidian flake knife?50
ARC0047GFlake tool fragment05C02Flake tool fragment, unmarked. Probably the basal half of a unifacial point. Found with obsidian tools, but made from a different dark grey rock.50
ARC0048Obsidian implement05C03Large oval bifacial point, finely worked on one side.50
ARC0049AObsidian tool05C03Long slender obsidian flake point, finely worked on one side and rounded at tip, unmarked.50
ARC0049BObsidian tool05C03Large obsidian flake point.50
ARC0050AAxe head05C03Polished stone axe head, quite flat with highly poished curving blade. Marked 'Guatemala 2' in pen. 1 of 2 (not three as old label states) polished stone axes. Old label in box reads ' Three stone axes, Guatemala, Central America, Donor Surg. Commander Arathorn R.N. 1935'. 1935 Acquisitions catalogue has 'Obsidian core ....and 3 stone axes (smooth celts) from Guatamala , Slurgeon Commander Arathoon RN. Other (newer) label reads 'Hand axes - jadeite?'.76
ARC0050BAxe head05C03Polished stone axe head, rather rounded. Marked 'Guatemala 3' in pen. 1 of 2 (not three as old label states) polished stone axes. Old label in box reads ' Three stone axes, Guatemala, Central America, Donor Surg. Commander Arathorn R.N. 1935'. 1935 Acquisitions catalogue has 'Obsidian core ....and 3 stone axes (smooth celts) from Guatamala , Slurgeon Commander Arathoon RN. Other (newer) label reads 'Hand axes - jadeite?'.76
ARC0051Stone flakes05C09Two large rough stone flakes - no provenance. One is flattish with white cortex on one side. Possibly a kind of obsidian, browny-red.
The other is roughly triangular in section and pointed. The stone is finely grained and greyish-orage.
ARC0052AFlake tools05C035 Small flake tools (scrapers?) of different materials.50
ARC0052BFlake tools05C032 Small flake tools of black fine-grained stone.50
ARC0052CArrow head05C03Well-made flake arrow head.50
ARC0052DFlake tools05C034 Small flake tools of different materials, unmarked.50
ARC0053Flake tools05C123 Grey flint tools, one 7.5cm long, two small ones.63
ARC0054Flake tools05C122 Whiteish flakes, one marked 'N. Field, S---den Hill'. Old label in box says ' 4 Arrow-heads from Aberdeenshire' Donor Capt le Breton. Not mentioned specifically in Jennings cat. but in Dymond Cat. p.3 'No 43 A leaf shaped arrowhead and a white flint javelin -head'. From a cairn in Aberdeenshire. Mr W. Alexander' and a note in pencil added later '4 from Aberdeen, Capt Le Breton on label'.4
ARC0054AFlake tool05C12Finely worked barbed and tanged arrowhead, grey, marked 'SP' in pencil.63
ARC0055Potsherds05C056 Pieces of early (late Neolithic, early Bronze Age) pottery sherds. One rim, one base. Decorated with horizontal grooves. Old label in box says 'Fragments of pottery, White Park Bay, co Antrim'. This item is referred to in a letter by Rev. Edmund Gumley from Mt Druid, Ballintoy (in plastic bag in Drawer 05C06): ''When I was in Bath last October...I notice you had nothing from Whitepark Bay, Co Antrim, either of fossils or flints...I now send you a few local specimens. All are from Whitepark Bay, except the stone celt. ....The flints, pot-boilers, hammer-stone and fragments of pottery are from the well-known "kitchen-middens" there...' (letter continues). Note: there are collections from the same area (Whitepark Bay) from other donors, in the collection.3
ARC0056Flint core05C12Greyish white flint core - unmarked and no data. Identified in 1986 as Neolithic.63
ARC0057Flint flake tools and hammer stone05C10Box of 57 assorted small flint tools and a hammerstone. Old label says 'Scrapers and Flakes found near Colerne, Donor Mr W.B.'.1
ARC0058Flint axe05C12Portion of a polished flint axe, whiteish,. Marked in pencil ''Hunterswick". Old label reads 'Found beneath the top soil resting on Great Oolite at Hunterwick (Huntrix). donor W. Hammond'. Jennings p. 35 - '1 flint celt from Shockerwick...'1
ARC0059Obsidian block05C03Large rectangular obsidian block with straight sides, possibly an old core for striking flakes.50
ARC0060Obsidian blades and fragments05C025 Small obsidian blades, finely worked. Two broken and glued. 3 broken chips.50
ARC0061AObsidian core05C03Large obsidian core with 2 flat striking platforms, sides are fluted where flakes have been struck.50
ARC0061BObsidian core05C03Medium obsidian core with chisel-shaped ends, and 2 flat striking platforms, sides are fluted where flakes have been struck.50
ARC0061CObsidian core05C03Small obsidian core with one flat end and one broken end.50
ARC0062AFlakes and flake tools05C027 Rough flake tools of different materials.50
ARC0062BStone tools?05C022 Stone tools? of different materials. One of hard crystalline material, possibly used as an awl or for scoring, the other a worn pebble, possibly a rubber.50
ARC0062CArrow head?05C02Rough flake tool, probably an arrowhead or spearhead, unmarked.50
ARC0062DStone weight?05C02Water-worn stone with tapered hole through one end. Either a weight for fishing net or loom, or for fire-drill.50
ARC0062EFlake tool?05C02Rough flake or piece of natural stone, unmarked.50
ARC0063Pebble05C12Flint pebble, orangey colour, smooth , palm-shaped. Old label in box says 'Pebble of flint from the beach, cretaceous, Isle of Wight'. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) says this is a natural object.1
ARC0064Hand axe05C04Flint hand axe, one end formed by the natural shape of the stone, the other roughly chipped to make a pointed tool. Label says 'Lower Paleolithic'. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) thinks it likely to be from Knole Farm and it has been grouped with these, based on this suggestion.1
ARC0065AFlint flake tool05C04Flint flake. (Recent label says 'two core tools and two flakes' but core tools seem to be missing). Marked with a pencil 'L' or more likely '7'. ACJ label says ' No.137. Palaeolithic implements from Savernake Forest, Wilts. and the slopes of Little Solsbury Hill near Bath. Donors Messrs Kendal and Winwood 1908'. If Kendal, this suggests the one marked KN could be from Knowle Farm (see acquisitions 1908-38-1 'Eoliths, Knowle Farm, Rev. G.O.Kendal'. If Winwood, could be 1904-33-1 'Paleolithic Implements from Savernake by Rev. H.H. Winwood'. See Jennings cat. p.24 and note XL on p.139 referring to a letter from Mr Kendall to Mr Winwood in 1904. This letter may be in the archives (but not certain). Roger Jacobi (British Museum) inOct 2004 puts these flints with the Knowle Farm Collection.1
ARC0065BFlint flake tool05C04Flint flake. (Recent label says 'two core tools and two flakes' but core tools seem to be missing). Marked with a '9' or a '6' and on the other side 'KN 17.11.04'. ACJ label says ' No.137. Palaeolithic implements from Savernake Forest, Wilts. and the slopes of Little Solsbury Hill near Bath. Donors Messrs Kendal and Winwood 1908'. If Kendal, this suggests the one marked KN could be from Knowle Farm (see acquisitions 1908-38-1 'Eoliths, Knowle Farm, Rev. G.O.Kendal'. If Winwood, could be 1904-33-1 'Paleolithic Implements from Savernake by Rev. H.H. Winwood'. See Jennings cat. p.24 and note XL on p.139 referring to a letter from Mr Kendall to Mr Winwood in 1904. This letter may be in the archives (but not certain). Roger Jacobi (British Museum) in Oct 2004 puts these flints with the Knowle Farm Collection.1
ARC0066Hand axe05C04Stone hand axe, orangey fabric with darker patina. Marked in pencil 'M2' on side. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection.deposited by Bath Corp;. in 1927. (See ARC067 and ARC077 and Jennings cat. p35) or Keable collection.1
ARC0067Natural pebble or pot boiler?05C04Whiteish piece of flint with label attached stating 'Showing Thermal fracture'. See old label with ARC0077: 'A collection made by the late Michael Oppenheim Esq MRCS deposited by Bath Corporation Nov 1927 23 Paleolithic implements from Farnham etc...etc'. This lists a number of items among which '1 showing thermal fractures'. Reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be a natural object.1
ARC0068Flint scraper05C09Fine scraper, possibly broken, possibly made of chert. Brownish orange in colour. Label attached reads "Potion of Scraper from Presigny, France".6
ARC0069Hand axe05C06Flint hand axe, thickening at base where cortex still attached. Old piece of paper in bottom of box marked 'L45'. There is an old 'unattached' label in a bag which has L45 written on it. It says '3 paleolithic Implements from the Axe Valley, Donr C.J.Elton', and on back 'Brought here 1927. 3 were in West Gallery table W. and other 3 no 131 in here'. Is this '3 hand axes from Axe Valley, c.J.Elton' in Jennings cat p.23 (Charles Elton 1882 Donations list). See Dymond and Jennings cats. Other Axe Valley ARC0156, ARC0173.1
ARC0070Hand axe05C06Flint hand axe, dark brown-black fabric with some cortex visible. Marked in pencil 'M1' (?) on side. Also paper label attached ' Moore Collection "coup-de-point" ', and another reading 'Chard'. See Jennings cat p.35. Note: ARC0135 is also a handaxe from Chard. Note similarity in fabric to ARC0140 from the Axe Valley.1
ARC0071Hand axe05C04Stone hand axe, whiteish orange fabric with darker surface on one side. Some cortex attached. Marked in pencil 'M1' on side. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0072Hand axe05C04Flint hand axe, fabric stained orange. Good quality flint, no cortex. Marked in pencil 'M2' in side. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0073Hand axe05C04Stone hand axe, orange staining. Marked in pencil 'M1' on side and also 'Farnham'. Part of Oppenheim collection of flints from Farnham.(See notes with ARC0067) or Keable collection..Confirmed by Roger Jacobi (British Museum) in 20041
ARC0074-1Hand axe05C04Rounded scraper, dark flint with some cortex. Marked 'K5 05 Knowle' Old label in box reads 'No 135 'Five eoliths from Knole Farm, Kent. Donor Rev. O.G. Kendal 1908'. Probably 1908-38-1 Eoliths, Knowle Farm, Rev G. O Kendal. Knowle may be spelt Knole.1
ARC0074-2Hand axe05C04Hand tool, mottled grey/orange flint with cortex. Marked in pencil 'K26 1 05 (?)'. Old label in box reads 'No 135 'Five eoliths from Knole Farm, Kent. Donor Rev. O.G. Kendal 1908'. Probably 1908-38-1 Eoliths, Knowle Farm, Rev G. O Kendal. Knowle may be spelt Knole.1
ARC0074-3Hand axe05C04Hand tool, dark flint, fair amount of cortex. Old paper label attached says '1. Eolith' and another says '.....with cutting .. [ illegible)' Old label in box reads 'No 135 'Five eoliths from Knole Farm, Kent. Donor Rev. O.G. Kendal 1908'. Probably 1908-38-1 Eoliths, Knowle Farm, Rev G. O Kendal. Knowle may be spelt Knole.1
ARC0074-4Hand axe05C04Hand axe of mottled cream and black flint with patches of cortex. Old '2' in ink on one side (largely washed out), illegible markings in pencil on corttex of other side. 5 (now missing?) was apparently 'Pointed hand axe, orange staining, small patch of cortex on base, marked 'M1' in pencil and KN 5.11.04 S. Old label in box reads 'No 135 'Five eoliths from Knole Farm, Kent. Donor Rev. O.G. Kendal 1908'. Probably 1908-38-1 Eoliths, Knowle Farm, Rev G. O Kendal. Knowle may be spelt Knole.1
ARC0075Hand axe05C04Palm-sized hand axe of orange stained flint, some cortex on one face. Marked 'M2 ' in pencil. Old piece of tissue in box says 'K47'. Some drops of white paint at base. Some resemblance to other handaxes in this drawer. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection..1
ARC0076Unworked flint05C04Palm-sized flint, orange stained fabric, with cortex remaining on one side. Possible fracture across top and glue/varnish applied.1
ARC0077Hand axe05C04Large pointed Lower Paleolithic hand axe, finely worked, of orange stained flint. Some cortex on lower end. Identified as 'Lower Paleolithic'. Identified on old label (see below)?. Tip broken and reglued. Marked 'coup -d-poing' in pencil. Piece of tissue in box marked 'M2'. Note in box 'Oppenheim Coll - see letter on file under 'Library'. Old label in box reads "A collection made by the late Michael Oppenheim Esq MRCS, depositied by Bath Corp. Nov 1927. 23 palaeolithic implements from Farnham, 4 arrowheads, 1 from Crooksbury, 1 from Tilford, 3 from Lake dwellings, 1 Mousterian point, 1 End Scraper, 1 Chellian 'coup-de-poing' (?), 1 showing thermal fractures, 14 flakes transitional period - pre Neolithic, post Tardenoisean, 2 celts-chipped and polished- 1 celt USA'.
Identified by Roger Jacobi as part of Farnham collection or Keable collection.
ARC0078Flint scraper05C04Side Scraper, identified as Middle Paleolithic, ornage-stained flint. Marked in pencil 'Shore Heath,Farnham'. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection.or Rev. Keable. (See notes on ARC0067 et al).1
ARC0079Hand axe05C04Handaxe, identified as Middle Paleolithic, dark grey flint, cortex on one side. Of simple construction. Marked in ink 'KN 11.5.07'. 'Kn' is probably Knowle Farm, as in Acquisitions 1908-38-1, 1909-17-1, and 1910-14-1 'Eoliths from Knowle Farm, donated by Rev. G.O. Kendall'. Jennings Cat/p.24.1
ARC0080Scraper05C04Small palmsized tool (scraper?), orange-stained flint. Marked in pencil 'M2'.1
ARC0081Hand axe05C04Hand axe, identified as Middle Paleolithic, orange-stained flint, well made. Marked in pencil 'M2. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.. (See notes on ARC0067 et al)1
ARC0082Stone pounder05C12Shaped and smoothed stone pounder,broken at one end. Old paper label attached "8" and another 'Presented by Dr Hunt'. Dymond p.1, no.8: Stone pounder from Zetland, Dr. Hunt, F.S.A., 1868. Jennings p.34: Stone implement. Zetland, Dr. Hunt, 1868. Loose label in box: 'Stone pounders and four stones, Zetland, No 10, Donor Dr Hunt F.S.A. Pencilled on label 5.6.7.Nos 8.9.10. Scottish', and on reverse side 'No 10 Two stone pounders and four stone implements from Zetland, Donor Dr Hunt FSA.' See also ARC0138, ARC0160A, ARC0160B, ARC0199, ARC0203.4
ARC0083Axe head05C05Small black polished axe head of hard igneous stone. Surface, while polished, is pitted and eroded. Small detached label in box reads 'Luscherg'.'L29' marked in pencil faintly on axe.11
ARC0084ASpindle whorl05C05Spindle whorl, clay or stone, marked 'Wangen', grey fabric with occlusions and surface cracks. Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC0085, ARC0086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0084BSpindle whorl05C05Spindle whorl,,clay or stone. Dark grey fabric and slight polish, with round paper label attached reading 'Kleine Thonwirtel (small spindle whorl?) Pfahlbaute von Castione'..Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC0085, ARC0086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0084CSpindle whorl05C05Spindle whorl of a brownish fabric (stone or clay?) with dark occlusions, and smooth. Paper label attached illegible. Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC085-086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0084DAntler/horn-core tool05C05Semi-perforated cylinder, 3.5cm high, probably made from an antler tine or horn-core of a sheep or goat., with printed label attached by sticky tape, reading 'Locras'. Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC085-086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0085AAxe head05C05Axe head of a hard igneous stone, black/grey with greenish occlusions, polished at tip, otherwise rough. Paper label attached reads 'Locras'. Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC0084, ARC0086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0085BAxehead05C05Small polished axe blade, of a smooth grey stone, polished but with one corner broken off. It is characterised by a distinctive and deliberately chiselled grove running diagonally across the surface on one side..Paper label attached reads 'Wangen'. Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC0084, ARC0086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0086Axe head05C05Polished axe head of a smooth dark grey stone. Finely polished blade. Label on object says 'Robenhausen' and label on other side 'Robenhausen (Swis Lake dwellings) A/21 RLSI collection. See ARC084-085, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0087Flakes05C053 Flint flakes: 1) Long backed flake of brownish high-quality flint with retouched rounded point. 2) Larger grey flint with some cortex attached, and faint writing on one side 'Ash Wood'. 3) Small mottled flint flake reworked on edge. Label in box suggests these may be Neolithic flints from the Swiss Lake Dwellings (there is an old label in box which says 'Lake Dwellings?') - but the writing on '2' suggests otherwise. It may be that the brownish long flake is from a different location than the other two.63
ARC0088AAxe head05C05Large chunky short axe head of a greenish/black stone, 6.5cm long, marked with an illegible paper label and onother one 'A8'. Label in box isuggests these could be from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC0084-ARC0086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0088BAxe head05C05Small axe head, 6cm long, of a smooth grey stone, the blade angled and polished. 'L26' is marked in pencil. Label in box isuggests these could be from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC0084-ARC0086, also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.11
ARC0089Axe head05C05Polished axe head of grey stone with chalky surface covering. Pointed at one end. Label on object 'A/7'. Old label in box 'L19'.
Label in box identifies these as from the Swiss Lake Villages. See ARC084-086, 088 also Swiss Lake Villages. Could be part of collection of Rev. Winwood, 1876, 'One collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller' - Jennings p.36.
ARC0090Axe head05C05Portion of polished axe head of hard dark stone with chalky surface covering. Blade of axe slightly angled. Vertical break at other end to blade. Old label in box 'L27'. See notes attached to ARC091.63
ARC0091Axe head05C05Chunky axe head of dark stone with blade polished and rest of surface rougher. Label on object '28'. Label in box 'L79'. Display labels read 'Flint Celts Nos 28.29. No record' and 'Two stone celts with no record. Is one No 25 from Mount Druid? and the other (chalk covered) a stone celt from Clough, Co. Antrim. See letter Rev. M . Gumley collection, White Park Bay'. Dymond p.1, no.28: 'Stone celt'. Jennings p.34, no.28: '? Rev. Penny. 1 Stone celt'. NB. Rev. Geo. H.. Penny, Vicar of Abbotsbury, gave a 'Flint celt, from Dorset'.1
ARC0092Axe head05C03Large stone axe, shaped with blade at end. Flat on one side with a carved 'waist' running around the width. Flat at bottom end.
Old label '7' attached to object. Dymond p.1, no.7: 'Stone hammer or axe', donor unknown. Jennings p.34, no.7: '1 Stone hammer or axe , Miss Buckland'. Miss Buckland gave a 'Digging stone from South Africa' (Annual Report for 1877), but this is Dymond p.1, no.2. Is this axe from the New World?
ARC0093Arrow heads05C052 Arrowheads, I triangular, one oval and one leaf shaped.11
ARC0094Stone tool05C03Large paddle shaped tool of dark stone with polished surface. Curved blade tapering at one end, at other end shaped into a slightly shouldered haft. Some old damage to blade on one side. Label says " 'Paddle Club', see Jennings Cat. p.11 'One paddle No 14 Hervey 1slands.' ". Possibly some confusion here over the number 14. More likely Dymond page one "14 Stone Axe from America" with note on opposite page 2a "Probably the stone tomahawk from Ohio of an old list. J.Mellhuish" Additional note in Dymond "copy of a memorandum referring perhaps to Nos 11 and 14.....The large tomahawk was found near some ancient fortification in the Sciota Valley Ohio.....Joseph H. Mellhuish, 6 Daffords buildings, per Henry Watkins, 31 Jan 1862".75
ARC0095Hand axe05C04Ovate hand axe, brownish/grey flint. Identified as 'Middle Palaeolithic'. Marked 'M2' in pencil , also 'Short (?) Heath, Farnham'.1
ARC0096Hand axe05C06Pointed hand axe, whitish flint, with label attached ' 3.Acheulean hand-axe [pointed core-tool]'. Faint inscription in ink reads 'Ridgeway Road 18.11.08[?] H & C[?]'. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. NB. There is a Ridgeway Road in Farnham. (See also ARC0104)1
ARC0097AFlint tools05C054 Flint blade tools labelled 'Wangen'. Part of Swiss Lake Village collections.11
ARC0097BFlint tools05C053 Flint blade tools labelled 'Maenedorf'. Part of Swiss Lake Village collections.11
ARC0098Hand axe05C10Rough axe of whitish flint with irregular point. 'Cissbury' is marked in pencil on specimen. Probably Dymond p.1, no.32: '11 unfinished neolithic implements from Cissbury, Prof. W.B. Dawkins'. Jennings p.34: '6 Unfinished Neolithic implements, found Cissbury, Prof. Boyd Dawkins (& Mr. Collins)'. See also ARC0038, ARC0043, ARC0115, ARC0126.1
ARC0099Hand axe05C04Hand axe, Lower Paleolithic, orange stained flint. Palm-sized, oval. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0100Hand axe05C06Hand axe, Lower Paleolithic, orange coloured flInt. Pointed. Marked 'Downham' in ink on specimen. Octagonal label '4' and more recent label '48' on specimen. Loose label 'No 48. Flint implement, paleolithIc, from Stanton Downham, Suffolk, Donors Excrs of Dr Beddoes 1912'. Jennings p.24, no 48: 'Paleolithic implements from Stanton Downham'.1
ARC0101Hand axe05C06Ovate hand axe, palm sized, yellowish gray flint. 'ML' marked in pencil on specimen. Label in red ink on object reads ' 3a. Advanced Acheulean Hand-axe, ovate with S twist (core tool)'. Lower paleolithic. could this be Jennings cat p34: '4 paleolithic implements from St Acheul' or Jennings p.24: '6 paleolithic implements from Abbeville or S. Acheul'?63
ARC0102Hand axe05C04Pointed hand axe, yellowish brown flint. Lower paleolithic handaxe, orangey brown material, pointed with flat base with cortex attached.63
ARC0103Hand axe05C06Ovate hand axe, whitish flint, small amount of cortex on base. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'.63
ARC0104Hand axe05C06Ovate hand axe, brownish orange. Identified as Lower Palaeolithic. Marked in ink 'Ridgeway Road 1906. W. Parrett' which is repeated on old paper label attached to specimen. See also ARC0095.1
ARC0105Hand axe05C04Ovate hand axe, brownish/orange flint, some cortex left on base. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Has been broken and repaired.
From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.
ARC0106Flake tool05C04Well formed Mousterian Point with thinned butt. Orange brown flint. Paper label in red ink attached to specimen reads '4 Mousterian point (Flake Tool)'. See Jennings p.35: '1 Mousterian point deposited by Bath Corporation'.(Being a collection of the late Michael Oppenheim).63
ARC0107Chopper05C04Orange coloured irregular flint tool, reworked edge. Identified as Lower Palaeolithic chopper. Pencil mark 'M1' marked on specimen plus a cross in black ink. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0108Hand axe05C09Hand axe with broken point (smooth flat break) of greyish/yellow flint. Small patch of cortex on one side. Loose tissue label 'M1'.63
ARC0109Flint tools05C10Various flint tools made from flakes. Identified on card as 'Mostly Neolithic'. Full details in small associated notebook 'Flint implements' by Percy H. Bale. Each flint is numbered and described in the notebook dated 1888.1
ARC0110Pot boiler05C012Small irregular greyish/white flint potboiler. Shows typical heat crackles.1
ARC0111Flint flakes05C123 Whiteish flint flakes, identified as neolithic (Roger Jacobi says could be Mesolithic). Recent label in box states ' 'Old label on wood plaque (in plastic bag with other similar ones): "Flint flakes from gravel layer at Columbporth, Donor R.H. Davis 1838, Cornwall'.1
ARC0112Microliths05C115 microliths of chalcedony, finely formed.. Colours range from orange to red and translucent white. Old label in box reads 'Flint scrapers (?Wiltshire) RL &S Inst, A9/1-2-3', but these do not seem to fit the description of 'flint scrapers'. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) says these are chalcedony microliths, possibly from N. India.28
ARC0113Hammerstones05C124 Whiteish hammerstones, slightly different sizes. Look more like pebbles to me - R.D. Randall, 4/9/2008.63
ARC0114AFlint tools05C10[5 of] 7 Neolithic flint tools, whiteish colour. 3 marked 'M.D.',1 marked 'Mitchell Dean' and Michell Dean, top of cliff'. 1 marked 'Knife. Mitchel Dean'.1
ARC0114BFlint tools05C10[2 of] 7 Neolithic flint tools, whiteish colour, marked 'E.B.' (?Eastbourne).1
ARC0114CFlint tools05C103 Neolithic flint tools, whiteish colour, unmarked. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004, recommended putting these (from ARC0109) in with those from Eastbourne and Mitchel Dean based on similarity and markings.1
ARC0115Flint tools05C0104 White flint tools, different sizes. 2 marked 'Cissbury' in pencil. 2 marked 'Cissbury 1874' in ink, but in different handwriting.
Probably Dymond p.1, no.32: '11 unfinished neolithic implements from Cissbury, Prof. W.B. Dawkins'. Jennings p.34: '6 Unfinished Neolithic implements, found Cissbury, Prof. Boyd Dawkins (& Mr. Collins)'. See also ARC0038, ARC0043, ARC0098, ARC0126.
ARC0116Flake tool05C06Identified as 'parti-facial point' on recent label in box. Dark grey,yellow flint. Label in red ink on specimen states '3b, Acheulean (Levalloisean) Flake tool'. Pencil marking on specimen 'Fox' and 'L R'. Could be amongst 1864-30-1 'Flint implements (4) from Acheul by C.Fox, Falmouth'. See Jennings and Dymond Cat entries for Fox.6
ARC0117Hand axe05C04Hand axe of orange brown flint. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0118Hand axe05C06Ovate hand axe of orange brown flint. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection. or Keable collection.1
ARC0119Hand axe05C04Ovate hand axe of orange brown flint. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Tissue label in box 'M2'. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0120Hand axe05C04Oval hand axe of orange brown flint. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Marked 'M2' in pencil. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0121Transverse scraper05C09Orange flint or chert scraper. Old label incomplete on specimen: [end] '...aper'. Good quality polished flint..Reworked edge.
Identified as 'Middle Palaeolithic' but Roger Jacobi says 'Lower Paleolithic'
ARC0122Flint scraper05C12Flint scraper, white/grey mottled flint with rust spots, triangular in shape and section with reworked edges. Label in box says 'one labelled "Avebury"', but this is now housed separately: ARC0042.63
ARC0123Hand axe05C05Polished Neolithic stone axe , broken at butt end, of fine grained black material and smoothed and polished. Blade perfectly symmetrical and crescent-shaped . Dymond p.1, no.23: Stone celt from Mount Druid, Ballintoy, Ireland, Rev. Dr & Lady Francis Traill, 1826. See 1827-34-1 or 1826-43-1. See ARC0198, ARC0128.3
ARC0124Hand axe05C04Ovate hand axe of orange brown flint with flat base. Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0125A-BAxe and Flake tool05C04a) Ovate hand axe of orange brown/greyish flint with surface gloss, marked in pencil M2.
b) Flake tool, pointed, and distinct concave shape, of an even orangey material, marked M2.
Identified as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.
ARC0126Flint tool05C010Identified as 'flint core' but appears more as an axe-shape with rounded retouched end, but broken across butt end. Even greyish/white flint, marked 'Cissbury 1875' in ink. Detached label in box 'K49'. Roger Jacobi identifies this as a failed axe roughout from a flint mine. Probably Dymond p.1, no.32: '11 unfinished neolithic implements from Cissbury, Prof. W.B. Dawkins'. Jennings p.34: '6 Unfinished Neolithic implements, found Cissbury, Prof. Boyd Dawkins (& Mr. Collins)'. See also ARC0038, ARC0043, ARC0098, ARC0115.1
ARC0127Flint core05C12Small flint core, greyish flint with small portion of cortex attached. Label attached to specimen 'Kelling'. Old label in box reads 'From Killing (sic) Heath;, Weybourne, Norfolk. A workshop in the Transitional Period. Pre, or early, Neolithic.Found there by the donor [Best type of these tools are saw-edged]. Donor Mrs Tipping 1927)'. See Jennings cat p.34 and note at back. Roger Jacobi (Brit Mus, 2004) suggests this is early Mesolithic.1
ARC0128Hand axe05C05Polished stone axe, Neolithic, of fine-grained, polished black stone. Chipped at pointed (butt) end, and on both side edges.3
ARC0129Flint Hand axe05C04Pointed hand axe, orange stained flint. Marked 'M2' in pencil on specimen. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection.1
ARC0131Eoliths05C06Eight roughly shaped pieces of orange-brown flint described as 'assorted flakes and slightly worked nodules, Lower Palaeolithic'.
a) One marked 'Hackpen Hill, 875 ft'. b) One marked '550-600ft'. c) One marked '73'. d) One marked 'Mo----ton Field'. e) One marked 'W.B. 550-600ft'. f) marked 85 in pencil, g) marked 86 in pencil, h) unmarked.
ARC0132Hand axe05C06Hand axe of dark flint mottled with patches of yellow. Some cortex remains, Retouched at pointed end. '2' in ink on specimen. Fox marked on specimen in pencil. Label in box identifies it as Lower Palaeolithic'. Old label reads 'No 134 Four paleolithic implements from St Acheul, donor Chas. Fox Esq 1864'. Jennings p.35, no.134: 'Ch. Fox 1864, 4 paleolithic implements from lSt Acheul'. See also ARC0133, ARC0142.6
ARC0133Flint tool05C06Palm-sized pointed bifacial tool in grey and yellow flint, no cortex. Marked 'Fox' in pencil on specimen and '3' in ink. Probably one of Jennings p.35, no.134: '4 Flint Implements from St Acheul donated by Ch. Fox 1864'. (See also ARC0132, ARC0142)6
ARC0134Flint tool05C06Hand axe of grey and white flint, small piece of cortex on base. Marked '8' in pencil.1
ARC0135Flint tool05C06Finely worked hand axe of greyish/white flint, small piece of cortex on base. Octagonal label '2' on specimen.6
ARC0136Flint tool05C06Hand axe, Lower Palaeolithic. Orangey/white material with cortex. Marked 'M1' in pencil on specimen. Label in red ink attached to specimen, partially torn, reads ' 2 ...ean [Acheulean or Chellean?] Hand axe, core tool'.63
ARC0137Flint tool05C09Pointed, narrow hand axe, crudely shaped, greyish-brown material, some cortex still adhering. '3' in ink and recent label 'A E/4' on specimen. Label in box reads 'Pleistocene - Ice Age, 400,000 years ago. Kent (Shoreham). A crude "hand axe" - man's first efforts at tool making. Roger Jacobi suggest could be from Knowle Farm, and it has been grouped with these, though no certainty.1
ARC0138Stone tool05C012Stone implement (possibly a portion of). Rough grey material. Old label '10' attached to specimen; another attached label now illegible though it has been recorded in the past as 'Donor Dr Hunt, implement from Zetland (Shetland). See Dymond and Jennings cats. 'Dr Hunt, 4 stone pounders and implements from Zetland 1868'. See also ARC0160A, ARC0160B, ARC0199, ARC0203, ARC0082.4
ARC0139ANatural flint ?05C04Whitish weathered stone marked '4'. KN 28.1.5[?]. 'KN' indicates 'Knowle Farm'. Roger Jacobi (BM 2004) reckoned it was a natural unworked flint.1
ARC0139BFlint tool05C04Small scraper of orangey/grey flint with old paper label attached 'Knowle, 450ft', also '2'. Roger Jacobi (BM 2004) says this flint has been worked, though very weathered.1
ARC0140Flint tool05C06Pointed handaxe (ficron), identified as Lower Paleolithic. Dark brownish/black material with a high gloss on shaped surfaces. Slightly concave sides. Small patches of cortex remaining, numbered 686 H. Old labels recorded in box as 'L64' (seems to be missing now) and another reading 'Axe Valley'. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) says this unlikely to be Axe Valley. Jennings p.35, no.56: '2 Flint implements ("No. 16 & 686" marked on them), Miss Hope, 1924. Annual Report for 1924: '2 Flint implements (Swanscombe), Miss Hope'.1
ARC0141Flint tool05C09Hand axe, lower paleolithic. Brown and grey flint, fine reworked edge. 2 small patches cortex. Pronounced 'S' shaped curve. Recent label in box states ' Labellled "48" and "4" and "Farnham" ', but these comments relate to ARC0100. See old label now seperated from specimen and stored in plastic bag ''12 paleolithic implements from Farnham Drift gravel, Donor Rev. Charles Keable', and on back 'Wrecclesham Vicarage, Farnham.' Also Jennings p. 34 and p.24 identifying 2 groups of objects from Farnham..Could be from Donations List 1909-16-1 Charles Kemble (sic). Roger Jacobi (2004) from BM says probably not Farnham, going on appearance and lack of similarity.63
ARC0142Flint tool05C06Hand axe, lower paleolithic. One surface flattish and one with a heavy ridge. Orangey/brown flint. Marked in pencil 'Fox' and 'Acheul'. See also ARC0132, ARC0133.6
ARC0143Flint tool05C09Large ovate hand axe, lower paleolithic, of orangey/brown material. Marked 'M2' in pencil on specimen. No other information. Could this be from Farnham (by comparison)?63
ARC0144Flint tool05C04Small hand axe, identified as Lower Paleolithic. Marked in pencil on specimen 'Shore Heath, Farnham'. Could be from '23 paleolithic implements from Farnham (some could be Chelean) deposited by Bath Corps 1927' (Jennings p.34) or from '12 Paleolithic Implements from Farnham Drift Sand (Keable)' (Jennings p. 24). See old label in plastic bag, now separated from specimens, '12 Pal implements from Farnham Drift Gravel, donor Rev Charles Keable 1909'.1
ARC0145Flint tool05C04Oval hand axe, Lower Paleolithic. Marked 'M1 ' in pencil on specimen. Roger Jacobi suggests it is part of the collection of hand axes from Farnham.63
ARC0146Flint tool05C09Narrow pointed handaxe,orangey/grey material .63
ARC0147Eoliths05C06Two stone eoliths. One orange brown , marked 136. One whitish, marked 136. Could be from Jennings p.24 '5 oolites (eoliths) Knole Farm [not 10 as on label] Kendal and Winwood 1905'. Roger Jacobi sees similarity to ARC0131 from Winterbourne Bassett (Fox) so these have been grouped with them.1
ARC0148Stone pounder05C09Possibly a stone pounder - possibly shaped from smooth, fine-grained reddish material, pebble-shaped. No other date or identification found. Possibly Stone Mulleer, Cape Flats, Charles Fox, 1877.63
ARC0149Flint tool05C06Hand axe of grey and white flint, small piece of cortex on side. Broken and reglued at base. Octagonal label '5' and more recent label 'A/5' on specimen.63
ARC0150AHand axe05C09Hand axe of orangey brown stone, probably flint, pointed and swells at base. No markings. Recent label in box says ' 'Old label "Axe Valley" ' but it is not clear which specimen this refers to and this label could have strayed into the box.63
ARC0150BAxe-head05C09Tranchet axe-head of a patterned browny/purple stone, possibly chert, with wide flat blade and base suitable for hafting.115
ARC0151AFlint tool05C04Flint side scraper, of orangey flint, marked 136 in pencil, and in white ink: 'KN.FM B(or P?). H.G.O.K. 30.3.05'. Old label in box reads 'No 136 L63 4 rough flint implements, paleolithic, probably from Knole, Rev. O.G.Kendal'. Could be Jennings p.24 '5 oolites Knole Farm (not 10 as on label)' Kendal and Winwood 1905. See ARC147. Could be from Donations List 1908-38-1, 1909-17-1, 1910-14-1. Roger Jacobi identified these as natural flint objects.1
ARC0151BFlint tool05C04Flint tool marked 'eolith', and in pencil 'Knowle 07' and 'K07'. Old label in box reads 'No 136 L63 4 rough flint implements, paleolithic, probably from Knole, Rev. O.G.Kendal'. Could be Jennings p.24 '5 oolites Knole Farm (not 10 as on label)' Kendal and Winwood 1905. See ARC0147. Could be from Donations List 1908-38-1, 1909-17-1, 1910-14-1. Roger Jacobi identified these as natural flint objects.1
ARC0152Chopper05C04Chopper. rectangular shape, of orangey flint, identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Pencil mark 'M2' on specimen. No other provenance. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) identifies this as part of the Farnham group.1
ARC0153Stone axe (fake)05C09Hand axe of black flint, some cortex remaining. Very symmetrical 'tear-shape'. Small hole through fabric on one edge. Identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic' but possible fake (?). Another label in box states 'Fake?' Roger Jacobi confirms this. Paper label attached to specimen 'A/3'.1
ARC0154Flint tool05C04Small hand axe of brownish orange flint, identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. No other information. From appearance could be Farnham and so has been grouped with these though no actual record of such. Probably either Oppenheim or Keable collection from Farnham.1
ARC0155Flint tool05C04Lower Paleolithic chopper of uniform orange flint. Three square sides. Marked 'M2' on specimen. Similarity to Farnham flints so has been put with this collection though no definited data to associate it with these. Either Oppenheim or Keable collection of Farnham items.1
ARC0156Hand axe05C06Pointed hand axe of orange-brown flint, identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Older label in box says "Two flint 'Coup-de-poings' with no record, one marked 'Bro-m' "which Roger Jacobi says is Broom in the Axe Valley. Is this '3 hand axes from Axe Valley, C.J. .Elton' in Jennings cat p.23 (Charles Elton 1882 Donations list). See also old label, now seperated from original object and stored in plast bac '3 paleolithic implements from the Axe Valley, Donor C.J.Elton. Bought here 1927'. Faint pencil marking on white cortex of this speciment 'Br--m'. Other Axe Valley ARC0069, 0173.1
ARC0157Flint tool05C06Hand axe of brownish black mottled flint, identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Circular thumb-sized dent on one side, probably caused by a fossil, since disappeared. Octagonal label '6' and recent label 'A 53' on specimen. Label in box states '?Acheulian, 300,000-100,000 years' and '?Wiltshire'. Very similar material and styles as ARC0149.63
ARC0158Flint tool05C06Hand axe of brownish grey mottled flint, identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Octagonal label '1' on specimen. No other identification. old paper labels in box 'K42' and 'K46' (x2).63
ARC0159Flint tool05C09Hand axe of brownish flint, identified by 1986 label as 'Lower Palaeolithic'. Pencil mark 'M1' on specimen. No other identification.63
ARC0160AStone tool05C10Stone implement, roughly shaped and pointed with blunt end, of dark grey stone. Printed paper label attached, more or less illegible except for '9' in pencil, rest probably Locality 'Zetland' and Presented by 'Dr. Hunt'. Dymond p.1, no.10: 4 Stones, from Zetland, Dr. Hunt, F.S.A., 1868. Jennings p.34: Stone implement. Zetland., Dr. Hunt, 1868. Other Zetland stone implements ARC0160B, ARC0203, ARC0199, ARC0138, ARC0082.4
ARC0160BStone tool05C10Stone implement, roughly shaped and pointed with blunt end, of dark grey stone. Printed paper label attached,with '7' in pencil and Locality 'Zetland' and Presented by 'Dr. Hunt' in ink. Dymond p.1, no.10: 4 Stones, from Zetland, Dr. Hunt, F.S.A., 1868. Jennings p.34: Stone implement. Zetland, Dr. Hunt, 1868. Other Zetland stone implements ARC0160A, ARC0203, ARC0199, ARC0138, ARC0082.4
ARC0161Stone Axe05C10Large roughly-polished stone axe, chipped on blade edge to reveal darker interior matrix.3
ARC0162Stone adze05C10Long narrow polished stone adze.. Dark stone fabric.125
ARC0163AFlint tools05C103Whiteish blade tools marked 'E.B.'.1
ARC0163BFlint tools05C105 Whiteish blade tools marked 'M.D.'.1
ARC0164Flint tools05C126 Flint flakes of varying types. One marked 'Blackheath' on one side and 'Barnet Hill' on the other, One marked 'Grimes Graves'.
Old label in box states 'Near Chard ,L.60 {crossed out} and A/4' and another 'Flakes of Transitional Period, (9) pre-Neolithic, post Tardenoisean'. Hoever, it may be that neither of these labels applies to these specimiens, and the Grimes Graves one seems to have strayed from other collections.
ARC0165Axe fragment05C05Broken tip of finely-polished axe of fine grained dark stone. Label attached to specimen reads ' Robenhausen'. See also ARC197, 200, 201, 202, 196, 167 for other Swiss Lake Village items. These were collected by Dr Ferdinand Keller and donated by Rev. H.H. Winwood in 1876.11
ARC0166Flint tools05C11Seventeen worked flints, seven with ink markings: 'HHW', 'Cape Flats', 'Dale', 'Bell Cape Flats Feb 26 1876 (?)', 'Dale'. Cape', Dale', '?'. [Dale is Sir Langham Dale, resident at Maitland] See Jennings p,.34 'Rev. H. H. Winwood and Miss Buckland, 66 quartz and sandstone implements from Cape Flats and elsewhere, 1 box mixed flakes, stones for weighting and digging...'. This box seems part of the same collection as ARC168 and ARC0182. See also Dymond cat, items 1-5, page 1. Old label in box says 'Transitional, Azilian-Tardenoisian period'.69
ARC0167AStone axe05C05Small polished axe. Part of Swiss Lake Village collection ARC197, 200, 201, 202, 165, 196. See notes with ARC16511
ARC0167BWorked tooth05C05Tooth fragment used as a tool. Part of an old label attached 'Roben..' (Robenhausen). Part of Swiss Lake Village collection ARC197, 200, 201, 202, 165, 196. See notes with ARC165.11
ARC0168Flint tools05C11One box of 57 flakes and cores of different types and materials (some chalcedony). 2 marked 'Cape', 1 marked 'Cape D.B.' and 2 marked 'Dale', 2 marked 'Dale B', 4 marked 'D.B.', 45 unmarked.69
ARC0169Flint weapon05C12Foliate arrowhead, dark stone material. No additional data. Possibly the missing arrowhead from Chattanooga: ARC0211?63
ARC0170Flint tools05C12Old label in box reads 'No41 Flint Implements found in foundations of Bath Abbey, West End, Donor Capt Breton'.' Jennings p.34 '8 flints found in the foundations of Bath Abbey'. Note one unusual jade/jadeite item. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) identified two of these flakes as natural. The 'jadeite' one may be +coloured quartz. The others are mesolithic or neolithic flakes/blades.1
ARC0171Flint tools05C092 Flint flakes (not six as label says), identified as being of modern origin. (On advice of Roger Jacobi this group has been divided - Roger Jacobi , Brit Mus, 2004) identified only two of these as being modern. One (grey) is 'unknown' moved to ARC0222. Two (brown, mottled) are Irish, he says, moved to ARC0223.). ARC0171 now consists of two modern flakes. Recent label in box refers to 'Old label on wooden plaque "Flint flakes prepared by flint knappers, Brandon, Norfolk'. One marked 'RUBBED'1
ARC0172Flint tools05C123 Flint flakes of whiteish flint.1
ARC0173Flint tool05C06Pointed hand axe , greyish brown colour.Tip possibly chipped off. Marked on butt end in faint writing 'Axe Valley'. Label says 'Old label "L1" '. Other Axe Valley ARC0156, ARC0069. Is this '3 hand axes from Axe Valley, C.J.Elton' in Jennings cat p.23 (Charles Elton 1882 Donations list). See also old label, now seperated from original object and stored in plast bac '3 paleolithic implements from the Axe Valley, Donor C.J.Elton. Bought here 1927'.1
ARC0174AFlint tool05C12Long flint flake, dark grey, no cortex, good quality flint and with paper label '56' attached, amended from '16'.1
ARC0174BFlint tool05C12Long flint flake, light brown and with cortex at bottom.1
ARC0175Flint tools05C1212 Microliths, identified as mesolithic, from Bath. Recent label in box states 'Old box labelled "Pygmy Flints, Bath, Donor P.M. Mathews Esq 1935"'. Some letters marked in pencils on some specimens: B, M, S, T, two unlabelled. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) calls these 'little flakes of flint' not pygmy flints.1
ARC0176A-CFlint tools05C123 Flint flakes a) cream coloured flaked tool, marked 'Bannmouth West' (Northern Ireland). b) Has area of crystalline quartz in cortex. Seems like recent break. Is this natural rather than man made? c) Has piece of bivalve shell in cortex. Like b) may be naturally broken flake or just wastage. Nothing seems to link these flints together.3
ARC0177Blade tool05C05Orange brown flint flake, no markings.'. Probably a retouched blade. Recent label in box identifies this as 'Bifacial axehead, Neolithic?' but this does not appear to be such. There is additonal reference to Jennings Catalogue 'No 29, page 33'.This label does not seem to refer to this object but there are no means of identifying it with any catalogue entries. This identification must remain unlikely; possibly wrong label has been put with this object. Roger Jacobi (Brit Mus 2004) identified this as a 'late Mesolthic blade from Ireland' and its fabric relates it to ARC0171, two brown flakes. Could these, with ARC0223, be associated with loose label on wooden base '3 flint flakes , River Barnes, Toome Bridge, Antrim'?3
ARC0178Stone05C12A whiteish round hammerstone with old label attached 'Hammerstone, Grimes Graves'. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) says this is a natural object. Old label in box says 'Hammer stone from Grimes Graves used for chipping flints, found by Mrs Tipping the Donor, 1927'. In Jennings catalogue note p.165, no 167 "One hammerstone form Grimes Graves..etc' an extract from her letter. Also Grimes Graves ARC0044 and ARC0110. Roger Jacobi suggests this is a natural pebble.1
ARC0179Flint tool05C05A flint tool made from a blade, light brown material, marked on flat edge 'Whitehead, Co Antrim'. See letter form Edmund Gumley (Gurnley?), Rector of Ballintoy, Mt Druid in Drawer 05C06.3
ARC0180Flint tools05C0532 Flint flakes, of whiteish colour. One marked 'Rough(?) Island'. No other data. Roger Jacobi (BM, 2004) suggests these may be Irish neolithic flakes from (?) Antrim so have been put with Irish specimens. Subsequently (March 2005) these have been put with a stray label which seems strongly associated with these specimens ''Thirty one assorted flakes, ?Neolithic, one marked Liestone, Co Down, Ireland.'3
ARC0181A-BFlint tools05C11Two, not three as stated on label, grey/brown flint flakes, finely flaked. a) Appears to be a broken portion of a knife, squareish in shape. b) A thin rounded blade tool with a flat end.45
ARC0182Flint tools and potsherd05C1179 Flint flakes, of different colours and materials (plus one piece of pot)..Middle Paleolithic. 1 marked 'Bell Cape Flats'. 2 marked 'Dale B'. [Dale is Sir Langham Dale, resident at Maitland] Old label says "' Chips and flakes, Cape Flats'., presented by Miss Buckland."
Dymond p.3 'No 37 "66 quarzite and sandstone implements and weapons from Cape Flats'. (Rev H. H. Winwood). See letter explaining these finds from Miss A W Buckland, April 2 1879. Old label 'Chips and flakes, Cape Flats, Miss Buckland'. Roger Jacobi (2004) says 'No chalcedony from South Africa, more likely India' and have strayed into this box, but as both this and ARC0168 contain similar items of chalcedony they have been left in for now. See also ARC0166.
ARC0183A-CFlint/chert tools05C11Three flint or chert tools with no data. [1 was snapped and reglued, now separated again]
a) Levallois point, early/mid Paleolithic. Dark brown and shiny thin point, broken with previously glued edges..
b) Levallois point, early/mid Paleolthic. Dark brown , thin in section and reworked on edges.
c) Rough -out of leaf shaped spearhead (?age). Orangey brown, pointed at both ends. less retouch on edges than a and b.
However, stylistically they resemble ARC0194, which is described as '8 neolithic implements from the Nile Plateau' and ARC0191 'Two Neoloithic flint knives.' and are likely to be part of this collection from Seton Karr, donated by Boyd Dawkins. But Roger Jacobi identifies a and b as early/mid Paleolithic.
ARC0184Flint tools05C1117 flake tools. Four are marked in ink 'C (?) Dale, Cape Flats'. See ARC183, 185. [Dale is Sir Langham Dale, resident at Maitland]
Dymond P. 3 'No 37 "66 quarzite and sandstone implements and weapons from Cape Flats'. (Rev H. H. Winwood).
See letter explaining these finds from Miss A W Buckland, April 2 1879.(with ARC 0182).
ARC0185Flint tools05C1127 Flint/chert flake tools of different colours and shapes. Identified by recent label as 'Upper Paleolithic, Still Bay culture.' 15 marked in ink with dates and place names. See ARC184 and 182. Dymond P. 3 'No 37 "66 quarzite and sandstone implements and weapons from Cape Flats'. (Rev H. H. Winwood). See letter explaining these finds from Miss A W Buckland, April 2 1879.69
ARC0186Stone tools05C1115 Stone implements, mostly whiteish flint. One larger quartzite hand tool. All labelled 'Somaliland, Seton-Karr'. Recent (1986) identification says 'Paleolithic-Neolithic, includes hand axes, burins, scrapers, blades etc). Said to be from Wadi Sheikh flint mines. See old labels in bag "Prehistoric implements from Somaliland, E. Africa, found by Mr H W Seton-Karr, during fourteen expeditions to that country, on the high plateau. Neolithic and Palaeolithic are associated in the same locality.....etc"40
ARC0187Stone hand axe05C11Pointed hand axe of a dark red stone, possibly sandstone. See also ARC0188? ARC0190, ARC0192.28
ARC0188Stone axe05C11Polished stone axe with some scarring on surface and chipped at both ends.28
ARC0189Hand-axe05C11Small reddish hand-axe. Faint ink inscription on specimen 'Cape B'.69
ARC0190Hand-axe05C11Large hand-axe of reddish stone Point missing. Marked very faintly in pencil 'Caddapah Madras Presidency, Seton Karr'. See also ARC0187, ARC0188? ARC0192.28
ARC0191Flint tools05C11Two pieces of broken flint knives, possibly chert. Finely worked. a) Narrower than b), otherwise similar. Stylistically they resemble ARC0194 and ARC0183, described as '8 neolithic implements from the Nile Plateau' flint knives,' part of a collection from Seton Karr, donated by Boyd Dawkins. Jacobi suggests this similarity to ARC0193 in type (though this is classed as Paleolithic)45
ARC0192Stone cleaver05C11Large symmetrically shaped stone cleaver of brownish stone, with one wedge shaped straight end and one rounded thicker end.
In faint writing on one side 'Paleo known as " [ditto, Palaeolithic] "Madras type". Gazeapet Cuddopah. H.W. Seton-Karr 1904.' See also ARC0187, ARC0188? ARC0190.
ARC0193Axe head05C08Flat, wedge-shaped axe, broken in half widthways and reglued. Curious weathering patina. Marked '2/3' in ink. Old label in box says 'Broken and weathered on the reverse side' and another says 'One axe should be labelled "broken and weathered on reverse sides"'. Jacobi (BM, 2004) suggests similarity in material to ARC0191 which would make this Egyptian. It is weathered in this way by being left to weather on a cliff face in desert conditions. He sees it is an axe roughout.45
ARC0194a, b, cFlint tools05C113 Flint knives (?broken at ends), possibly chert. Finely worked. Two have part of old labels attached 'EGYPT. E. Desert, Seton-Karr'.
a) With part of old label, broader curved on one edge.
b) With old label, Straighter edge.
c) Unlabelled, broader, with old glue on edge.
Stylistically they resemble ARC191 and 183, described as '8 neolithic implements from the Nile Plateau' flint knives,' part of a collection from Seton Karr, donated by Boyd Dawkins. See old label in box 'Eight Neolithic chert Implements found by Mr H.W. Seton Karr on the Nile plateau, presented by Professor Boyd Dawkins FRS, 1901'. See Jennings p.34.
Part of collection with ARC 0191, 0183, 0193.?
ARC0195Stone cleaver05C11Symmetrical ovoid stone tool of fine grained stone, reddish hue. No definite identification but recent label in box suggests possibly of Madras type, so could link to ARC188, 189, 190, 192. Old loose label states: "Madras types, see faint writing on: 1) Caddapah, Madras Presidency. 2) Paleo: known as Madras type. 3) Pointed Fist Axe 'Gazeepot......Paleo?' 4) Blunt " (some writing too faint to read). 5) Core, no writing."63
ARC0196A-CCelts05C053 Polished stone celts of similar blackish fine stone, in three different sizes. a) Smallest 5cm, finely polished, symmetrical. Attached to specimen is label "A17" and "Robenhausen (Swiss Lake Dwellings, RL & SI coll.)". b) Middle size, 6cm long, similar to a) with similar old label. c) Portion of large axe, portion is 7cm long. Similar old label, plus another one that says 'Robenhausen' as well. Are these part of (Jennings p.34) 'Rev. H.H. Winwood, 1 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings' ? Link to other Swiss Lake dwellings items in collection: ARC165, 167, 197, 201, 202. Jennings p.35 "Rev. H.H. Winwood 1876 11 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller...etc".11
ARC0197Flake tools05C0510 Flint flakes all labelled 'Wangen'. Are these part of (Jennings p.34) 'Rev. H.H. Winwood, 1 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings' ? Link to other Swiss Lake dwellings items in collection: ARC165, 167, 196, 197, 200, 201, 202. Jennings p.35 "Rev. H.H. Winwood 1876 1 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller...etc"11
ARC0198Axe-head05C05 mbNarrow, pointed stone axe head, black coloured material. Rough-out, yet to be polished.3
ARC0199Stone pounder05C12Stone pounder.4
ARC0200Cast of hand axe05C09Plaster cast of hand axe, identified as Lower Palaeolithic. Old label in box says 'Cast of a Palaeolithic implement found at Amiens'. However Roger Jacobi thinks it looks very similar to the 'Grays Inn handaxe' (the first hand axe form) and queries the Amiens attribution (needs further checking).6
ARC0201Flints05C057 Flint tools, six labelled Wangen. One is seperate in a small box, not labelled. Are these part of (Jennings p.34) 'Rev. H.H. Winwood, 1 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings' ? Link to other Swiss Lake dwellings items in collection: ARC165, 167, 197, 196, 200, 202. Jennings p.35 "Rev. H.H. Winwood 1876 11 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller...etc"11
ARC0202Flake tools05C053 Flake tools, 2 labelled 'Wangen', 1 labelled 'Roben.'. Are these part of (Jennings p.34) 'Rev. H.H. Winwood, 1 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings' ? Link to other Swiss Lake dwellings items in collection: ARC165, 167, 197, 200, 201, 209. Jennings p.35 "Rev. H.H. Winwood 1876 11 collection made in Swiss Lake Dwellings by Dr Fred Keller...etc"11
ARC0203Stone implement05C12Stone implement, roughly rectangular with two roughly square ends. Stone pounder?4
ARC0204Stone axe05C05Polished stone axe of fine dark green/black stone. Has curved wedge-shaped blade with sharp edge. Old label 'L23' on specimen.
1986 identification identifies it as a Neolithic stone axe, possibly from Robenhausen and there are strong similarities to other Swiss Lake Dwellings material - see ARC0165, ARC0167, ARC0197, ARC0202.
ARC0205Flints for flint-lock ?05C12Small symmetrical flake of good quality dark flint. This is possibly a recent (19th century?) flint of the kind used in flint lock guns though has not been formally identified as such. Two additional poorer flakes of paler flint (originally with ARC0054 and ARC0122) have been put with this perfect specimen.1
ARC0206A-BArrow heads05C02Two bifacially flaked arrowheads of grey flint.a) One has tip missing and has a flatter base. b) More pointed and complete. Each has a red spot label on base - 'A 17/1' and 'A 17/2'. Old label in box says 'Arrowheads from Senasssa River, Chattanooga, USA., said to be from Mississippi mound build culture. See also ARC0210, ARC0211, ARC0216.75
ARC0207Hand axe05C02Small compact stone axe, waisted on 3 sides, of dark crystalline stone with flat base. See also ARC212. Old label in box reads 'No 11 Indian Tomahawk from Illinois' and on back 'Illinois, Melland and Walker' (this should probably be Mellhuish and Walter as mentioned in note in Dymond p.1 and 2). 2nd old label reads 'No 11 A small stone Axe' and on back '?No 11 from Illinois, Donors Melland and Walker'. Jennings p.34 'Melland and Hall, 1 small stone axe, probably Illinois, 1861' and a note on p.155, no 53 reads 'Small stone axe no 11 was found in Illinois and supposed to have been used by the tribe of Illinois Indian who, tradition says, perished on 'Starved Rock' on Mississippi River (note by J.H. Melhuish in 1893 cat)'. Note in Dymond links to another stone axe no 14 or ARC212, fom Ohio.75
ARC0208Hand axe05C02Small polished axe, slightly concave on one side, rounded on other side. One blunt end but pointed at other end. Of grey stone.
2 old labels attached to specimen: '5698D Maine' and 'Maine, U.S. America'.
Jennings p.34 'deposited by Bath Corporation 1927, 1 celt from Maine, USA'. Part of Oppenheim collection.
ARC0209Axe blade05C08Wedge-shaped green jadeite blade, flat with sharpened broad edge. Quite worn. In pencil on specimen 'New Zealand No 54'.
2 old labels in box: 'Jade hatchet from New Zealand No 54' and 'Implement (Hatchet?) Nephrite Jade, New Zealand, No 54, worked nephrite 'jade' tool.' Jennings p.34, no.54: '1 jade hatchet from New Zealand, donated by executors of W.B...(?)'.
ARC0210A-BArrow heads05C122 Large flaked arrowheads or flint blades, finely worked. b) is flint, a)r possibly flint more finely worked into a curving point. See also ARC0206, ARC0211, ARC0216.75
ARC0211A-CArrow heads05C12Three flaked arrowheads of different types of stone or flint. a) Largest is black, b) smaller and black, c) greeny-grey. Said to be 'Missiissippi Mound builder culture'. Old wooden label in box says 'Four (sic, now only three) arrowheads from Mounds on Senassa River, Chattagooga, USA'. Do not seem to be mentioned in Jennings or Dymond catalogue. See also ARC0206, ARC0210, ARC0216.75
ARC0212Axe head05C03Stone axe, compact, waisted, of dark stone with flat base. See also ARC207. Old label in box reads 'Probably No 14, Indian Tomahawk from Ohio USA'. Dymond catalogue p.1 - 'I stone axe from America' and see note in Dymond on p 2.
Not noted in Jennings p.34 but see note on p.155, no 53: ''Copy of a memorandum referring perhaps to Nos 11 and 14 - 'The large tomahawk was found near some ancient fortifications in the Sciota Valley, Ohio. The small one was found in Illinois etc......' signed Joseph H. Mellhuish, 6 Dafford's Buildings, per Henry Walter, 31st Jan 1862".
ARC0213Stone knife05C08Long and thin black stone point, bifacially flaked. Old label in box says 'Stone knife or spear-head used by Australian natives, Capt. le Breton'. More recent label identifies it as a bifacial point or knife, of recent date from Australia'. Possibly Dymond p. 3 'No 39, stone knife or spearhead used by Australian natives, Lieut. Breton R.N.'. Jennings p. 3 'Capt Breton 1865 1 stone knife, no 97'.81
ARC0214Axe head05C05Small polished axe head, somewhat damaged,of green and black mottled, crystalline stone.
Old paper label, nearly illegible, attached to specimen reads ''Suischerz -----(?)' [Luischerz?]
ARC0215Flake point05C02Recent label in box (1986) identifies this as a 'bifacial point, palaeo-Indian, Texas'.
Old label in box says 'Arrowhead from Texas, Donor T.H.Green Esq, 1935'.
Inscribed in ink on specimen 'Texas, T.H.Green 1935'.
Other material from Texas from T.H. Green is in Room 2, Rack 7 , Drawer 26, Item 1.
ARC0216Arrow heads05C02Two barbed and tanged flaked arrowheads of orange/brown flint, finely worked. Said to be 'Missiissippi Mound builder culture' from mounds on Senassa River, Chattanooga, USA'. Do not seem to be mentioned in Jennings or Dymond catalogue. See also ARC0206, ARC0210, ARC0211.75
ARC0217Perforated clay ball05C11Large roughly shaped clay sphere, perforated in centre. Large stone pebble and smaller pieces included in fabric Signs of burning around one end of perforation. This is probably the item mentioned in Jennings Cat p.35 "One lump clay (called letter weights) cir.600 to 550BC. donated by Egypt Exploration Fund". Also note in Jennings p.160, No 114 "Lump of Egyptian clay. These articles shaped like a core and covered with hieroglyphs are common in Egyptian tombs. This is a very poor one and called in 1893 Catalogue (Dymond) 'a letter weight' ". Also note in Jennings p.32 "Too big for wall case is a lump of chalk (sic) from Egypt - the inscription is worn out. Commonly placed in ancient Egyptian tombs. It has no record or entry except a 'Paper Weight' ".45
ARC0218Jade blade05C08Broken piece of finely shaped and highly polished thin green jade in the form of a blade, with old paper label '39' attached.
Jennings p.6, no.39: '2 Carving 'toki' axes of nephrite. New Zealand', R.G.Frith, 1927. This may be linked to ARC220.
ARC0219Axe head05C08Small axe head of finely grained dark green stone, wedge-shaped, with curved blade. Old paper label '34' attached. Jennings p.6, no.34: 'One hard carving stone 'toki', New Zealand, No 34. By exchange Mrs Mellor'.77
ARC0220Axe head05C08Small axe head with one flat side, curving blade on other, slightly chipped around base, made of very fine black, slate-like, polished stone. In box is old label which may, or may not, relate to this item and ARC0219, ARC0218. It says 'No 28 Donor Miss Mcgregor, No 29 Donor Col. Escott. The patoo or mere is one of the signs of authority carried by the Maori chiefs. The Greenstone Nephrite ditto is called mere pounamou.'
Also Jennings p.6 'R.G.Frith, 1927, 2 carving 'toki' axes of nephrite No 39'. (note 153)' - so this may be linked to ARC218.
ARC0221Hand axe05C04Pointed hand axe of orange stained flint. From similarity to other specimens in collection, reckoned by Roger Jacobi to be from Farnham, part of Oppenheim collection or Keable collection..1
ARC0222Flint tool05C09Flint blade tool. date and origin unknown. Was part of ARC 0171 but Jacobi suggested splitting up this disparate group.63
ARC0223Flint tools05C052 Flake tools, dark brown stained and mottled flint.Were part of ARC 0171 but Jacobi suggested splitting up this disparate group. Similarity in fabric to ARLC0177 which Jacobi suggests is an Irish late Mesolithic blade. Could these, with ARC0177, be associated with loose label on wooden base '3 flint flakes , River Barnes, Toome Bridge, Antrim'?3
ARC0224Chopper or core05C11Stone chopper or core.28
ARC0225Gun-flints?05C123 Small flints. Note in box states 'Flints. Hampton Down (site of shooting butts). RP/8/80'. Includes scraper and two flakes.1
ARC0226Flint tools05C122 Flints. One marked '8/80 Wyvern, RP, Wilts.' (RP = Ron Pickford, BRLSI curator). 2nd one marked Wyvern RP/8/80.1
ARC0227Hand axe05C12Highly weathered roughly fashioned stone axe. Lichen deposits suggest a surface find. See also ARC0228, ARC0229, ARC0230, ARC0231.35
ARC0228Hand axe05C12Small leaf-shaped stone axe. See also ARC0227, ARC0229, ARC0230, ARC0231.35
ARC0229Stone scraper05C12Wedge shaped scraper with flat edge. See also ARC0227, ARC0228, ARC0230, ARC0231.35
ARC0230Stone ball05C12Stone ball, roughly shaped and weathered. Polished on butt end. See also ARC0227, ARC0228, ARC0229, ARC0231.35
ARC0231Pointed hand axe05C12Pointed stone hand axe, yellowish stone. See also ARC0227, ARC0228, ARC0229, ARC0230.35
ARC0232Flake tool ?05C12Flake tool or small hand axe which until recently was in with the geology collection but has now been transferred to Archaeology (Feb 2005). Old label in with specimen states 'Flint from Cromer foreshore, pre-Chellean, end of Pliocene. Found by donor under Till at tope of Crom Forest Bed series. Donor Mrs Tipping 1927'. Another small label says 'Eolith from Foreshore, Cromer'. We know from other notes that Mrs Tipping came as a casual visitor to the BRLSI and helped with identification of the flint collection.1
ARC0233Oil lamp08A13.34Pinkish earthenware ceramic lamp with decoration of raised and incised lines in a semi-circular design around the wick hole. On base is an incised circle with markings inside and two incised lines around wick end. Illustrated on Drawing 28, No 31.10
ARC0234Lekythos08A13.34Slipware decorated Lekythos with pedestal foot and vertical handle at side. Rim borken and incomplete.
Lower third is decorated with a broad band of black slip with 3 incised lines running around body. Upper part is decorated in black slip with picture of a charioteer but image is damaged.Illustrated in Drawing 31, No 25. Matches with ARC0238.
Old paper label 47 attached and 47 written in pencil on base..
ARC0235Potsherds08A13.344 Small pottery bases, broken off from earthenware vessels. Two grey and two terracotta.
Illustrated on Drawing 24 No 27 .
ARC0236Flask08A13.34Pinkish terracotta flask with straight neck and curved looping handle. Decorated with two small frogs (?) in relief on opposing sides.
2 incised parallel bands run around lower part of neck.
ARC0237Lekythos08A13.34Lekythos coated with black slip on body and foot, worn in places. Broken at neck.Old paper label '50'. Palemette decoation in black slip on shoulder. Marked '50' in pencil on base. Dymond p.43, no.50: 'Etruscan ?'
Illustrated drawing 30, no 23.
ARC0238Lekythos08A13.34Lekythos borken at base and neck and handle broken and reglued. Pair with ARC0234. Decorated in black slip with chariot scene.
Illustrated D35 no 26.?
ARC0239Ceramic pig08A13.34Small terracotta pig or boar partially covered in white slip.
Illustrated in Drawing 28, no 19.
ARC0240Oil lamp08A13.34Red slipped terracotta lamp decorated with lion inside disk and wreath of leaves surrounding in raised decoration. On base is old paper label 'Baalbeck, Syria'.118
ARC0241Oil lamp08A13.34Pinkish earthenware ceramic lamp, possibly Roman. No decoration but small fragment of handle (?) on side.84
ARC0242Figurine fragments08A13.343 Terracotta heads: a) Head and bust of woman from vessel(?) hollowed out at back. b) Head of male whith prominent nose and brow, white plaster layer more recently applied (?) on base. c) Female head at angle on neck,with elaborate headress, slot in top of head.1
ARC0243Flagon08A13.34Large grey ceramic double-handled flagon with bulbous extended rim above neck.
Decorated with parallel incised lines running around body and rim. Base chipped.
Illustrated on Drawing 26, No 6.
ARC0244Fragments of flue tile and tegula08A13.34Two fragments of tile:
a) Flue tile
b) Edge of tegula
Illustrated on Drawing 34, Nos 16b and 16c..
ARC0245Fragments of tea pot (?)08A13.34Three fragments of teapot (?) - spout, handle and section of decorated base. All red terracotta of industrial manufacture.
Old label attached reads '4a Redware made by John Philip and David Elers of Bradwell, Staffordshire in 1690-1700.'
ARC0246Cup ?08A13.34Single handled shallow, wide cup with looped horizontal handle, of with black slip interior and terracotta. Rough white exterior coating, worn in patches. Cup has been broken previously, with two fragments re-attached.
Illustrated on drawing 20, no 3.
ARC0247Oil lamp08A13.34Earthenware lamp, broken at wick end. Decorated with a pattern of raised lines. Potter's mark on base "ASAVCV" [?] within a raised circle.10
ARC0248Flask08A13.34Small slender flask of terracotta with tiny base (18mm dia). Patches of rough white slip adhering. Rim is lost.
Drawing 24 no. 13.
ARC0249Flask08A13.34Small slender flask of terracotta with small base (30mm dia). Patches of rough white slip adhering. Rim and base incomplete.
Drawing 24 no. 12.
ARC0250Lekythos08A13.34Small lekythos in terracotta, with palmette decoration in black slip. Rim lost.
Drawing 21 no 24
ARC0251Wall plaster08A13.34Two fragments of wall plaster, both with dark background and pattern in white brush strokes.10
ARC0252Oil lamp08A13.34Earthenware lamp , likely Roman. Broken at wick end. Decorated with abstract pattern of raised lines. Blackened on top surface. Potters mark on base "CUNBIT".10
ARC0253Oil lamp08A13.34Earthenware lamp , likely Roman. Chariot scene with two horses and a figure in chariot in discus, recessed into top surface. Stands 4.5cm high and lamp is slightly oval shaped.125
ARC0254Oil lamp08A13.34Earthenware lamp , likely Roman. Small raised ring around central hole. Small hole at base of handle. No other features.125
ARC0255Grinding stone/Quern07G11Grinding stone/Quern.11
ARC0256Grindstone/whetstone/quern?07G11Grindstone/whetstone/quern, origin currently unknown. Possibilities include: Whetstone from Ur of the Chaldess, Cedric Chivers, 1929; quern, Mount Druid, Ballintoy, Ireland, Rev. Dr. Traill, 1826.63
ARC0257AArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0257BArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0257CArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0257DArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0257EArrow heads05C073 Obsidian arrowheads.50
ARC0258ACore05C07Obsidian core.50
ARC0258BFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0259AFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0259BFlake tools05C072 Obsidian flake tools, unmarked (1 with fragment broken off).50
ARC0260AObsidian core05C07Obsidian core.50
ARC0260BFlake tools05C072 Flake tools, unmarked.50
ARC0261AFlake tools05C072 Obsidian flake tools.50
ARC0261BFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0261CFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0261DFlake tools05C072 Obsidian flake tools.50
ARC0262AObsidian core05C07Obsidian core.50
ARC0262BObsidian core05C07Obsidian core, unmarked.50
ARC0262CFlake tool05C07Large rough flake tool.50
ARC0263AArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0263BArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0264AFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0264BFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0264CFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0265AObsidian core05C07Obsidian core, unmarked.50
ARC0265BFlake tool05C071 Flake.50
ARC0265CFlake tool05C071 Flake.50
ARC0265DFlake tool05C071 Round scraper.50
ARC0265EFlake tool05C07Unifacial point.50
ARC0265FFlake tool05C07Parti-facial scraper.50
ARC0266AArrow head05C07Obsidian barbed and tanged arrowhead.50
ARC0266BFlake tool05C07Obsidian unifacial point.50
ARC0266CFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0267AFlake tools05C075 Obsidian flake tools (knives or razors), unmarked.50
ARC0267BFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0267CFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake tool.50
ARC0268Flake tool05C07Flake tool found with obsidian flakes from Mexico, but unmarked and of different material.50
ARC0268AFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268BFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268CFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268DFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268EFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268FFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268GFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268HFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0268IFlake tool05C07Obsidian flake.50
ARC0269AObsidian core05C07Obsidian core.50
ARC0269BObsidian core05C07Obsidian core, unmarked.50
ARC0269CFlake tools05C073 Flake tools.50
ARC0269DFlake tool05C07Flake tool.50
ARC0269EFlake tools05C072 Flake tools.50
ARC0269FFlake tool05C07Flake tool.50
ARC0269GFlake tool05C07Flake tool.50
ARC0269HFlake tools05C076 Flake tools, unmarked.50
ARC0270AArrow heads05C072 Obsidian arrowheads.50
ARC0270BArrow heads05C072 Obsidian arrowheads.50
ARC0270CArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0270DArrow head05C07Obsidian arrowhead.50
ARC0271Stone celt05C07Polished stone 'celt'.50
ARC0272Arrow heads05C072 Stone arrowheads. Old label (no longer with specimens) 'Quartz arrowheads found in desert of Allacomba, Bolivia. Donor R. Davis 1830. No. 51'. But Davis only gave 1 arrow head: 'Flint arrow head found in Peru, R.H. Davis, 1909' (Annual Report). Jennings p.34, no.51: '1 Quartz arrow head. Desert Allacoma in Bolivia', donor not specified. ARC0272 arrow heads appear to be made from quartz or similar material, not flint.116
ARC0273Arrow head05C07White flake arrowhead, barbed. Material flakes like flint but is not flint or chert.50
ARC0274Stone mining hammer08B01.37Stone mining hammer. Originally ellipsoid with waste for securing to haft and flat portion at base for positioning haft. Broken at one end, probably done while in use and so discarded.3
ARC0275Stone pounder/grinder08B01.35Stone pounder/grinder. Piece of stone ground to an almost spherical shape. Probably used for grinding or removing husks. Part of old label states '...enhausen'.11
ARC0276Portion of stone tool08B01.35Portion of stone tool, axe? Old label states 'Robenhausen'.11
ARC0277Flint tool ?08B01.37Natural or partly worked flint that appears to show signs at the broad end of being used as a hammer or crusher. Old Moore collection type label, probably in Rev. H.H. Winwood's hand 'Flint hammer or crusher (?). Presented by Mrs. Brighthorn.' In the archives (L06079) this is referred to as presented by Mrs. Brightwen, but with the suggestion that it was rejected. It may be the 'Piece of Herts. Conglomerate' given by Mrs. Brightwen in 1891.1
ARC0278-1Stone axe08B01.35[1 of 4] Stone axes from Cowra, Locklan River [North Logan], N.S. Wales. '1' in pencil on object, but a label '3' had been stuck over it.81
ARC0278-2Stone axe08B01.35[1 of 4] Stone axes from Cowra, Locklan River [North Logan], N.S. Wales. '2' in pencil on object.81
ARC0278-3Stone axe08B01.35[1 of 4] Stone axes from Cowra, Locklan River [North Logan], N.S. Wales. '3' in pencil on object.81
ARC0278-4Stone axe08B01.35[1 of 4] Stone axes from Cowra, Locklan River [North Logan], N.S. Wales. '4' in pencil on object.81
ARC0278-5Stone suitable for axe08B01.35[1 of 4] Stone axes from Cowra, Locklan River [North Logan], N.S. Wales, or from Queensland. Specimen unnumbered and unworked but material is similar in appearance to no. 4.81
ARC0278-6Stone axe08B01.35Stone axe. Label: 'No.6. Thought possible that it was 'dug' up in Devon. Donor not sure.' '3A' in pencil on object. Specimen unworked but material is similar in appearance to no. 4.81
ARC0279Bell08A13.34Brass bell.63
ARC0280Tesserae08A13.34Bag of mosaic fragments: 111 blue, 30 black, 95 green, 26 red, 10 white or clear, 6 others.127
ARC0281Miscellaneous08A13.34a) Two spherical brown stone objects, similar colour, one with remains of a label similar to those on Adela Breton artefacts. b) Ellipsoid dark grey object, no markings c) Dark grey washer-like object, no markings.63
ARC0282Miscellaneous08A13.343 potsherds without signs of wear..1 water worn potsherd and 1 decorated fragment, apparently of iron or ironstone?63
ARC0283Cup08A13.34Delicate black ware cup with two handles (one missing), part of the other reattached.10
ARC0284Unguent or tear bottle08A13.34Small "Roman bottle".63
ARC0285Unguent or tear bottle08A13.34Red ware "unguent jar" from Corneto.10
ARC0286Unguent or tear bottle08A13.34"Red ware unguent or tear-bottle".63
ARC0287Unguent or tear bottle08A13.34"Black ware unguent or tear-bottle" from Corneto.10
ARC0288Unguent or tear bottle ?08A13.34Small long-necked bottle. Some lines circling at intervals for decoration, otherwise plain.128
ARC0289Unguent or tear bottle08A13.34"Roman bottle".63
ARC0290Unguent bottle ?08A13.34Small short-necked bottle, probbaly with a brown glaze or slip.97
ARC0291Double cupBATRM"Roman double cup on stem, painted red inside". Actually painted elsewhere also, apart from the base.1
ARC0292Bronze rim08A13.34Fragment of thin beaten bronze or copper. Apparently a rim of an object, possibly a wooden container. Rim descends about 1 cm on inside and slightly so on the outside. Possible hole(s) for nails or rivets on inner rim.1
ARC0293Tile08A13.34Triangular piece of tile with concentric curved grooves with white filling on upper surface. Presumed floor tile.63
ARC0294Pot08A13.34Broken bottle [or vase] found in the trenches at Hook-Norton, 8 miles from Banbury, Oxon.1
ARC0295Potsherds08B01.367 Potsherds, raised moulding, grey ground, blue and purple detail. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0296Potsherds08B01.364 Potsherds, rpale grey ground, blue, green and red detail. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0297Potsherds08B01.364 Potsherds, rpale grey ground, speckled brown detail. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0298Potsherds08B01.367 Potsherds, rcream ground, speckled purple detail. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0299Potsherds08B01.3618 Potsherds, yellowish ground, brown detail. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0300Potsherds08B01.366 Potsherds. 4 probably parts of a teapot, brwon below,, paler and with decoration above. 2 unrelated handles, one black the other unglazed. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0301Potsherds08B01.367 Potsherds, assorted styles. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0302Potsherds08B01.3850 Potsherds, white ground, blue detail. 1 comprises 3 fragments glued together. Brislington Pottery excavations 1914.1
ARC0303Pottery vessel08A13.40Rough grey pottery vessel, more or less spherical with very short neck (partly damaged). 3 lines scored round circumference at different levels, otherwise plain.63
ARC0304Oil lamp08A13.40Oil lamp in white material, with hole for wick and for filling. No handle, but with elaborate incised patterns involving feathers or ears of wheat or barley.63
ARC0305Oil lamp08A13.40Oil lamp of pale earthenware with elaborate pattern of lines above and handle in the form of a bird's fanned tail or cockle shell. Large hole for filling and smaller one for the wick.97
ARC0306Pottery pitcher08A13.40Pottery pitcher, black ground, with band round widest part probably originally painted red or pink. Oblique spout with sides inrolled. Handle still intact.10
ARC0307A-KOil lamps08A13.40Miniature earthenware oil lamps, plain with open oil container and large hole for wick. No handles.127
ARC0308Coil pot08A13.40Plain coil pot, with waist above base and below rim. Dark colour probably due to firing.63
ARC0309Tiny pot08A13.40Tiny plain earthenware pot with part of upper section missing.63
ARC0310ALekythos, Greek style08A13.40Ornamental jar, Greek lekythos, fine work, creamy brown ground and black decoration of palmettes. Cylinder shape withsharp shoulder. Terracotta. White ground period.10
ARC0310B Lekythos, Greek style08A13.40Ornamental jar, fine work, creamy brown ground and black decoration of palmettes.Greek lekythos. Cylinder shape withsharp shoulder. Terracotta. White ground period.10
ARC0311Mounted statuette08A13.40Figure in ivory (?) of a young woman drying her hair. Stauette mounted on a cylindrical black wood base with small metal plaque inscribed 'FOUND BY E.H. WEILNERT AT POMPEII.'10
ARC0312Pitcher/Jug08A13.45Pitcher jug of pale yellowish pottery, plain apart from ribs on handle and neck. Part of neck missing. Lines around widest part may indicate further decoration.1
ARC0313Pitcher/Jug08A13.40Decorated red ware two-hand;ed pitcher or jug. Bulbous neck and circumference decorated with diagonal incised lines between horizontal lines. Base slightly expanded and with small pieces chipped off. Also small hole near widest point.63
ARC0314Spoon08A13.40Bronze spoon. 14 or 15 Cent. (Pallanza 1895).10
ARC0315Pitcher/Jug08A13.40Pitcher or jug (Etruscan beaked oinochoe) of black ware with red decoration of scrolls and other patterns and the figure of a man.10
ARC0316Pitcher/Jug08A13.40Plain grey ware pitcher or jug with two handles in the style of an amphora, but with flattened base and small spout for pouring.63
ARC0317Plate/Dish08A13.40Shallow dish or plate on short foot. Cream ware painted black. Part of rim broken off then glued back.10
ARC0318Bowl/Pot lidBATRMRed ware pot lid, or bowl on raised foot. Label suggests the latter.1
ARC0319Jug or unguent jar08A13.40Small jug or jar of red ware, the side opposite the handle modelled as a girl's face.,Neck and handle missing, small chips on base.84
ARC0320Plate/Saucer08A14.41Dish, plate or saucer of carved stone decorated with conscentric lines and four sprays of leaves opposite each other on the rim and another at the centre.63
ARC0321Pottery vessel08A14.41Upper portion of a red ware vessel, more or less conical in section and with spiral ribs, suggesting it was coil-built either within or outside a former. ARC0322 is the base of the same or a similar vessel.63
ARC0322Pottery vessel08A14.41Base of a red ware vessel, more or conical in section and with spiral ribs, suggesting it was coil-built either within or outside a former. ARC0321 is the upper part of the same or a similar vessel.63
ARC0323Scagliola sample08A14.41Square sample of 'scagliola' flooring, probably cut to a square and polished by the collector.10
ARC0324Bowl08A14.41Black ware bowl, now in 28 fragments plus small chips.63
ARC0325Bowl08A14.41Dark grey ware bowl, now in fragments plus small chips.50
ARC0326Pitcher/Jug08A14.41Red ware pitcher or jug with one handle, attached at rim of neck and top of body. Neck slightly pinched. Body decorated with concentric blacvk lines, some broad, some fine. Broken in the past but has since been restored.63
ARC0327Bowl08A14.41Black ware bowl or cup on raised foot. Plain apart from faint inciseed concenbtric lines.63
ARC0328Cement sample08A14.41Accouding to the label attached: 'Roman cement, Chester.'1
ARC0329Jug/Pitcher08A14.41Cream ware jug or small pitcher, decorated with numerous lines in black (oxide), concentric and in bands of diagonal patterns.128
ARC0330Plate/Saucer08A14.41Black ware plate or saucer on raised foot, ridges around edge and edge of bowl for decoration.10
ARC0331Pitcher/Jug08A14.42Black ware pitcher or jug (beaked oinochoe) with one handle. Red decoration, much faded, of scrolls and the figure of a woman. Part of lip broken and later glued back. Identical style to ARC0315.10
ARC0332Bottle08A14.42Black ware pottery bottle with rouhnded base and loop handles either side, probably to allow it to be carried. Plain apart from some incised patterns below the handles.50
ARC0333Jar08A14.42Red pottery jar with black band decoration. Loop jandles at either side.63
ARC0334Vase/jug08A14.42Cream ware vase, jug or bottle with one handle. Plain and on a wide foot. Crack around part of circumference anda small hole at end of crack. Very thin fabric at that point.63
ARC0335Jug08A14.42Tall plain cream ware jug with one handle. Object trapped within it, either a pebble or perhaps a stopper.84
ARC0336Bottle/jar08A14.42Plain red ware bottle or jar with rounded base. Part of neck missing.63
ARC0337Cremation jar08A14.42Small plain black ware cremation jar with rounded base.28
ARC0338Jar08A14.42Plain grey ware jar. Wide mouth with lip, part of which is missing.63
ARC0339Bottle/jar08A14.42Aryballos - Small spherical cream ware pot or jar with rounded base, broad disk shaped mouth.. Used as perfume or oil container. Painted (bichrme ware) in black and red slip which haven't reduced properly (should have been black on white) . Could be late Corinthian14
ARC0340Oil lamp08A14.42Glazed orange ware oil lamp with large hole for oil and small hole for wick. Loop handle.14
ARC0341Dish-shaped object08A14.42Black painted cream ware dish-like object with a raised central 'knob.' around the knob are four unevenly placed symbols. Two appear to be images of the rising or setting sun and the other two between them may be mid-day suns. Around these is a herring-bone pattern of fine lines. Possibly for calendrical or religious use.63
ARC0342Potsherd08A14.42Fine red ware handle for jug or mug. Unglazed but grooves along its length may have contained a darker pigment. At the top of the handle near where it joined the container is a small boss which is the curled tip of probablyan acanthus leaf decoration. Presumed to be European, probably British.63
ARC0343Jar08A14.42Painted buff ware two-handled jar decorated with lines in concentric red and brown.10
ARC0344Cup08A14.42Shallow buff ware cup on stem. Possibly originally with painted decoration but decoration only suggested in one or two places due to incrustation of lime or clay. Appears to have been wheel-thrown.63
ARC0345Pilgrim flask08A14.42Buff ware flattened bottle with two handles and small opening at top. Disc-shaped sides decorated by a bas-relief depicting Saint Menas, robed and with a cross either side of the head. Arms outstretched with open hands and two kneeling camels on either side. Pattern repeated on the back.84
ARC0346Bowl08A14.42Coarse cream ware bowl, or lower part of larger vessel. Uneven edge to rim suiggests original rim no longer present.50
ARC0347Jug08A14.42Plain black ware one-handled jug10
ARC0348Jug/Jar08A14.42Small squat plain black ware jug or jar with one handle.10
ARC0349Jug08A14.42Plain black ware jug or jar with handle raised above lip.10
ARC0350Jar/Vase08A14.42Plain black ware jar or vase with wide flared lip, part of which is missing. Originally in three pieces, later glued together and secured with black thread.63
ARC0351Tile fragment- Roman antefix08A14.42Large fragment of tile with one straight edge and the remains of an undulating upper edge. One face with raised decoration, probably making a repeated pattern. The other side plain and flat. Roof decorain - called 'antefix'.10
ARC0352Potsherd08A15.43Sherd of black ware pot with base and part of side.11
ARC0353Potsherd08A15.43Portion of the side of a flat bottomed conical sided dish or pot. Originally two pieces, since glued together.11
ARC0354Loom weight08A15.43Flattened spherical baked clay loom weight .11
ARC0355Loom shuttle?08A15.43Base of antler with boss shaved off and a slot cut into narrow end. Signs of wear in slot.11
ARC0356Flint tools/flakes05C128 Flint flakes and tools including black flint round scraper and possible broken arrow head.1
ARC0357Engraved slab08A15.43Slab of white limestone with engraving apparently depicting the horn of an ox. Edge is rounded suggesting a cartouch shape. Back is scored, presumably to aid attaching it to a backing using plaster.63
ARC0358Potsherds08A15.4332 Sherds of assorted plain pottery.1
ARC0359A-DPotsherds08A15.434 Fragments of a large vessel with stout handle (a) with plaited decoration externally. Part of a spout (b) fits to two body sherds (c, d). An orange-yellow glaze was applied to the outside surface. The spout is level with the rim and merely a hole for liquid to be poored in or out..63
ARC0360A-CPotsherds08A15.433 Sherds of cream pottery glazed externally with a yellowish glaze Some external decoration in the form of shallow ridges and grooves (a, b) and a rim sherd (c) with piping hand-pressed to form decoration. The latter probably from a different vessel.63
ARC0361Potsherd08A15.43Coarse grey ware sherd from side of a large vessel, or possibly from some other object, since the curvature is slight.1
ARC0362Potsherds08A15.438 Fragments of several vessels with similar glaze of rose-tinted cream appearance, but otherwise undecorated.63
ARC0949Cosmetic spoonRBCosmetic spoon.63
ARC0955BraceletBRLSI ?Rectangular strip of ornamental bracelet. Lansdown? September 1906.1
ARC0956BraceletBRLSI ?Transferred to Roman Baths before or after 1962 loan. Small rectangular bracelet for a child. Lansdown? September 1906.1
ARC0957BangleBRLSITransferred to Roman Baths before or after 1962 loan. Penannular ring or bangle. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC0958Brooch pinsBRLSI3 Brooch pins. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC0959Brooch fragmentBRLSIFoot of a brooch. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC0960Bronze fragmentsBRLSI6 Miscellaneous bronze fragments. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC0961Carved fragmentBRLSICarved piece of a larger object. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC0962Hair pinRBHair pin.1
ARC0963Sherds of blue glassBRLSI10 Sherds of blue glass. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0964Bone pin fragmentsBRLSI5 Bone pin fragments. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0965Rim of vesselBRLSIRim of amber glass vessel. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0966Rim sherd of vesselBRLSISmall rim sherd of blue glass vessel. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0967Spindle whorlBRLSISpindle whorl made from remains of a piece of Samian ware. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0968CountersBRLSI2 Stone counters. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0969BeadsBRLSI4 Glass beads. Three small beads and part of a larger one. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0970Perforated boneBRLSIBone with a large perforation. Lansdown, 1906.1
ARC0971CoinRBCoin.. Obv. Constans. Gloria exercitus. Oldfield. Nurseries.1
ARC0972CoinRBCoin.. Obv. Constantinus. Head facing right. Rev. 2 soldiers with standards. Cleveland Walk, Bath.1
ARC0973CoinRBCoin. Obv. Domitian. Rev. Figure facing right. At the rear of the Hat and Feather, Walcot Street, Bath.1
ARC0974CoinRBCoin. Obv. Constantius. Rev. Soldiers with two standards. Powlett Road, Bathwick, Bath.1
ARC0975PenateBRLSIBronze penate. Deity seated in a chair. Weston, Bath, 1825.1
ARC0976PenateBRLSIBronze penate. Standing deity in robes. Weston, Bath, 1825.1
ARC0977PenateBRLSIBronze penate. Deity with headdress. Upper Borough Walls, Bath, 1824.1
ARC0978SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon with handle shaft.1
ARC0979SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon with handle shaft.1
ARC0980SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon with handle shaft.1
ARC0981Comb (2 bits)BRLSI2 Parts of a bone comb.1
ARC0982StylusBRLSIBronze stylus. Splayed and squared at one end.1
ARC0983LigulaBRLSIBronze ligula. Small with rounded scoop.1
ARC0984PinBRLSIBronze pin. Point missing.1
ARC0985PinBRLSIBronze pin. Complete.1
ARC0986Bronze StripBRLSIPiece of decorated bronze strip.1
ARC0987Brooch pinBRLSIBronze brooch pin.1
ARC0988SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon. Handle and part of spoon bowl.1
ARC0989SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon handle, complete.1
ARC0990Spoon handleBRLSIBronze spoon handle.1
ARC0991SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon, simple in style, with handle.1
ARC0992Spoon handlesBRLSI2 Parts of bronze spoon handles.1
ARC0993BellBRLSIBronze bell. No clapper.1
ARC0994BroochBRLSIBronze brooch.1
ARC0995BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Pin intact.1
ARC0996BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Bow and fantail type. Hod Hill type?1
ARC0997BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. V-shaped.1
ARC0998BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Dolphin type.1
ARC0999BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Simple rod-backed type.1
ARC1000BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Pin attachment remains.1
ARC1001BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Large catch plate with two holes.1
ARC1002BroochBRLSIBronze brooch, with pin. Catch plate missing.1
ARC1003BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Simple.1
ARC1004BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Small amount of pin remaining.1
ARC1005BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. V-shaped ornament.1
ARC1006BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Enamel inlay.1
ARC1007TweezersBRLSIPair of bronze tweezers.1
ARC1008TweezersBRLSIPair of bronze tweezers. Plain.1
ARC1009TweezersBRLSIPair of bronze tweezers.1
ARC1010BangleBRLSIBronze bangle. Three pieces of strip bronze.1
ARC1011BraceletsBRLSI12 Pieces of bronze bracelets.1
ARC1012BroochesBRLSI4 Parts of bronze brooches.1
ARC1013TweezersBRLSIHalf a pair of bronze tweezers.1
ARC1014Pin headBRLSIBronze pin head. Part of a pin with a crystal-shaped head.1
ARC1015Bronze stripsBRLSI13 Pieces of bronze in strip, for tweezers.1
ARC1016BraceletBRLSIBronze bracelet. Hatched ornament.1
ARC1017BraceletBRLSIThin bronze wire bracelet, undecorated.1
ARC1018BraceletBRLSIBronze bracelet of spirally twisted wire. Incomplete.1
ARC1019BraceletBRLSIBronze bracelet.1
ARC1020BraceletBRLSIBronze bracelet. Flat sheet, ends missing.1
ARC1021RingBRLSISmall bronze finger-ring with bezel with figure.1
ARC1022RingBRLSIBronze finger-ring with a flat top with design.1
ARC1023RingsBRLSI4 [or 5?] Bronze finger ring, little or no design.1
ARC1024PinBRLSIBone pin with double knobbed top.1
ARC1025PinBRLSIBone pin with an almost acorn top.1
ARC1026PinBRLSIBone pin, long with rounded head.1
ARC1027PinBRLSIBone pin with rounded head a bit like a barrel.1
ARC1028PinBRLSIBone pin. Barrel type with rounded end.1
ARC1029PinBRLSIBone pin. Long with unusual head.1
ARC1030Pin (in 2 pieces)BRLSIBone pin (in 2 pieces).1
ARC1031PinBRLSIPart of a bone pin.1
ARC1032Pin fragmentsBRLSI2 Pin heads and 2 pin points.1
ARC1033Fired clay reliefBRLSIFire clay relief. Crescent shape.1
ARC1034Wall PlasterBRLSI32 Pieces of wall plaster.1
ARC1035Stone finialBRLSIStone finial from roof. [assumed limestone]1
ARC1036Column baseBRLSIBase of small column. [assumed limestone]1
ARC1037Cornice?BRLSIPiece of stone cornice? [assumed limestone]1
ARC1038Carved stoneBRLSICarved top of a stone altar or tombstone. [assumed limestone]1
ARC1039Stone objectBRLSIStone object, long.1
ARC1040Stone objectBRLSIPiece of rough stone.1
ARC1041Oil lampBRLSIBronze oil lamp.63
ARC1042Oil lampBRLSIPottery oil lamp. Red-brown.1
ARC1043RingBRLSIBronze ring with a carved motif in centre.1
ARC1044RingBRLSIBronze ring inset with a gem, engraved a figure.1
ARC1045BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Oval, gilt, stone and pin missing.1
ARC1046BroochBRLSIPart of copper alloy brooch (Nauheim derivative) spring and pin missing, Upper Langridge Farm, 1908.1
ARC1047WeightsBRLSISet of four bronze weights with handle.1
ARC1048BraceletsBRLSI2 Bronze bracelets1
ARC1049BroochesRB ?Pair of identical bronze brooches. Cherry Wells, 1857.1
ARC1050Bracelets (1 in 2 pieces)RB ?Bronze bracelets. One of which is in two pieces. Cherry Wells, 1857.1
ARC1051PinBRLSIBone pin. Long with flat head.1
ARC1052Bracelet fragmentsBRLSI3 Pieces of bracelet, found in a stone coffin, Larkhall, Bath.1
ARC1053MirrorBRLSIBronze mirror, projections at either end. Foundation of Riding School, Julian Road.1
ARC1054BroochBRLSIBronze brooch.1
ARC1055MetalworkBRLSIBronze terminal. Slightly like a bell-clapper.1
ARC1056PinBRLSIBone pin. Flat disc and barrel-shaped top.1
ARC1057PinBRLSIBone pin, Flat top, point blunted.1
ARC1058PinBRLSIBone pin. Pyramidal head.1
ARC1059PinBRLSIBone pin. Expanded flat top.1
ARC1060PinBRLSIBone pin. Oval head, point broken.1
ARC1061NeedleBRLSIBone needle. Broken point and rectangular.1
ARC1062BoneworkBRLSIPieces of 4 bone objects, probably large pins or needles.1
ARC1063BowlBRLSIPottery bowl, Samian ware or imitation Samian.1
ARC1064BeakerBRLSICastor Ware beaker.1
ARC1065BeakerBRLSICastor Ware beaker. Chasing animals depicted.1
ARC1066InscriptionBRLSIPart of inscription in marble.1
ARC1067Storage jarBRLSILarge Grey Ware storage jar.1
ARC1068Tile antefixBRLSITile antefix. Ornamental.1
ARC1069Cinerary urn or potBRLSIOne of two Belgic Ware urns. Restored using glue and sellotape.1
ARC1070Cinerary urnBRLSIOne of two Belgic Ware urns. Still in fragments. Two large pieces plus 1 bag of fragments.1
ARC1071Box flue tileBRLSIBox flue tile.1
ARC1072Bottle fragmentBRLSIGlass bottle neck with handle.1
ARC1073Bottle fragmentBRLSIGlass bottle neck.1
ARC1074Bottle fragmentBRLSIHandle of a bottle in yellow/green glass.1
ARC1075Bottle fragmentBRLSIPart of handle of a glass bottle.1
ARC1076Bottle fragmentBRLSIPart of the side of a glass bottle.1
ARC1077Glass fragmentsBRLSI2 Glass rim sherds.1
ARC1078Glass fragmentBRLSIPiece of moulded glass, possibly from a beaker.1
ARC1079Bottle fragmentBRLSIPiece of glass bottle Base and straight side.1
ARC1080Glass fragmentsBRLSI6 Miscellaneous glass fragments.1
ARC1081Bottle fragmentBRLSILarge piece of glass bottle, possibly near handle.1
ARC1082Glass fragmentBRLSIPart of handle of amber-coloured glass vessel.1
ARC1083Bottle fragmentsBRLSI3 Pieces of same amber-coloured glass bottle.1
ARC1084Bottle fragmentsBRLSIBase and long neck of a glass bottle.1
ARC1085Bottle fragmentsBRLSI2 Glass bottle rim fragments, one with handle.1
ARC1086Glass fragmentRB ?Fragment of window glass.1
ARC1087Glass fragmentBRLSIDeep blue glass handle.1
ARC1088Oil lampBRLSIMajor part of pottery oil lamp.1
ARC1089BricksBRLSIBricks. 2 of 2. 5.4" x 2.8" x 1".1
ARC1090MosaicBRLSIFragment of white mosaic.1
ARC1091MosaicBRLSIFragment of mosaic, red, white and green.1
ARC1092KeyBATRMIron key in an L-shape, with handle. Sydney Buildings, found with large pig of lead.1
ARC1093Amphora sherdBRLSIAmphora base. Buff coloured base sherd.1
ARC1094PotsherdBRLSINeck and handle of large Buff Ware jug.1
ARC1095PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base of a small cup.1
ARC1096PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of the base of a bowl.1
ARC1097PotsherdBRLSIBase of imitation Samian Ware vessel. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1098PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd of decorated pot. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1099PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1100PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of the base of a bowl.1
ARC1101PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base of a small vessel. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1102PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd of decorated pottery, from near base. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1103PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd of decorated bowl. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1104PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd of decorated bowl. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1105PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd of decorated bowl. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1106PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Small part of the base of a bowl. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1107PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Seven rim sherds of bowls. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1108PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Three rim sherds of small bowls or cups. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1109PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim of a straight-sided cup. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1110PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Three body sherds of bowls. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1111PotsherdBRLSIShoulder of Black Ware storage jar with zig-zag ornament criss-crossing. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1112PotsherdBRLSIPart of straight-sided Orange Ware pot with beaded rim. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1113PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1114PotsherdBRLSIPart of mortarium base. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1115PotsherdBRLSIRim of Orange/Brown Ware storage jar. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1116PotsherdsBRLSI2 Rim sherds of Black Ware storage jar. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1117PotsherdBRLSISide of straight-sided Black Ware bowl. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1118DishBRLSIPortion of rim and body of flat Black Ware dish. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1119PotsherdBRLSIRim and body of Black Ware bowl. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1120PotsherdBRLSIBody sherd of Black Ware pot with trellis decoration. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1121PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of Black Ware vessel with slight decoration. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1122PotsherdsBRLSI2 Base sherds of Black Ware. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1123PotsherdBRLSICavetto rim sherd in Balck Ware. Mineral Water Hospital, 1912.1
ARC1124PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim sherd.1
ARC1125PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd of vessel. Found in stone coffin, Bathwick Hill, 1823.1
ARC1126PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of base stand of vessel. Found in stone coffin, Bathwick Hill, 1823.1
ARC1127PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of flanged rim and body of bowl. Found in stone coffin, Bathwick Hill, 1823.1
ARC1128BowlBRLSITerra Sigillata. Wide plain bowl.1
ARC1129PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Wide flat plate.1
ARC1130PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of a flat plate.1
ARC1131PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Portion of a plate.1
ARC1132PotsherdBRLSIPart of rim and base of small Samian Ware dish.1
ARC1133PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base of bowl.1
ARC1134PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base sherd.1
ARC1135PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base footstand.1
ARC1136PotsherdBRLSIRim to base sherd of plain Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1137PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1138PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd decorated with animals.1
ARC1139PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware mortarium. Drag 45.1
ARC1140PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware plate.1
ARC1141PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim of plate, undecorated.1
ARC1142PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd.1
ARC1143PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd.1
ARC1144PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd.1
ARC1145PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd.1
ARC1146PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd.1
ARC1147PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd with animals.1
ARC1148PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd. A panel of rabbits.1
ARC1149PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim and body sherd.1
ARC1150PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base and body of bowl.1
ARC1151PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Body sherd.1
ARC1152PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd with chasing animal.1
ARC1153PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd, spreading foliage.1
ARC1154PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Weathered rim and body sherd.1
ARC1155PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1156PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd.1
ARC1157PotsherdBRLSISmall decorated Samian Ware sherd. Ovolo.1
ARC1158PotsherdsBRLSI. 2 Miscellaneous rim sherds of Samian Ware. Remains of glue attached.1
ARC1159PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Unusual rim and body sherd.1
ARC1160PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd. Upright with slight flange.1
ARC1161PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware bowl with barbatine decoration.1
ARC1162PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware bowl. ?Curle 15.1
ARC1163PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of imitation Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1164PotsherdBRLSIWall-sided rim of imitation Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1165PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of New Forest Ware fluted beaker.1
ARC1166PotsherdBRLSIBase of buff-coloured ware jar.1
ARC1167PotsherdBRLSINeck of Brown Ware bottle with handle.1
ARC1168PotsherdBRLSIBase of Brown Ware beaker.1
ARC1169PotsherdBRLSINeck of small Brown Ware flask.1
ARC1170Glass fragmentBRLSINeck and handle of glass vessel.1
ARC1171Glass fragmentBRLSINeck of glass vessel. Combe Down?1
ARC1172Glass fragmentBRLSIShoulder of glass bottle with slight vertical ribbing.1
ARC1173Glass fragmentBRLSIPiece of opaque glass with leaf design.1
ARC1174MortariumBRLSIMortarium. Light colour.1
ARC1175PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of large Grey Ware storage jar.1
ARC1176PotsherdBRLSISide and rim of very large Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1177PotsherdBRLSIRim and handle of large Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1178PotsherdBRLSIRim and handle of large Black Ware flagon.1
ARC1179PotsherdBRLSILarge cavetto rim of Black Ware storage jar.1
ARC1180PotsherdBRLSINeck of Black Ware flask with evidence of a handle.1
ARC1181PotsherdBRLSIBowl of New Forest? Ware with pedestal base [or just the base?]1
ARC1182PotteryBRLSIStopper. Cone shaped article in Orange Ware, hollow.1
ARC1183PotsherdBRLSIBase stand of large Black Ware vessel.1
ARC1184PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of large Orange Ware amphora.1
ARC1185PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of Orange Ware jar, fine fabric.1
ARC1186PotsherdBRLSIBeaded rim and handle of large Orange Ware mug.1
ARC1187PotsherdBRLSIHandle of Black Ware dish or small bowl.1
ARC1188PotsherdBRLSINeck and handle of small Grey Ware jug.1
ARC1189PotsherdBRLSIRim and handle of shallow Black Ware dish or bowl.1
ARC1190StrainerBRLSISherd of Grey Ware cheese press.1
ARC1191PotsherdBRLSIBase and footring of imitation Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1192PotsherdBRLSISherd of jar in Buff coloured Ware. Slightly bulbous sides.1
ARC1193PotsherdBRLSITazza sherd with raised cordon.1
ARC1194PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of large Black Ware storage jar.1
ARC1195PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware pot sherd with cavetto-type rim.1
ARC1196PotsherdBRLSIRim of large Grey Ware storage jar.1
ARC1197PotsherdBRLSIPart of rim and handle of amphora.1
ARC1198PotsherdBRLSIAmphora sherd, probably part of base.1
ARC1199PotsherdBRLSIAmphora sherd1
ARC1200PotsherdBRLSIPart of handle of Black Ware plate or dish.1
ARC1202PotsherdBRLSIBase and body of small thin fabric Black Ware pot.1
ARC1203PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of base with stamp LITTERAE [LITTORA F. ?] Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1204PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base and part of body of drag 27, with stamp BASSI. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1205PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of base of small cup with stamp MAMMI. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1206PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base of small cup with stamp OFFILVI. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1207PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Large decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1208PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Large decorated sherd of drag 29. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1209PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd of drag 29. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1210PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Three sherd of same small cup. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1211PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1212PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1213PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1214PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1215PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1216PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd with figure. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1217PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherd with rouletting. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1218PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd of small cup with Barbotine decoration. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1219PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Two sherds of decorated drag. 37. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1220PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Two sherds of decorated drag 37. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1221PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd, simple with incised lines. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1222PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 2 Rim sherds, 1 with large beaded rim. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1223PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd with a stamped ornament. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1224PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd with rosettes. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1225PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1226PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1227PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1228PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1229PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1230PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1231PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Two very small decorated sherds. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1232PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Two adjoining sherds of decorated ware. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1233PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. Two adjoining sherds of decorated ware glued together. Westbury, Wilts., 1861.1
ARC1234PotsherdBRLSIBuff coloured Ware amphora handle, large, stamped I.S.L.P.P.1
ARC1235PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware amphora handle with potter's stamp.1
ARC1236PotsherdBRLSINeck and rim of amphora. Buff fabric.1
ARC1237PotsherdBRLSIAmphora handle in gritty buff coloured ware.1
ARC1238PotsherdBRLSIAmphora handle. Broad and quite flat. Buff fabric.1
ARC1239BrickBRLSIPart of inscribed brick, Berkley[sic] Church, Glos., 1865.1
ARC1240PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Smallbase and foot ring.1
ARC1241PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base with foot ring and potter's mark.1
ARC1242PotsherdBRLSISherd of Samian Ware bowl. Rim-base. Rouletting inside.1
ARC1243PotsherdBRLSISherd of Samian Ware bowl. Rim-base. Rouletting inside.1
ARC1244PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base and side of cup with rouletting.1
ARC1245PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd.1
ARC1246PotsherdBRLSIRim sherds of Samian Ware with good glaze.1
ARC1247PotsherdsBRLSI3 Rim sherds of Samian Ware.1
ARC1248PotsherdsBRLSI2 Samian Ware base sherds with foot rings.1
ARC1249PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 3 Decorated sherds.1
ARC1250PotsherdsBRLSI5 Sherds of imitation Samian Ware, probably from the same bowl.1
ARC1251PotsherdBRLSITerrta Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1252PotsherdBRLSITerrta Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1253PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim with potter's mark, very heavy.1
ARC1254PotsherdBRLSIMortarium. Very deep rim.1
ARC1255PotsherdBRLSIPart of Black Ware dish and handle. Oval in shape.1
ARC1256PotsherdBRLSIPart of handled Black Ware dish. Oval in shape.1
ARC1257PotsherdBRLSICavetto rim of Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1258PotsherdBRLSIRim of straight sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1259PotsherdBRLSIRim-base of straight sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1260PotsherdBRLSISherd of Black Ware with cross-hatching. Rim and body of straight sided bowl.1
ARC1261PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of straight sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1262PotsherdBRLSIRim and body sherd of Black Ware with ornament.1
ARC1263PotsherdBRLSIRim-base sherd of sttraight sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1264PotsherdBRLSIRim of straight sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1265PotsherdBRLSISherd of straight sided Black Ware dish.1
ARC1266PotsherdsBRLSI6 Sherds of Black Ware jar rim.1
ARC1267PotsherdBRLSIBase of Black Ware oval handled pie dish.1
ARC1268PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and body sherd of Black Ware storage jar.1
ARC1269PotsherdBRLSIBody sherd of Black Ware storage jar.1
ARC1270PotsherdBRLSISherd of Black Ware pot. Irregular base shape with perforation.1
ARC1271PotsherdsBRLSI7 Miscellaneous sherds of Black Ware.1
ARC1272PotsherdsBRLSI5 Sherds of Black Ware rims, quite poor.1
ARC1273PotsherdBRLSIRim and body of Black Ware jar. Simple rim.1
ARC1274PotsherdBRLSIRim and shoulder of small Black Ware jar.1
ARC1275PotsherdBRLSIPart of base of Black Ware jar.1
ARC1276PotsherdBRLSISide and rim of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1277PotsherdBRLSISherd of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1278PotsherdBRLSISherd of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1279PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and body of Black Ware jar. Rim very simple.1
ARC1280PotsherdsBRLSI3 Sherds of Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1281PotsherdBRLSICavetto-type rim of Black Ware.1
ARC1282PotsherdBRLSICavetto-type rim of Black Ware jar.1
ARC1283PotsherdsBRLSI3 [or 4?] Rims of Black Ware.1
ARC1284PotsherdBRLSIRim of small Black Ware bowl, fine fabric.1
ARC1285PotsherdBRLSIRim-body of straight-sided Grey Ware bowl.1
ARC1286PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of burnished Grey Ware. Interior quite polished.1
ARC1287PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Buff-coloured Ware bowl.1
ARC1288PotsherdBRLSICavetto rim of Black Slip Ware.1
ARC1289PotsherdsBRLSIBase sherd of Grey Ware bowl or platter with white slip.1
ARC1290PotsherdBRLSI2 Neck sherd of Grey Ware with decoration.1
ARC1291PotsherdBRLSIHalf of base of Grey Ware jar. Bath?1
ARC1292PotsherdBRLSIBase and sides of Orange Ware jug?1
ARC1293PotsherdsBRLSI2 Base sherds of Grey Ware.1
ARC1294PotsherdsBRLSI3 Bases of Orange Ware, 1 with footstand.1
ARC1295PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware jug.1
ARC1296PotsherdBRLSISherd of small flat Black Ware plate.1
ARC1297PotsherdBRLSIBase of tall Black Ware jar.1
ARC1298PotsherdBRLSIHeavy rim sherd of Grey Ware vessel.1
ARC1299PotsherdBRLSIBuff -colooured Ware sherd of large vessel. Amphora?1
ARC1300PotsherdBRLSISmall handle of Black Ware pie dish.1
ARC1301PotsherdBRLSIRim of slightly micaceous imitation Samian Ware.1
ARC1302PotsherdBRLSIBeaded rim sherd of imitation Samian Ware.1
ARC1303PotsherdBRLSIBuff coloured Ware jug handle.1
ARC1304PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware body sherd with trellis work.1
ARC1305PotsherdsBRLSI3 Sherds of very large Grey Ware vessel. Painted slip.1
ARC1306PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware neck and handle of flagon.1
ARC1307PotsherdBRLSIBuff Ware neck and handle of flagon.1
ARC1308PotsherdsBRLSI5 Orange Ware rim and neck sherds of large flagon.1
ARC1309PotsherdBRLSIRim of imitation Samian Ware pot, micaceous.1
ARC1310PotsherdBRLSIUpchurch Ware bottle neck..1
ARC1311-1313PotsherdsBRLSI3 Upchurch Ware bottle necks.1
ARC1314PotsherdsBRLSI2 Sherds of New Forest Ware fluted beaker.1
ARC1315PotsherdBRLSIBase and side of New Forest Ware beaker.1
ARC1316PotsherdBRLSIFootstand of New Forest Ware fluted beaker.1
ARC1317PotsherdBRLSISolid pedestal base of Castor Ware beaker.1
ARC1318PotsherdBRLSICastor Ware beaker sherd.1
ARC1319PotsherdsBRLSI4 Sherds of Castor Ware beaker with ornament.1
ARC1320PotsherdBRLSICastor Ware base with potter's mark VOBNI.M.1
ARC1321PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware sherd.1
ARC1322PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of fine Castor Ware beaker.1
ARC1323PotsherdBRLSIBeaded rim of Castor Ware beaker.1
ARC1324PotsherdBRLSIDecorated sherd of Black Ware in fine fabric.1
ARC1325PotsherdBRLSIBase and part of side of New Forest Ware? pot.1
ARC1326PotsherdsBRLSI4 Sherds of Castor Ware with white knobs.1
ARC1327PotsherdBRLSISherd of New Forest Ware. Decorated with creatures chasing.1
ARC1328PotsherdBRLSIRim and part of body of Poppy Head beaker.1
ARC1329PotsherdBRLSIRim and body of New Forest Ware? beaker with white decoration.1
ARC1330PotsherdsBRLSI3 Decorated sherds of New Forest Ware? beakers.1
ARC1331PotsherdBRLSIBase of Orange Ware jug or flagon.1
ARC1332PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware base. Green/grey internal colour.1
ARC1333Roofing slateBRLSIStone roofing slate, five sided. Pennant sandstone?1
ARC1334Spindle whorlsBRLSI4 Spindle whorls.1
ARC1335PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim in a whitish fabric.1
ARC1336PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim in a whitish fabric.1
ARC1337PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim, exterior white.1
ARC1338PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd. Brown/pink fabric.1
ARC1339PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd.1
ARC1340PotsherdsBRLSI2 Mortarium body sherds. Pinkish interior.1
ARC1341Roof tileBRLSIPart of stone roof tile with four perforations.1
ARC1342PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd. Pinkish fabric.1
ARC1343PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim and body sherd of jar with caveto rim.1
ARC1344PotsherdsBRLSI16 Sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowl..1
ARC1345PotsherdsBRLSI9 Rim sherds of straight-sided Black Ware pie dish es.1
ARC1346PotsherdsBRLSI2 Cavetto rims of Black Ware.1
ARC1347PotsherdBRLSIRim and shoulder of bulbous Grey Ware jar or flagon.1
ARC1348PotsherdBRLSIRim of Grey Ware jar, turned over with deep neck.1
ARC1349PotsherdsBRLSI4 Base sherds of a Black Ware jar.1
ARC1350PotsherdsBRLSI11 Black Ware base sherds.1
ARC1351PotsherdsBRLSI2 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds.1
ARC1352PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware cavetto rim sherd, quite fine ware.1
ARC1353PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware jar rim.1
ARC1354PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim of bulbous pot.1
ARC1355PotsherdsBRLSI3 Sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowls.1
ARC1356PotsherdBRLSIRim of Grey Ware pot.1
ARC1357PotsherdBRLSIRim and shoulder of Black Ware pot.1
ARC1358PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim. Quite fine fabric.1
ARC1359PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim. Thin fabric.1
ARC1360PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware pot.1
ARC1361PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and shoulder of Grey Ware vessel.1
ARC1362PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim shed.1
ARC1363PotsherdsBRLSI8 Black Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1364PotsherdsBRLSI2 Shoulders of Black Ware pots.1
ARC1365PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd with yellow slip.1
ARC1366PotsherdsBRLSI5 Grey Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1367PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd. Very light, almost white.1
ARC1368PotsherdBRLSIRim and necl of Black Ware pot.1
ARC1369PotsherdsBRLSI3 Base sherds of Orange Ware pot, rough fabric.1
ARC1370PotsherdsBRLSI4 Buff-coloured Ware rim sherds,2 cavetto rims.1
ARC1371PotsherdsBRLSI2 Rim sherds of Orange Ware pots, small, thin fabric.1
ARC1372PotsherdBRLSIBase of small Orange Ware pot, 30mm diam.1
ARC1373PotsherdBRLSIRim of Grey Ware jug , which has had a handle added later.1
ARC1374PotsherdBRLSINeck sherd of Orange Ware flagon with fluting around neck.1
ARC1375PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of imitation Samian Ware with fluted ornament.1
ARC1376PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 5 Very small sherds of Samian Ware.1
ARC1377PotsherdBRLSIPart of base of small, rather crude, Orange Ware pot.1
ARC1378PotsherdsBRLSI2 Small rim sherds of imitation Samian Ware.1
ARC1379PotsherdsBRLSI3 Orange Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1380PotsherdsBRLSI3 Fine Ware sherds.1
ARC1381PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware sherd with fine fabric, rouletted ornament. Possibly one of the named wares.1
ARC1382PotsherdBRLSIBuff-coloured Ware pot base, with poor footstand and hollow area.1
ARC1383PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware sherd in a cylinder shade[shape?] with a hole through it.1
ARC1384CoalBRLSI4 Pieces of partially burnt coal.1
ARC1385BeadBRLSIPart of a shale bead with two perforations.1
ARC1386GlassBRLSI2 Pieces of glass, 1 part of a ribbed handle.1
ARC1387PotsherdsBRLSI22 Small sherds of Orange and Grey Ware. Twin Barrow 09, Lansdown.1
ARC1388PotsherdsBRLSI5 Sherds of Romano-British pottery, Wansdyke cutting, Englishcombe, excavated 1904.1
ARC1389PotsherdsBRLSI28 Very small sherds of Romano-British pottery, excavated 19051
ARC1390WhetstoneBRLSIRectangular shaped whetstone. Cold Harbour Farm, Wick, 1865.1
ARC1391Iron BindingBRLSICircular iron binding for wooden pipe.1
ARC1392PincersBRLSIPair of iron pincers with one handle.1
ARC1393Latch KeyBRLSIIron latch key with a loop and ring.1
ARC1394ShearsBRLSIPiece of iron shears.1
ARC1395Spear headBRLSIIron spear head, complete and well preserved.1
ARC1396Spear headBRLSIIron spear head, rather corroded.1
ARC1397ScraperBRLSIFlat triangular iron blade. Scraper?1
ARC1398KeyBRLSISimple iron key.1
ARC1399KeyBRLSISimple iron key.1
ARC1400KeyBRLSISmall simple iron key.1
ARC1401KeyBRLSIIron latch-type key.1
ARC1402KeyBRLSIIron latch-type key.1
ARC1403KeyBRLSISimple iron latch-type key.1
ARC1404KeyBRLSISimple iron latch-type key.1
ARC1405NailsBRLSI2 Iron nails.1
ARC1406Box of Hob-nailsBRLSIHob nails from coffin near Roman Villa, Combe Down.1
ARC1407BroochBRLSIBronze penannular brooch.1
ARC1408BroochBRLSIBronze penannular brooch. Terminals flattened over.1
ARC1409Funnel-like objectBRLSIBronze funnel-like object with a flange.1
ARC1410StudsBRLSI2 Bronze studs.1
ARC1411StudBRLSIPart of bronze stud.1
ARC1412BroochBRLSIFlat disc with pin. Part of bronze disc brooch?1
ARC1413Spindle whorlsBRLSI8 Spindle whorls: 3 of patella bone, 5 of pottery.1
ARC1414PounderBRLSIStone pounder.1
ARC1415PounderBRLSIStone pounder made from a rather eroded rock.1
ARC1416PotsherdBRLSIPart of very small Grey Ware pot or jar.1
ARC1417PotsherdBRLSIHandle of Grey Ware vessel.1
ARC1418PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and handle of Grey Ware jar.1
ARC1419Cylindrical iron objectBRLSIPiece of iron of circular cross-section,tfound near Bath.1
ARC1420Spoon?BRLSIPart of a bronze spoon?1
ARC1421BraceletBRLSISmall ring of circular bronze wire. Tiny bronze bracelet?1
ARC1422Padlock?BRLSIBronze object. Apparently a padlock type lock.1
ARC1423BottleBRLSIEighteenth century glass bottle.1
ARC1424KeyBRLSIIron key.1
ARC1425HandleBRLSIHandle of an object in white marble?1
ARC1426Cut boneBRLSI6 Peces of cut bone. Handles for knives?1
ARC1427Scoops?BRLSI2 Shoulder blades, possibly used as scoops.1
ARC1428Pieces of horn/antlerBRLSI6 Pieces of horn or antler.1
ARC1429BonesBRLSI2 Tibia or fibula of small bird or mammal.1
ARC1430PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd and handle of small Black Ware jug.1
ARC1431BroochBRLSIBronze brooch with large catch plate. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1432BroochBRLSIBronze dolphin brooch. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1433BroochBRLSISmall bronze brooch with flat to hold enamel. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1434BroochBRLSISmall bronze brooch, pin missing. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1435WireBRLSIStrip of twisted bronze wire with a loop at one end. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1436BroochBRLSIFoot of bronze brooch with small catch plate. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1437TweezersBRLSIFlat strip. One side of a pair of bronze tweezers. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1438BraceletsBRLSI3 Pieces of strip bronze bracelet(s). Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1439Sheet bronzeBRLSI3 Strips of sheet bronze. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1440ChainBRLSILength of bronze chain. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1441aStatuette fragmentBRLSIPiece of bronze, foot fragment from a statuette, probably a penate. Little Down Field.1
ARC1441bBrooch fragments?BRLSI2 Fragments of bronze. Little Down Field.1
ARC1442SpoonBRLSIPiece of bronze spoon bowl.1
ARC1443Bracelet fragmentsBRLSI2 Pieces of bronze bracelet. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC1444SpoonBRLSIBowl of bronze spoon and part of handle.1
ARC1445BroochBRLSIBronze brooch - La Tène III derivative? Catch plate open.1
ARC1446BroochBRLSIBronze brooch. Small simple rod type with spring.1
ARC1447Finger ringBRLSIBronze finger ring. Bezel for stone or gem.1
ARC1448Finger ringBRLSISmall bronze finger ring. Bezel for gem.1
ARC1449BraceletBRLSIPart of bronze bracelet.1
ARC1450BroochBRLSIBronze brooch catch-plate with circular perforation.1
ARC1451SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon bowl.1
ARC1452TweezersBRLSIPair of bronze tweezers, from Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1453BroochBRLSIBronze brooch with pin but no catch plate. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905, building.1
ARC1454Bronze stripBRLSIOrnamental bronze strip. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1455aBrooch fragmentBRLSIBronze brooch fragment (catch-plate only). Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1455bBrooch fragmentBRLSIBronze brooch fragment. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1455cBrooch fragmentBRLSIBronze brooch fragment. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1455dBrooch fragmentBRLSIBronze brooch fragment. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1456BraceletBRLSIPart of dark blue glass bracelet. Little Down Field trench no. 2, June 1905.1
ARC1457CoalBRLSI3 Pieces of coal. Little Down Field trench no. 2, June 1905.1
ARC1458FlintBRLSI2 Flints. [nodules?] Little Down Field, trench no.2, June 1905.1
ARC1459SpoonBRLSIBronze spoon bowl.1
ARC1460Bronze stripsBRLSI2 Flat bronze strips.1
ARC1461Bead or hook?BRLSIDouble hook? (or Half of a blue bead?) Little Down Field?1
ARC1462Bronze tubesBRLSIFragment of bronze strip bow brooch.1
ARC1463aBrooch fragmentBRLSIPiece of pentagonal bronze brooch.1
ARC1463bBrooch fragmentBRLSIPiece of pentagonal bronze brooch.1
ARC1463cBrooch fragmentBRLSIPiece of pentagonal bronze brooch.1
ARC1463dBrooch fragmentBRLSIPiece of pentagonal bronze brooch.1
ARC1464Bronze studBRLSISmall round bronze, stud., type with hole in centre.1
ARC1465Spindle whorlsBRLSI2 Spindle whorls.1
ARC1466PinBRLSIBone [or silver?] pin with well fashioned head.1
ARC1467PinBRLSIBone pin, rather weathered head and part of stem.1
ARC1468Hair-pin fragmentsBRLSI3 Broken half-made bone pins1
ARC1469FlintBRLSI3 Pieces of flint [nodules?].1
ARC1470Glass fragmentsBRLSI3 Pieces of glass rinms.1
ARC1471aCoinBRLSIVery small illegible coin.1
ARC1471bCoinBRLSIVery small illegible coin.1
ARC1471cCoinBRLSIVery small illegible coin.1
ARC1472CounterBRLSIBone counter, Lansdown.1
ARC1473PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd of mortarium type bowl. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1474PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Small portion of base area of plate. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1475PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd with potter's mark: XIMU. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1476PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base with cream cooloured slip. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1477PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of Brown Ware flagon with ridged ornament. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1478PotsherdBRLSINew Forest Ware? body sherd with painted lines, possibly concentric or spirals. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1479PinsBRLSIBone pin with simple head, battered head of another pin, and the roughly fashioned head of a third. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1480Spindle whorl(s)BRLSISpindle whorl(s), Including uncompleted spindle whorl of oolite. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1481Smelting debriBRLSI4 Pieces of lead, possibly 'flash' from smelting process. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1482PotsherdBRLSIPart of Grey Ware handle of curious shape. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1483CoalBRLSI7 Pieces of coal. Little Down Field, Sept. 1905 building.1
ARC1484BroochBRLSIBronze brooch with centre for triangular setting of enamel. Lansdown, 1912.[sic]1
ARC1485BroochBRLSIBronze brooch, simple rod type, pin intact. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1486aBrooch fragment ?BRLSIPerforated pentagonal fragment of copper alloy. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1486bBronze fragmentBRLSIPiece of sheet bronze. Rim fitting for vessel, presumed wooden. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1487aBrooch fragmentBRLSIPiece of bronze brooch, Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1487bBrooch fragmentBRLSIPiece of bronze brooch, Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1488Finger ringBRLSIBronze finger ring with bezel for gem or stone. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1489aFinger ringBRLSICoiled bronze wire finger ring. Lansdown, 1912.[sic]1
ARC1489bFinger ringBRLSICoiled bronze wire finger ring. Lansdown, 1912.[sic]1
ARC1490BroochesBRLSI3 Iron brooches in a rather poor condition. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1491Smelting debri or Iron finger ring?BRLSIPiece of lead 'flash', or Iron finger ring [descriptions differ]. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC1492BraceletBRLSIPart of shale bracelet. Lansdown, 1912.[sic]1
ARC1493BeadBRLSIFragment of amber-coloured glass bead with bluish streaks. Upper Langridge Farm, 1912.[sic]1
ARC1494BeadBRLSISmall glass flat disk bead. Upper Langridge Farm, 1912.1
ARC1495BeadBRLSIMelon bead, largish example, a little weathered. Lansdown Field, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1496WireBRLSIBronze wire with sliding knot arranged at tp. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1497TweezersBRLSIPair bronze tweezers, corroded. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1498StudBRLSIConical bronze stud. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1499Bronze StripBRLSISmall bronze strip ornament. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1500BroochBRLSIBronze brooch spring and pin. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1501RingBRLSIFlat of a bronze ring, not a finger ring. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1502PinsBRLSI3 Bronze pins, one a booch pin. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1503PinBRLSIBone pin,Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1504PinsBRLSI2 Broken bone pins, Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1505BroochBRLSIIron brooch with pin, a simple bow and catch plate. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1506BroochBRLSIIron brooch with part of pin, small catch plate, rod back. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1507Brooch fragmentsBRLSI3 Pieces of iron brooch, Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1508Weight?BRLSILead object shaped like a bell but solid.,Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1509IronworkBRLSI2 Pieces of ironwork: a length of wire and a twisted piece of iron. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1510PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Sherd witj decorated panels of form 37. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1511PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd, possibly of drag 33. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1512PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 5 rims, probably drag 37. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1513PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 4 Sherds of base fooring. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1514PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Body sherd of a pot. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1515PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd, possibly drag 30, Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1516PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd, possibly form 27. Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1517Spindle whorlBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of spindle whorl, Near British Camp, North Stoke.1
ARC1518BeadBRLSIGlass bead. Large bead, light cloudy colour. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1519PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footring and potter's stamp.1
ARC1520PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footring and potter's mark 'VICCO'.1
ARC1521PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footring and part of platter.1
ARC1522PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware sherd, Dragendorff 37. Fair glaze. Lansdown ;'P' trench.1
ARC1523PotsherdBRLSISherd of Samian Ware bowl with upturned flange.1
ARC1524PotsherdsBRLSI3 Samian Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1525PotsherdBRLSISmall Samian Ware sherd with ridges.1
ARC1526PotsherdsBRLSI2 Samian Ware sherds with perforations.1
ARC1527PotsherdsBRLSI2 Samian Ware base sherds with footrings.1
ARC1528PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footstand, Drag. 30.1
ARC1529PotsherdBRLSIDecorated Samian Ware sherd.1
ARC1530PotsherdBRLSIDecorated Samian Ware sherd.1
ARC1531PotsherdsBRLSI2 Decorated Samian Ware sherds.1
ARC1532PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware bowl sherd from near base.1
ARC1533PotsherdBRLSILate Samian Ware base sherd with footring.1
ARC1534PotsherdBRLSILate Samian Ware base sherd with barbarous stamp.1
ARC1535PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware bowl sherd. Side of straight-sided bowl.1
ARC1536Foot RingBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footring, Dragendorff 30?1
ARC1537Foot RingBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footring.1
ARC1538Foot RingsBRLSI3 Samian Ware base sherds with footring.1
ARC1539PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd.1
ARC1540PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd. Turned over rim with poor glaze.1
ARC1541PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd with beaded rim.1
ARC1542PotsherdsBRLSI4 Samian Ware rim sherds with beaded rim.1
ARC1543PotsherdsBRLSI3 Samian Ware body sherds.1
ARC1544PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd with beaded rim.1
ARC1545PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd with barbatine ornament.1
ARC1546PotsherdsBRLSI7 Samian Ware rim sherds with beaded rim.1
ARC1547PotsherdsBRLSI10 Samian Ware sherds.1
ARC1548PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware sherd. Body of a bulbous bowl with small stamped roulette design on shoulder.1
ARC1549PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware base sherd, footring missing.1
ARC1550PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware sherd, rim and part of body with micaceous fabric.1
ARC1551PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware base and footring of Samian Ware shape.1
ARC1552PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of Orange Ware jar.1
ARC1553PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware rim sherd of quite large jar.1
ARC1554PotsherdBRLSIBase of small Orange Ware jug.1
ARC1555PotsherdBRLSIBase of small Orange Ware jug or jar.1
ARC1556PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of White Slip Ware pot.1
ARC1557PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware rim and flange. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1558PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware rim and flange. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1559PotsherdsBRLSI2 Sherd of Black Ware pie dish. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1560PotsherdsBRLSI2 Imitation Samian Ware bases with footring, fair glaze. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1561PotsherdsBRLSI2 Very worn Samian Ware sherds, 1 a straight rim. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1562PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware rim and body sherd of jar, burnt. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1563PotsherdBRLSIBase of largte Brown Ware pot, similar to New Forest Ware. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1564PotsherdBRLSIWhite Slip Ware rim sherd. Grey core surrounded by orange fabric. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1565PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware base sherd, black core. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1566PotsherdBRLSINew Forest Ware, half base of well fashioned splayed jar. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1567PotsherdBRLSIHalf of base of Grey Ware jar. Lansdown, from building1
ARC1568Foot RingBRLSICastor Ware base sherd, fragment of foot ring. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1569PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware base of flagon or jar. New Forest Ware? Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1570PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware base sherd. Lansdown, from building1
ARC1571PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware pot, body sherd with part of base. Lasnsdown, from building.1
ARC1572PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware pot, body sherd with base. Lasnsdown, from building.1
ARC1573PotsherdBRLSISmall Grey Ware base, micaceous fabric. Beaker? Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1574PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware pedestal base. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1575PotsherdsBRLSI4 Large Ornage Ware mortarium rim sherds. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1576PotsherdBRLSISamian or Imitation Samian mortarium rim with flange. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1577PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware mortarium rim sherd. Lansdown, from Little Down Field.1
ARC1578PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherde, white fabric. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1579PotsherdsBRLSI3 Mortarium flat-topped rim sherds, white fabric. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1580PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd, simple rim, white fabric. Lansdown, from Little Down Field.1
ARC1581PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherrd, rim with flange, white fabric. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1582PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim and lip, white fabric. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1583PotsherdBRLSIMortarium heavy rim sherd, grey fabric. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1584PotsherdBRLSIMortarium base sherd, Samian Ware shape. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1585PotsherdsBRLSI2 Orange Ware mortarium sherds, grey core. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1586PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd, black fabric with white exterior slip. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1587PotsherdBRLSI2 Orange Ware mortarium rim sherdrs, grey core. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1588PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware mortarium base with footring. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1589PotsherdBRLSIWeathered Orange Ware mortarium rim, sandy with grey core. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1590PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware mortarium rim and lip, micaceous. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1591PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware body sherd. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1592PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware mortarium base sherd, a number of grits present. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1593PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware wall-sided mortarium rim, remains of pinkish slip. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1594PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware flat pie dish sherd with small handle.1
ARC1595PotsherdBRLSIRim/body sherd of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1596PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware flagon mouth. Lansdown, building.1
ARC1597PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware flagon mouth, fine fabric.1
ARC1598PotsherdBRLSIBase and side of small-based Orange Ware flagon.1
ARC1599Foot StandBRLSISmall footstand of Castor Ware beaker.1
ARC1600PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and shoulder of Grey Ware flagon/jar.1
ARC1601PotsherdsBRLSI3 Sherds of neck and handle of Orange Ware flagon1
ARC1602PotsherdBRLSIBase and side ofbulbous Grey Ware jar.1
ARC1603PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware beaker sherd. Side of small bulbous beaker.1
ARC1604PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and shoiulder of Orange Ware storage jar.1
ARC1605PotsherdBRLSISide of Red/Brown Ware dish 50mm in height.1
ARC1606PotsherdBRLSISide of Black Ware pie dish, 50mm in height.,Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1607PotsherdsBRLSI6 Black Ware base sherds. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1608VasesBRLSI2 Grey/Buff Ware base sherds. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1609PotsherdBRLSIMuch of the base of a Grey Ware jar. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1610PotsherdBRLSIMore than half of base of Black Ware jar. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1611PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware mortarium base sherd, grey core. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1612PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd, grey core. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1613PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd with groove at edge. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1614PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware sherd, side and base,, burnt. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1615PotsherdBRLSISherd of straight-sided Black Ware bowl, grey interior, fine fabric. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1616PotsherdBRLSIBase and side sherd of Black Ware pot. Black interior, grey to dark grey exterior. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1617PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware jar, interior light orange. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1618PotsherdBRLSIBase of flattish Grey Ware dish. Inturned sides at base. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1619CounterBRLSIGrey Ware counter. Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905. Trench G.1
ARC1620PotsherdBRLSIRim of large Grey Ware pot. Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1621PotsherdBRLSIBurnished Black Ware cavetto rim of pot with beginnings of trelliswork 52mm below rim on shoulder.,Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1622PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware sherd. Part of pie dish with small handle, 36mm in height. Handle has central groove. Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1623PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base of straight-sided jar, thin fabric. Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1624PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of Grey Ware jar. Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1625PotsherdBRLSISherd of small Grey Ware beaker? with rather deep base, 38mm diameter.,Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1626PotsherdBRLSIBody sherd of Black Ware jar, burnished slightly, single groove decoration.,Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1627StoneworkBRLSIPiece of worked oolite with square base and sub-circular shaft with rectangular ends. Miniatrure altar? Little Down Field, Lansdown, Sept. 1905 building. Trench G.1
ARC1628PotsherdsBRLSI2 Rim sherds of Orange ware bowls with beaded rim.1
ARC1629PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware cavetto rim of jar.1
ARC1630PotsherdsBRLSI2 Base sherds of Orange Ware, rather battered.1
ARC1631PotsherdsBRLSI2 Rims of Grey Ware jars.1
ARC1632PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd with slight footing.1
ARC1633PotsherdBRLSIBuff-coloured Ware neck sherd.1
ARC1634PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware sherd of flanged bowl.1
ARC1635PotsherdBRLSIGrey ware turned-over rim, rather battered.1
ARC1636PotsherdBRLSISherd of large and heavy Grey Ware vessel.1
ARC1637TeethBRLSI6 Teeth of Ox (Bos longifrons(, April 1905, Field 1.1
ARC1638TeethBRLSI8 Teeth of Sheep or Goat, April 1905, Field 1.1
ARC1639TeethBRLSI3 Teeth of hog, April 1905, Field 1.1
ARC1640ToothBRLSITooth of dog, April 1905, Field 1.1
ARC1641BonesBRLSI2 Badger bones, April 1905, Field 1.1
ARC1642Teeth & BonesBRLSIBones and teeth of Sheep or Goat,. Lansdown, building. [Little Down Field]1
ARC1643BonesBRLSIBones, from building. Lansdown.1
ARC1644BonesBRLSIBones of Ox (Bos longifrons), from under Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1645BonesBRLSIBones, mainly Ox (Bos longifrons). Lansdown, Sept. 1907.1
ARC1646BonesBRLSIBones, from Ditch, no. 4, building, Lansdown.1
ARC1647BonesBRLSIBones, Little Down Field, Lansdown, trench C. South, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1649BonesBRLSIBones from near Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1651SlagBRLSI2 Lumps of slag, from near Coffin no. 1, South.1
ARC1652PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd, unusual. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1653PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware rim sherd of mortarium-like bowl. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1654PinBRLSIBone pin, 2.7in long with decorated head. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1655PinBRLSIPortion of rough bone pin. Lansdown, Trench E, south of coffin no. 1.1
ARC1656PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware sherd with stamped ornament. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1657PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of New Forest Ware fluted beaker. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1658CounterBRLSISmall Black Ware counter,. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1659PotsherdBRLSIShoulder of small Orange Ware jar. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1660PotsherdBRLSINeck of Grey Ware flagon. Grey slip over pale orange fabric. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1661PotsherdsBRLSISeveral sherds of Black Ware pie dish, restored and near complete. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1662PotsherdBRLSINeck of Orange Ware jug, 26mm diameter. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1663PotsherdBRLSINeck and mouth of small Grey Ware jug/bottle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1664PotsherdBRLSIPart of neck of Orange Ware jug/bottle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1665PotsherdBRLSIPart of neck and handle of Black Ware flagon. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1666PotsherdBRLSIRim of Grey Ware pot. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1667PotsherdBRLSICastor Ware base sherd 47mm diameter. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1668PotsherdBRLSI4 New Forest Ware base sherds, originally glued together., Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1669PotsherdBRLSIRim and side of Orange Ware mug. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1670PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd, dark brown exterior. Lansdown,,Trench E,, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1671PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware handle with remains of orange slip. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1672PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of small Grey Ware beaker with ornament and remains of orange slip. Lansdown, Trench E, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1673PotsherdsBRLSI2 New Forest Ware sherds, decorated, orange fabric with black/brown exterior. Lansdown Trench E,, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1674NecklaceBRLSISmall piece of shale necklace. Rectangular cross-section, with nicks on outside edges. Lansdown, Trench E,, S. of Coffin no. 1.1
ARC1675Flint toolsBRLSI9 Flint tools, including a scraper. Lansdown, Trench E.1
ARC1676RubbersBRLSI5 Stone rubbers.1
ARC1677SlagBRLSILump of iron slag.1
ARC1678PotsherdBRLSIPortion of Orange Ware beaker with small base. Simple turned out rim. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1679PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and shoulder of Grey Ware jug with handle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1680PotsherdBRLSINeck of Orange Ware jar in Upchurch style. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1681PotsherdBRLSILong neck of Orange Ware jug, 55mm in length. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1682PotsherdBRLSISide of Black Ware pie dish with handle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1683PotsherdBRLSISide of Black Ware pie dish with small handle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1684PotsherdBRLSIHandle of Black Ware pie dish. Lansdown. Little Down Field.1
ARC1685PotsherdBRLSIHandle of Grey Ware vessel. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1686PotsherdBRLSIHandle of Grey Ware jug, a little warped. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1687PotsherdBRLSIRim of Black Ware jug, splayed out, with handle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1688PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware sherd with handle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1689PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware simple rim with part of handle. Lansdown, Little Down Field.1
ARC1690PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of Grey Ware jar.1
ARC1691PotsherdBRLSIRim and neck of large Grey Ware storage jar.1
ARC1692PotsherdBRLSIBase of large Grey Ware storage jar. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1693PotsherdBRLSIBattered imitation Samian Ware base.1
ARC1694PotsherdBRLSIRim and part of body of small Grey Ware jar.1
ARC1695PotsherdsBRLSI2 Black Ware cavetto rims of pots.1
ARC1696PotsherdBRLSIBrown Ware base with black slip.1
ARC1697PotsherdBRLSIRim of Black Ware pot, simple.1
ARC1698WhetstonesBRLSI2 Whetstones. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1699RubbersBRLSI2 Stone rubbers. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1700PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd, deep footing, weathered. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1701PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd Samian Ware bowl, weathered. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1702PotsherdBRLSILarge rim sherd of White Ware mortarium. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1703PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware complete base of pot. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1704PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware jar, complete base. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1705PotsherdBRLSIRim of straight-sided Black Ware bowl. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1706PotsherdsBRLSI2 Sherds, rim and side of Grey Ware bowl. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1707PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware mortarium rim, traces of white slip remaining. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1708PotsherdBRLSIRim/body sherd of mortarium-like bowl. Few grits, sandy. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1709PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd, white fabric. Lansdowm, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1710PotsherdBRLSIRim of large Grey Ware jar, rather gritty fabric. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1711PotsherdBRLSIRim of Grey Ware jar, quite fine fabric. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1712PotsherdsBRLSI4 Sherds of a small bulbous Grey Ware pot. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1713PotsherdBRLSIRim/shoulder of small Grey Ware pot. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1714PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware decorated body sherd. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1715PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware rim sherd, thin fabric, grey core. Beaker? Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1716PotsherdBRLSIRim/neck of Orange Ware jar, quite fine fabric. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1717PotsherdBRLSIBurnt sherd of Samian Ware, black/brown colour. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1718PotsherdBRLSIRim and side of Grey Ware jar. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1719PotsherdBRLSIRim and side of Grey Ware bowl, slightly gritty. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1720PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware jug handle, 20mm i width. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1721PotsherdsBRLSI2 Black Ware sherds of pie dish. Lansdown, Sept. 1911.1
ARC1722PotsherdsBRLSI24 Sherds of a Black Ware pot.1
ARC1723PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware, platter type. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1724PotsherdBRLSIBeaded rim sherd of Samian Ware bowl. Lansdown.,branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1725PotsherdBRLSI3 Imitation Samian Ware rim sherds (glued), beaded, with stamped rosettes, micaceous fabric. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1726PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware cavetto rim with part of shoulder in fine fabric. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1727PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Orange Ware storage jar, very light orange micaceous fabric, black interior. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1728PotsherdsBRLSI6 Sherds of base of Orange Ware flagon, thin fabric, 48mm diameter. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1729PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware flanged rim, rouletting above flange. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1730PotsherdsBRLSI6 Body and rim sherds of New Forest Ware fluted beaker. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1731PotteryBRLSIBlack Ware rim/body sherd with three holes, possibly a colander/strainer. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1732PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim and handle, with three grooves. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1733PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware, portion of handle with two grooves and central ridge, 22mm in width. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1734PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware handle with two grooves and central rib, 24mm in width. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1735PotsherdBRLSISmall Orange Ware base sherd of bottle type, 22mm diameter, grey fabric, orange cortex. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1736PotsherdBRLSISide of Grey Ware dish with base of handle. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1737PotsherdBRLSI3 Sherds of New Forest Ware pot, rippled fabric rustication. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1738PotsherdBRLSISmall Castor Ware sherd with part of relief ornament attached. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1739PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware sherd, ornamented, micaceous. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1740PotsherdBRLSIBuff-coloured Ware handle, 15mm in width. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1741PotsherdBRLSIG2 rey Ware sherds with unusual designs, wavy incised lines, medieval in style. Lansdown, branch S. of K. trench.1
ARC1742PotsherdBRLSIRim/body sherd of Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1743PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd of footring.1
ARC1744PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware base and footring of bowl.1
ARC1745PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd of jar, 52mm diameter.1
ARC1746PotsherdBRLSIRim/side of Black Ware,pie dish, 40mm in height.1
ARC1747PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of Black Ware pie dish, rough ware.1
ARC1748PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd of pot, 50mm diameter.1
ARC1749PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd with ridge and groove.1
ARC1750ColanderBRLSIGrey Ware colander, rather poor.1
ARC1751ColanderBRLSI5 Orange Ware colander sherds.1
ARC1752PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware base sherd of pot, 50mm diameter.1
ARC1753PotsherdBRLSIWhite Ware mortarium rim sherrd with potter's mark.1
ARC1754PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware rim and side with stamped rosette.1
ARC1755PotsherdsBRLSI4 Black Ware base sherds Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1756PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware base of jar, 50mm diameter. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1757PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware mortarium base. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1758PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware base sherd, very weathered. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1759PotsherdsBRLSI3 Imitation Samian Ware base sherds. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1760PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd with footring. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1761PotsherdsBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd(s) of jar. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1762PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd 60mm diameter. Lansdown, [fittle Down Field] Sept. 1905.1
ARC1763PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware base sherd 54mm diameter. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1764PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd with footring. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1765PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1766PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd, good fabric. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1767PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware cavetto rim sherd. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1768PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware heavy rim sherd. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1769PotsherdsBRLSI2 Grey Ware rim sherds. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1770PotsherdBRLSISide of Orange Ware bowl. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1771SlagBRLSI4 Pieces of iron slag. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1772PotsherdBRLSIRim of Samian Ware mortarium with a fiar number of grits.1
ARC1773PotsherdBRLSILarge Black Ware cavetto rim sherd.1
ARC1774PotsherdBRLSISherd of large Grey Ware pot with turned-over rim.1
ARC1775PotsherdBRLSIVery heavy rim sherd of large Grey Ware pot.1
ARC1776PotsherdsBRLSI10 Similar Grey Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1777PotsherdBRLSISherd of straight-sided Black Ware dish.1
ARC1778PotsherdBRLSIRim sherrd of Black Ware pot.1
ARC1779PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware base sherd of footring.1
ARC1780PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware thumb-impressed rim sherd.1
ARC1781PotsherdsBRLSI3 Grey Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1782RubberBRLSIStone rubber, sub0circular, flat. Sandstone?1
ARC1783WhetstoneBRLSI2 Whetstones, flat (sandstone).1
ARC1784WhetstoneBRLSISquared whetstone.1
ARC1785WhetstoneBRLSIWhetstone, shaped.1
ARC1786StoneworkBRLSIPiece of round-shaped Oolite, use unknown.1
ARC1787StoneworkBRLSIPiece of round-shaped stone, pierced, use unknown.1
ARC1788PotsherdBRLSIBase and body sherd(s) of imitation Samian Ware beaker.1
ARC1789PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware mortarium base sherd.1
ARC1790PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware flagon handle with two grooves. Lansdown, Sept. 1905.1
ARC1791ColanderBRLSIGrey Ware colander sherd.1
ARC1792PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware bottle neck with wide flange.1
ARC1793WhetstoneBRLSILarge whetstone. Lansdown, from building.1
ARC1794WhetstoneBRLSILump of coarse-grained rock used as whetstone.1
ARC1795PotsherdsBRLSI3 Rim sherds of heavy Grey Ware pot.1
ARC1796PotsherdsBRLSI2 Heavy rim sherds of Grey Ware pot with white slip.1
ARC1797PotsherdBRLSIHeavy Grey Ware pot sherd. Large object of crude fabric.1
ARC1798Foot RingBRLSIPart of foot-ring of Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1799PotsherdBRLSIHalf of base and foot-ring of Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC1800PotsherdBRLSIVery thick Grey Ware rim of simple round type.1
ARC1801PotsherdsBRLSI5 Black Ware pie dish sherds.1
ARC1802PotsherdsBRLSI3 Sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1803PotsherdsBRLSI7 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds with slight beading.1
ARC1804PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim sherd.1
ARC1805PotsherdsBRLSI2 Grey Ware rim sherds in quite crude fabric.1
ARC1806PotsherdsBRLSI3 Similar rim sherds of Grey Ware jars.1
ARC1807PotsherdBRLSILarge Buff-coloured Ware cavetto rim, sandy fabric.1
ARC1808PotsherdBRLSIRim of Black Ware flanged dish.1
ARC1809PotsherdBRLSIRim, neck and part of shoulder of Black Slip Ware, fine reddish fabric, thin black slip.1
ARC1810PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware rim sherd with flange, sandy ware.1
ARC1811PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd, quite good fabric, smooth surface.1
ARC1812PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of straight-sided Grey Ware bowl.1
ARC1813PotsherdsBRLSI3 Thick neck sherds of White Ware flagons.1
ARC1814PotsherdBRLSIWhite Ware sherd, unusual shape. Part of amphora?1
ARC1815StoneworkBRLSISemicircular flat stone block, part of a mould? Lansdowm, trench F.1
ARC1816PotsherdBRLSIPart of small Black Ware handle with central groove. Lansdown, Trench F.1
ARC1817PotsherdsBRLSI2 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds, smooth fabric, slightly burnished. Lansdown, Trench E., S. of Coffin 1.1
ARC1818PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware cavetto rim sherd. Lansdown, Trench E., S. of Coffin 1.1
ARC1819PotsherdsBRLSI2 Grey Ware rim sherds of similar jars. Lansdown, Trench E., S. of Coffin 1.1
ARC1820PotsherdBRLSIRim sherrd of Grey Ware vessel. Unusual design: neck doubles back on itself, indentation outside on top of rim. Lansdown, Trench E., S. of Coffin 1.1
ARC1821PotsherdBRLSISmall Grey Ware base, 47mm diameter, sandy fabric, small pot/beaker. Lansdown, Trench E., S. of Coffin 1.1
ARC1822PotsherdsBRLSI2 Body sherds of Grey Ware jar, slightly sandy. Lansdown, Trench E., S. of Coffin 1.1
ARC1823PotsherdsBRLSI5 Sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1824PotsherdsBRLSI6 Sherds of Orange Ware jar.1
ARC1825PotsherdsBRLSI5 Flanged rim sherds of Orange Ware bowl.1
ARC1826PotsherdsBRLSI2 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds.1
ARC1827PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd with internal groove.1
ARC1828PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware jar.1
ARC1829PotsherdsBRLSI4 Orange Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1830PotsherdBRLSISherd of Samian Ware flanged bowl.1
ARC1831PotsherdsBRLSI3 Imitation Samian Ware base sherds with varying amounts of glaze remaining, micaceous. Lansdown, building no. 5, May 1907.1
ARC1832PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware base/footring sherd with rouletting.1
ARC1833PotsherdsBRLSI5 Samian Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1834PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim/body sherd,, Dragendorff 37, with ovolo and design. Lansdown, Trench W.1
ARC1835PotsherdBRLSISherd of decorated Samian Ware, Dragendorff 37?1
ARC1836PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware mortarium base sherd (or base and side).1
ARC1837PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware jar.1
ARC1838PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware handle with central ridge.1
ARC1839PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware handle with central ridge and two grooves.1
ARC1840PotsherdBRLSIPart of Grey Ware handle.1
ARC1841PotsherdBRLSIShoulder of Grey Ware vessel with white slip and painted orange decoration.1
ARC1842PotsherdBRLSIBody sherd of ornamented Grey Ware, fairly thin fabric.1
ARC1843PotsherdsBRLSI4 Sherds of Black Ware vessels with similar ornament of continuous impressions around pot, like rouletting.1
ARC1844PotsherdBRLSIDecorated sherd of Castor Ware. Nene Valley hunting cup?1
ARC1845Spindle WhorlBRLSISpindle whorl made from potsherd.1
ARC1846Spindle WhirlBRLSIFlat spindle whorl made from potsherd.1
ARC1847Worked boneBRLSIRectangular piece of cut bone, ornamented.1
ARC1848PotsherdBRLSIRim and shoulder of Imitation Samian Ware bowl with stamped ornament around neck. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1849ColanderBRLSIBlack Ware colander sherd with holes arranged in circles. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1850PotsherdsBRLSI5 Flanged rim sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowls. Lansdown., Trench C - South.1
ARC1851PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware pie dish sherd. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1852PotsherdsBRLSI3 Grey Ware rim sherds. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1853PotsherdsBRLSI4 Similar Orange Ware jar rims. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1854PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of White Ware mortarium with internal groove. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1855PotsherdBRLSISmall Orange Ware mortarium rim sherd, sandy micaceous fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1856PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd, orange fabric, white slip. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1857PotsherdBRLSINew Forest Ware pedestal base, 25mm diameter, light brown surface, grey fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1858PotsherdsBRLSI3 Basse sherds of two Orange Ware jugs/beakers, 25mm and 28mm diameter, grey core, orange cortex. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1859PotsherdsBRLSI2 Body sherds of imitation Samian Ware, sandy micaceous fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1860PotsherdsBRLSI3 Beaded rim sherds of imitation Samian Ware, sandy micaceous fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1861PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Orange Ware mortarium with white slip. Rim with central groove. Lansdown, Trench C - South.1
ARC1862PotsherdBRLSIMortarium rim sherd, white, slightly orange, sandy texture. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1863PotsherdsBRLSI3 Grey Ware rim sherds. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1864PotsherdsBRLSI2 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1865PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of small simple straight-sided Orange Ware bowl, smooth fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1866PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware bowl with flange, poor grey on slight orange ware, sandy. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1867PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Grey Ware flanged bowl, poor grey, slight orange coloured ware, sandy. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1868PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim sherd, smooth fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1869PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Orange Ware jar, grey core, thin fine fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1870PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of imitation Samian Ware mortarium, whitish fabric, remains of slip? sandy fabric. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1871PotsherdsBRLSI2 Grey Ware rim sherds, quite fine with remains of orange slip, slightly gritty. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1872PotsherdBRLSIRim of Grey Ware jar, good fabric but a little sandy. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1873PotsherdBRLSIRim/body sherd of Orange Ware bowl, grey core. Lansdown, Trench C - North.1
ARC1874PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd with footring, 78mm diameter, of imitation Samian Ware, sandy micaceous fabric. Lansdown, Trench E - Circle.1
ARC1875PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of imitation Samian Ware with stamped decoration. Lansdown, Trench E - Circle.1
ARC1876PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd 50mm diameter, of flagon or jug with raised edge, sandy fabric. Lansdown, Trench E - Circle.1
ARC1877PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware base sherd with groove externally, 10mm from outer edge. Lansdown, Trench E - Circle.1
ARC1878PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware mortarium base with footring, grey core, sandy fabric. Lansdown, Trench E - Circle.1
ARC1879PotsherdsBRLSI2 White Ware base sherds of small pot, 35mm diameter, smooth but dusty fabric. Lansdown, Trench E - Circle.1
ARC1880PotsherdsBRLSISherds of Roman pottery, from Barrow, Lansdown, Sept. 1909.1
ARC1881PotsherdsBRLSIBlack Ware pie dish sherds. Five glueds together and three individual sherds, smooth fabric. Lansdown, April 1905 [Oaklands Down] near [Grenville] monument.1
ARC1882PotsherdsBRLSI8 Rim sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowl(s) with flange, all similar and unusual.1
ARC1883PotsherdsBRLSI7 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds.1
ARC1884PotsherdsBRLSI3 Grey Ware cavetto rim sherds.1
ARC1885PotsherdsBRLSI4 Grey/Black Ware base sherds.1
ARC1886PotsherdBRLSICaved in Black Ware base sherd, possibly a beaker.1
ARC1887PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware rim sherd. Apparently originally two.1
ARC1888PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware rim sherd. Apparently originally two.1
ARC1889PotsherdBRLSISmall rim sherd of Orange Ware mortarium rim.1
ARC1890PotsherdBRLSISherd of straight-sided Orange Ware bowl.1
ARC1891PotsherdsBRLSI4 Orange Ware sub-cavetto type rim sherds.1
ARC1892PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd of buff-coloured storage jar.1
ARC1893PotsherdBRLSISmall mortarium rim sherd, sandy grey fabric.1
ARC1894PotsherdBRLSIBody sherd of Grey Ware bowl with raised strip.1
ARC1895PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware cavetto rim sherd, grey core, orange slip.1
ARC1896PotsherdsBRLSI7 Black Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1897PotsherdsBRLSI4 Grey Ware rim sherds.1
ARC1898Bag of nailsBRLSIBag of nails. Lansdown, building.1
ARC1899PotsherdsBRLSI9 Black Ware pie dish sherds. Lansdown, building.1
ARC1900PotsherdsBRLSI16 Sherds of straight-sided Black Ware bowls. Lansdown,,Building.1
ARC1901PotsherdsBRLSI9 Similar Grey Ware rim sherds. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1902PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware rim sherd, small and squat. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1903PotsherdsBRLSI6 Grey/Black Ware cavetto rim sherds. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1904PotsherdsBRLSI5 Grey Ware rim sherds. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1905PotsherdsBRLSI8 Black Ware rim sherds. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1906PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware rim sherd with small flange or ridge. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1907PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware beaded rim sherd. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1908PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware mortarium rim sherd. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1909PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of straight-sided Orange Ware bowl. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1910PotsherdBRLSIDelicate rim, sherd of New Forest Ware pot/beaker. Lansdown, Building.1
ARC1911PotsherdBRLSISherd of New Forest Ware fluted beaker. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1912PotsherdBRLSIRim to base of Black Ware pie-dish. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1913PotsherdBRLSILarge Grey Ware side-sherd near base of jar, sandy fabric. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1914PotsherdBRLSIBase sherd of Orange Ware pot, grey core, orange cortex, groove on outside of base. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1915PotsherdBRLSISmall sherd of Castor Ware vessel. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1916PotsherdBRLSIGrey Ware base sherd with slight footring. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1917PotsherdsBRLSI2 Grey Ware rim sherrds. One very delicate and small, good fabric, the other slightly larger. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1918PotsherdBRLSIHeavy Grey Ware rim with section pressed down with finger. Thick fabric over 13mm thick. Lansdown, outside Building, North-West.1
ARC1919PotsherdsBRLSI2 Sherrds of Black Ware pie dish.1
ARC1920PotsherdsBRLSI2 Flanged rims of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1921PotsherdsBRLSI3 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds.1
ARC1922PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware pedestal base.1
ARC1923PotsherdBRLSIBase of Grey Ware jar, 48mm diameter.1
ARC1924PotsherdBRLSILarge Grey Ware cavetto rim sherd.1
ARC1925PotsherdBRLSILarge Grey Ware body sherd of jar.1
ARC1926PotsherdBRLSIBrown/Red Ware base sherd.1
ARC1927Boxes of hob nailsBRLSI3 Boxes of hob nails from coffins no. 1, 5, 6, 7 and 11.1
ARC1928CountersBRLSI9 Counters, one pottery, nine stone.1
ARC1929Spindle WhirlBRLSISpindle whorl crudely shaped from Grey Ware potsherd.1
ARC1930PotsherdsBRLSI6 Sherds of New Forest Ware beakers.1
ARC1931Wheat grainsBRLSIA few wheat grains.1
ARC1932Spindle whorlBRLSIShale spindle whorl, fine example.1
ARC1933Ring fragmentBRLSIPart of a bronze ring.1
ARC1934PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware base and footring.1
ARC1935PotsherdBRLSIRim and side of Orange Ware mortarium.1
ARC1936PotsherdBRLSIOrange Ware flagon neck with white slip.1
ARC1937PotsherdBRLSIWhite Ware mortarium rim, fairly heavy flange.1
ARC1938PotsherdsBRLSI5 Sherds from side of straight-sided Black Ware bowl.1
ARC1939PotsherdsBRLSI6 Black Ware cavetto rim sherds, some glued.1
ARC1940PotsherdsBRLSI4 Black Ware base sherds.1
ARC1941PotsherdBRLSIRim/body sherd of Black Ware bowl/pot.1
ARC1942PotsherdBRLSIRim/body sherd of Black Ware pot.1
ARC1943PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware cavetto rim/shoulder of heavy storage jar.1
ARC1944PotsherdBRLSIBlack Ware cavetto rim/shoulder of pot.1
ARC1945PotsherdBRLSISimple rim, neck and shoulder of Black Ware pot.1
ARC1946PotsherdBRLSICastor Ware pedestal base 30mm diameter.1
ARC1947Roof slateBRLSICotswold stone roof slate, possibly partly broken.1
ARC1948Roof StoneBRLSIPart of Cotswold stone roof slate.1
ARC1949WhetstonesBRLSI2 Rectangular whetstones.1
ARC1950WhetstoneBRLSIFlat whetstone, micaceous sandstone.1
ARC1951RubbersBRLSI2 Round stone rubbers.1
ARC1952ObjectsBRLSI2 Stone objects.1
ARC1953GalenaBRLSILumps of galena (lead ore).1
ARC1954Bag of slagBRLSIBag of slag (mainly iron slag).1
ARC1955Quern stone fragmentBRLSIFragment of quern stone.1
ARC1956Stone rubberBRLSIStone rubber (counter broken in middle).1
ARC1957CoalBRLSISmall piece of coal.1
ARC1958PotsherdsBRLSI39 Sherds of a Black Ware pot, from Trench I, under large stone.1
ARC1959PotsherdsBRLSISherds from two Black Ware pots, from Trench K, pit 2.5 feet deep.1
ARC1960Horse-shoe fragmentsBRLSI6 Fragments of horse-shoes1
ARC1961Awl?BRLSIIron awl? square cross-section, tapering.1
ARC1962Latch keyBRLSIIron latch type key.1
ARC1963StylusBRLSI3 Iron styli.1
ARC1964Iron objectBRLSIVery large iron object.1
ARC1965KnivesBRLSI4 Iron knives/knife fragments.1
ARC1966RingsBRLSI2 Iron rings.1
ARC1967BucklesBRLSI2 Iron buckles.1
ARC1968Stylus etc.BRLSI3 Iron tools, points (styli, probes etc.).1
ARC1969Iron objectsBRLSI6 Iron objects, unidentified.1
ARC1970Iron objectBRLSISocketed iron object, possibly an axe head or gauge.1
ARC1971Hook and clampBRLSIIron hook and clamp.1
ARC1972PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Small base sherd with part of potter's mark.1
ARC1973PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 30.1
ARC1974PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 37.1
ARC1975PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 30.1
ARC1976PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 37.1
ARC1977PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 37.1
ARC1978PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 37.1
ARC1979PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 29.1
ARC1980PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1981PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 30.1
ARC1982PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 2 Decorated sherds of Drag. 29.1
ARC1983PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 37.1
ARC1984PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd of Drag. 30.1
ARC1985PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 8 Sherds with ovolo.1
ARC1986PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata.7 Decorated sherds.1
ARC1987PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1988PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1989PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1990PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1991PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1992PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1993PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 4 Decorated sherds from near base.1
ARC1994PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1995PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1996PotsherdsBRLSITerra Sigillata. 20 Decorated sherds.1
ARC1997PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1998PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC1999PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC2000PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC2001PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC2002PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated sherd.1
ARC2003PotsherdsBRLSI5 Samian Ware sherds of Dragendorff 33'.1
ARC2004PotsherdsBRLSISamian Ware rims with ovolo decoration below.1
ARC2005PotsherdsBRLSI16 Samian Ware rim sherds of platter type, Drag. 18/31.1
ARC2006PotsherdBRLSIRim/base sherd of Samian Ware, Drag. 31, 37mm in height.1
ARC2007PotsherdsBRLSI12 Samian Ware rim sherds, Dragendorff form 27.1
ARC2008PotsherdBRLSIRim/side of Samian Ware flanged bowl. Flange damaged.1
ARC2009PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware flanged rim sherd.1
ARC2010PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware flanged bowl.1
ARC2011PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware flanged bowl (flange missing).1
ARC2012PotsherdsBRLSI2 Samian Ware flanged bowl rim sherds (similar type).1
ARC2013PotsherdsBRLSI3 Samian Ware flanged bowl rim sherds (similar type).1
ARC2014PotsherdBRLSISherd of small Samian Ware pot.1
ARC2015PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware beaker/pot.1
ARC2016PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd.1
ARC2017PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd.1
ARC2018PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware rim sherd.1
ARC2019PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Decorated rim sherrd with rouletting and relief ornament.1
ARC2020PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim/body sherd of flanged bowl.1
ARC2021PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware flanged bowl rim, grey core.1
ARC2022PotsherdBRLSIRim and side of small imitation Samian Ware bowl.1
ARC2023PotsherdBRLSIImitation Samian Ware rim sherd, slightly burnt.1
ARC2024PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd of a bowl.1
ARC2025PotsherdsBRLSI31 Samian Ware base and footring sherds.1
ARC2026PotsherdsBRLSI4 Samian Ware base sherds of Dragendorff form 27.1
ARC2027PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Part of a base and side of Drag. 33.1
ARC2028PotsherdBRLSISamian Ware base sherd with footring and potter's mark.1
ARC2029PotsherdsBRLSI24 Plain Samian Ware body sherds.1
ARC2030PotsherdsBRLSI11 Samian Ware side sherds, Dragendorff 27.1
ARC2031PotsherdsBRLSI2 Samian Ware body sherds, Dragendorff 33.1
ARC2032PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Base of pot with footring.1
ARC2033PotsherdsBRLSI11 Barbartine rim sherds of Samian Ware bowls.1
ARC2034PotsherdsBRLSI4 Rim sherds with rouletting, of similar Samian Ware bowls.1
ARC2035PotsherdsBRLSI5 Samian Ware rim sherds with rouletting.1
ARC2036PotsherdsBRLSI6 Rim sherds of Samian Ware flanged bowls. Flat flange.1
ARC2037PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd of Samian Ware platter type.1
ARC2038PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Rim sherd with rouletting, of a decorated bowl or beaker.1
ARC2039PotsherdBRLSIRim sherd with rouletting of decorated Samian Ware bowl/beaker.1
ARC2040PotsherdsBRLSI2 Samian Ware rims with rouletting.1
ARC2041PotsherdBRLSISherd of imitation Samian Ware with stamped rosettes.1
ARC2042MouldBRLSIPart of a large stone mould. Lansdown [sic?]1
ARC2043MouldBRLSIStone mould in oolite, for a pewter bowl.1
ARC2044Mould fragmentsBRLSI2 Stone mould(s) in white lias, for small objects. Lansdown, 1907.1
ARC2045MouldBRLSIStone mould in flat white lias. Lansdown, 1907.1
ARC2046MouldBRLSIStone mould. Cast from a stone mould for lynch pin and two other objects and cast metal objects from it. Lansdown, Sept. 1907.1
ARC2047Axe headBRLSISocketed iron axe head. of unknown date.1
ARC2048Spindle whorl?BRLSIShale spindle whorl, rather laminated.1
ARC2049PotsherdsBRLSI11 Sherds of Bronze Age cinerary urn and 1 bone fragment. Lansdown, Sept. 1909.,Tumulus M'.1
ARC2050PotsherdsBRLSISherds of 'incense cup' with ornament. 'Long Barrow', Fairfield, Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2051PotsherdsBRLSISherds of decorated cinerary urn. Tumulus Q, Lansdown, September 1909.1
ARC2052PotsherdsBRLSISherds of cinerary urn, soft orange fabric. Twin Barrow E, Lansdown, April 1909.1
ARC2053PotsherdsBRLSI8 Sherds of pre-historic pottery, Bronze Age?1
ARC2054PotsherdsBRLSISherds of cinerary urn. Barrow on Lansdown.1
ARC2055PotsherdsBRLSISherds o at least two cinerary urnsw. Round Barrow, Fairfield, June and September 1908.1
ARC2056PotsherdsBRLSISherds of cinerary urn. Lansdown,,Tumulus O, September 1909.1
ARC2057PotsherdsBRLSISherds of cinerary urn, cremated bones, and scraps of bronze. Tumulus no. 1, Lansdown.1
ARC2058PotsherdsBRLSISherds of cinerary urn. 'Saucer' Tumulus, Lansdown, September 1909.1
ARC2059PotsherdsBRLSISherds of pre-historic pottery, Iron Age 'A' style, from ditch at No. 4 Building, Lansdown.1
ARC2060PotsherdsBRLSISherds of part of a cinerary urn. Lansdown, Tumulus U, 1909.1
ARC2061PotsherdsBRLSISherds of cinerary urn. Lansdown, Tumulus C pit.1
ARC2062PotsherdBRLSISherd of overhanging rim of cinerary urn.1
ARC2062aEagle emblemBRLSISmall Roman bronze eagle with outstretched wings. Limpley Stoke, 1868.1
ARC2063StatuetteBRLSILead statuette of Bacchus?. Figure facing front, no true legs. Kennett Vicarage, Wilts., 1908.1
ARC2064Finger ringsBRLSI2 Small simple bronze finger rings.1
ARC2065BowlsBRLSI3 Very small bronze bowls with a central ridge. Bellot's Hospital, 1859-60.1
ARC2066PinBRLSIBone pin with carved head.1
ARC2067HandleBRLSIBone handle carved into a hexagonal cross-section.1
ARC2068Bone toolBRLSIPiece of polished bone, broken at one end.1
ARC2069PinsBRLSI3 Bone pins of different types.1
ARC2070BraceletsBRLSI4 Bronze bracelets of doubtful age, possibly copies.1
ARC2071ChainBRLSI3 Links of bronze chain of flat wire.,Combe Down Villa ?1
ARC2072Scrap metalBRLSI2 Pieces of scrap bronze.1
ARC2073Scrap metal?BRLSIVery small bowl-like bronze object.1
ARC2074StudBRLSIBronze connecting stud.1
ARC2075DieBRLSISmall lead die.1
ARC2076StoneworkBRLSICarved female head in oolite, rather weathered and part of face missing. Lansdown. See report with photograph, 1905.1
ARC2077StoneworkBRLSICarved stone, oolite, with signs of burning.1
ARC2078StoneworkBRLSICarved stone.1
ARC2079Quern stoneBRLSIPart of a quern stone in breccia of old red sandstone.1
ARC2080Roof SlateBRLSIRoof slate of pennant sandstone.1
ARC2081Mould fragmentsBRLSIStone mould for pewter vessel. Complete but in 7 fragments.1
ARC2082Mould fragmentsBRLSIPart of stone mould for large pewter dish. 4 fragments.1
ARC2083Mould fragmentBRLSIPart of stone mould. for pewter plate.1
ARC2084Mould fragmentBRLSIPart of stone mould. for pewter plate.1
ARC2085Mould fragmentsBRLSIPieces of 3 stone moulds.1
ARC2086MouldBRLSIStone mould for pewter bowl.1
ARC2087Mould fragmentBRLSIHalf of a stone mould for a deep pewter bowl.1
ARC2088Mould fragmentsBRLSI2 Pieces of a stone mould for a small bowl.1
ARC2089MouldBRLSIStone mould in oolite, for a small bowl.1
ARC2090Mould fragmentsBRLSI2 Pieces of stone mould for a small dish.1
ARC2091Mould fragmentsBRLSI2 Pieces of stone moulds.1
ARC2092PotsherdBRLSISherd of Samian Ware bowl, Drag. 27.1
ARC2092aCoinBRLSICoin of Crispus. Reverse: Standing youthful figure. Odd Down, Bath.1
ARC2093PotsherdBRLSITerra Sigillata. Complete Drag. 27 footring.1
ARC2110CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine, 'Gloria Exercitus' type. Reverse: Soldiers with standards.1
ARC2111CoinBRLSICoin of Tetricus. Obverse: Radiate head. Reverse: Spes.1
ARC2112CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2113CoinBRLSICoin of Arcadius. Reverse: Victory.1
ARC2114CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Winged Victory.1
ARC2115CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Obverse: Emperor Valens. Reverse: Possibly victory.1
ARC2116CoinBRLSICoin of Postumus: Obverse: Radiate head. Reverse: Figure.1
ARC2117CoinBRLSICoin of Vallentinian. Reverse: Moving figure.1
ARC2118CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas.1
ARC2119CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Two figures holding a staff.1
ARC2120CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Reverse: Warrior raising a captive.1
ARC2121CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Reverse: Securitas.1
ARC2122CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Altar.1
ARC2123CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Obverse: Valentinianus facing right. Reverse: Securitas.1
ARC2124aCoinBRLSIWorn antoninianus coin of Claudius Gothicus, Gallienus or Tetricus I ? Obverse: Gallienus and Tetricus.1
ARC2124bCoinBRLSIWorn antoninianus coin of Claudius Gothicus, Gallienus or Tetricus I ? Obverse: Gallienus and Tetricus.1
ARC2125CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2126CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian? Reverse: Securitas Republicae.1
ARC2127CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Illegible.1
ARC2128CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Two figures facing each other.1
ARC2129CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Reverse: Gloria and figure.1
ARC2130aCoinBRLSICoin of Claudius Gothicus ? antoninianus.1
ARC2130bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I ? AE 3/4.1
ARC2130cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I ? AE 3/4.1
ARC2130dCoinBRLSICoin of Constans ? AE 4.1
ARC2130eCoinBRLSICoin of House of Constantine I ? AE 3/4.1
ARC2130fCoinBRLSICoin of Valens ? AE 3.1
ARC2130gCoinBRLSICoin of House of Valentinian ? AE 3/4.1
ARC2130hCoinBRLSICoin of House of Valentinian ? AE 3.1
ARC2130iCoinBRLSICoin of House of Valentinian ? AE 3.1
ARC2130jCoinBRLSICoin of House of Valentinian ? AE 3.1
ARC2130kCoinBRLSICoin of House of Valentinian ? AE 3.1
ARC2130lCoinBRLSIUnidentifiable coin.1
ARC2130mCoinBRLSIUnidentifiable coin.1
ARC2130nCoinBRLSIUnidentifiable coin.1
ARC2131CoinBRLSISilver coin of Arcadius. Reverse: Warrior.1
ARC2132CoinBRLSICoin of Valentian. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2133CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius. Reverse: Victoria, two victories. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2134CoinBRLSICoin of Magnentius, facing right. Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2135CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Two figures. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2136aCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2136bCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2137CoinBRLSICoin of Constans, facing right. Reverse: Victories. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2138aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II, AE 3/4. Reverse: Two soldiers. Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2138bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II, AE 3/4. Reverse: Two soldiers. Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2139CoinBRLSICoin of Helena. Reverse: Pax Publica. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2140aCounterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2140bCounterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2141CoinBRLSICoin of Julian II. Obverse: Ivlianvs. Reverse: Victoria. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2142CoinBRLSICoin, Constantine period (double reverse). Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2143CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Two victories. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2144CoinBRLSICoin of Magnentius. Reverse: Two victories with shield. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2145CoinBRLSICoin of Gratian. Late coin of 'Victoriae Auggg' type. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2146CoinBRLSICoin of Theodora. Obverse: Emperor? facing right. Reverse: Pietas Romana. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2147CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2148CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2149CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Possible chariot. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2150Counterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous coin of Constantine. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2151CoinBRLSICoin of Iulia Mamaea (tinned). Obverse: Ivlia Mamara. Reverse: Felicitas publica. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2152aCounterfeit coinBRLSICoin of Postumus, antoninianus. Barbarous radiate ? Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2152bCounterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2153CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II. Reverse: Gloria Exertus. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2154CoinBRLSICoin of Diocletian. Reverse: Two victories. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2155CoinBRLSICoin of Valentian I, facing right. Reverse: Soldier with captive. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2156CoinBRLSICoin of Postumus? Obverse: Radiate head facing right. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2157CoinBRLSIWorn coin. Obverse: Emperor facing right. Reverse: Obliterated. Lansdown,1912.1
ARC2158CoinBRLSICoin of Claudius Gothicus? Reverse: Obliterated. Lansdown, 1912.1
ARC2159CoinBRLSI2nd Century coin. Obverse and reverse obliterated, possibly a dupondius of Trajan. Lansdown, 1910.1
ARC2160CoinsBRLSI2 Worn unidentified coins. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2161CoinBRLSIWorn coin. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2162aCoinBRLSIVery worn coin, possibly of Theodosius. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2162bCoinBRLSIVery worn coin, possibly of Theodosius. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2163CoinBRLSIWorn coin with radiate head, facing right. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2164CoinBRLSIWorn coin with radiate head, facing right. Reverse: Pax ... Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2165aCoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2165bCoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2166CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Two soldiers and standards. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2167aCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 4. Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2167bCoinsBRLSI2 Coins of Constans. Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2168CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2169CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius?. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2170CoinBRLSICoin of Gallienus? Obverse: Gal...ius. Radiate head facing right. Reverse: Obliterated. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2171CoinBRLSICoin of Probus. Obverse: Probus Aug. Reverse: Perpetuitate. Peace with altar. Lansdown, May 1908.1
ARC2172CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian I. Obverse: Valentini. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2173aCoinBRLSIWorn coin of Valens. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2173bCoinBRLSIWorn coin of Valens. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2173cCoinBRLSIWorn coin of Valens. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2174CoinBRLSICoin of Gratian. Reverse: Emperor raising woman. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2175Counterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate coin. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2176CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Reverse: Nude figure. Lansdown, May 1907.1
ARC2177CoinBRLSICopin of Constantine II. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2178CoinBRLSICoin, of Tetricus I. Reverse: Faith between two standards. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2179CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2180CoinBRLSICoin of Faustina. Obverse: Faustina August. Reverse: Hilaritas. Ceres. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2181aCoinBRLSICoin of Valentian I. Obverse: Valentinianus. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2181bCoinBRLSICoin of Valentian I. Obverse: Valentinianus. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2181cCoinBRLSICoin of Valentian I. Obverse: Valentinianus. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2182CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2183aCoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2183bCoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2183cCoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2184CoinBRLSICoin of Gratian, defaced. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2185CoinBRLSIDefaced coin - Late[?] IV [century] AD. Reverse: Victory holding captive. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2186CoinBRLSICoin of Eugenius. Reverse: Victoria. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2187CoinBRLSICoin of Eugenius. Reverse defaced. Lansdown, September 1907.1
ARC2188aCoinBRLSIDefaced coin of Constans ? Half centenionalis. Lansdowm, September 1907.1
ARC2188bCoinBRLSIDefaced coin, unidentified. Lansdowm, September 1907.1
ARC2188cCoinBRLSIDefaced coin, unidentified. Lansdowm, September 1907.1
ARC2188dCoinBRLSIDefaced coin, unidentified. Lansdowm, September 1907.1
ARC2188eCoinBRLSIDefaced coin, unidentified. Lansdowm, September 1907.1
ARC2189CoinBRLSICoin of Antoninus Pius. Reverse: Peace to left, lightning arms and armour. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2190CoinBRLSIDenarius of Septimius Severus. Reverse: Moneta. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2191CoinBRLSICoin of Aurelian. Reverse: Aurelian to receive a globe from Jupiter. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2192CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Altar with Votis and globe and three stars above. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2193CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2194CoinBRLSIUrbs Romana coin. Obverse: Urbs Romana. Reverse: Wolf and twins. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2195aCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2195bCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2195cCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2196CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2197aCounterfeit coinBRLSICoin of Constantine I ? AE 3/4. Possible barbarous radiate coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2197bCounterfeit coinBRLSIPossible barbarous radiate coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2197cCounterfeit coinBRLSIPossible barbarous radiate coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2198CoinBRLSICoin of Decentius. Obverse: Decentius facing right. Reverse: Victories holding inscribed wreath. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2199aCoinBRLSIWorn defaced 4th century coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2199bCoinBRLSIWorn defaced 4th century coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2199cCoinBRLSIWorn defaced 4th century coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2199dCoinBRLSIWorn defaced 4th century coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2199eCoinBRLSIWorn defaced 4th century coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2199fCoinBRLSIWorn defaced 4th century coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2200aCoinsBRLSICoin of Gratian. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2200bCoinsBRLSICoin of Gratian. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2201CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2202CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius. Reverse: Two victories, two wreaths. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2203CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2204aCoinBRLSICoin of Tetricus I ? antoninianus. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2204bCoinBRLSIUnidentified coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2204cCoinBRLSIUnidentified coin. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2205CoinBRLSICoin of Claudius Gothicus. Obverse: Emperor facing right. Reverse: Felicitas. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2206aCoinBRLSIUrbs Roma coin, AE 3/4. Obverse: VRBS Roma. Reverse: Wolf and twins. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2206bCoinBRLSIUrbs Roma coin, AE 3/4. Obverse: VRBS Roma. Reverse: Wolf and twins. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2206cCoinBRLSIUrbs Roma coin, AE 3/4. Obverse: VRBS Roma. Reverse: Wolf and twins. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2207CoinBRLSICoin of Carausius. Reverse: Peace (Tinned). Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2208CoinBRLSICoin of Constantianus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2209CoinBRLSICoin of Crispus. Reverse: Altar with votis. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2210CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse defaced. Reverse: Wreath. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2211CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Obverse: Constans, diadem to right. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2212CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Obverse: Valens facing right. Reverse: Securitas [Republicae]. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2213CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian II. Reverse: Emperor raising female. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2214CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2215CoinBRLSICoin of Valentian. Obverse: Valentinianus. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2216CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2217aCoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Obverse: Constans. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2217bCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constans. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2218aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantius II, AE 3/4 ? Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2218bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantius II, AE 3/4 ? Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2218cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantius II, AE 4 ? Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2219CoinBRLSICoin. Obverse: Diademed head, facing right. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2220CoinBRLSICoin of Helena. Reverse: Peace with olive branch. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2221CoinBRLSICoin of Delmatius. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2222CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2223CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Two victories with wreaths. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2224CoinBRLSICoin. Obverse: Head facing right. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2225CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2226CoinBRLSICoin. Obverse: Diademed head facing right. Reverse: Soldier holding standard to left. Lansdown, September 1906.1
ARC2227CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Wolf suckling twins. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228dCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228eCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228fCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2228gCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2229CoinsBRLSI3 Coins. Obverse: Urbs Roma Helmeted to left. Reverse: Wolf suckling twins. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2230aCoinBRLSIDefaced coin of Constantine I ? AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2230bCoinBRLSIDefaced coin of Constantine II ? AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2230cCoinBRLSIDefaced coin of Constantine II ? AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2230dCoinBRLSIDefaced coin of Constans ? AE 4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2230eCoinBRLSIDefaced coin of Constans ? AE 3/4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2230fCoinBRLSIDefaced coin. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2231aCoinBRLSICoin of Carausius, antoninianus. Obverse: Radiate head. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2231bCoinBRLSICoin of Carausius, antoninianus. Obverse: Radiate head. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2232aCoinBRLSICoin of Theodora, AE 4. Reverse: Pietas Romana. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2232bCoinBRLSICoin of Theodora, AE 4. Reverse: Pietas Romana. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2233aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2233bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2233cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2233dCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2234CoinsBRLSI2 Coins of Magnentius. Reverse: Victories holding large wreath. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2235CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2236CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius. Reverse: Phoenix on pyre. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2237CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2238aCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Reverse: Two victories with wreath. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2238bCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Reverse: Two victories with wreath. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2239CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2240CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II. Obverse: Blundered legend Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2241CoinBRLSICoin of Helena. Reverse: Peace with olive branch. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2242aCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4. Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2242bCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4? Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2242cCoinBRLSICoin of Constans, AE 3/4? Reverse: Victoriae. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2243CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius II. Reverse: Emperor to left on galley holding globe. Victory seated holding rudder. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2244CoinBRLSICoin of Constantius. Obverse: Constantius, laureate to right. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2245Counterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate coin. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2246CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2247CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2248CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2249CoinBRLSICoin of Claudius Gothicus. Reverse: Genius with Modius. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2250CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2251CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Semi-nude with radiated head. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2252CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Soldier on prow of vessel, Victory steering. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2253CoinBRLSICoin of Valentian. Obverse: Valentinianus. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2254CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Helmeted soldier leading captive from a hut with a tree behind. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2255CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Altar inscribed with globe and three stars. Lansdown, September 1905.1
ARC2256aCoinBRLSIAntoninianus coin of Salonina ?1
ARC2256bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I ? AE 3/4.1
ARC2256cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantius I ? AE 3.1
ARC2256dCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I ? AE 3/4.1
ARC2256eCoinBRLSICoin of Helena ? AE 4.1
ARC2256fCoinBRLSICoin of Constantius II ? Half centenionalis.1
ARC2256gCoinBRLSICoin of Constans ? AE 4.1
ARC2256hCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, Constantinopolis ? AE 4.1
ARC2257CoinBRLSICoin of Valens. Reverse: Securitas Republicae.1
ARC2258CoinBRLSICoin of Constans. Reverse: Two victories with wreaths.1
ARC2259aCounterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate coin of Constans?1
ARC2259bCounterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate coin.1
ARC2260CoinBRLSICoin of Gratian. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum.1
ARC2261aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantius II, AE 4.1
ARC2261bCoinBRLSICoin of Valens, AE 3.1
ARC2262CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Conmstantinus. Reverse: Beate Tranquilitas. Roman camp, near Bath.1
ARC2263CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I. Obverse: Constantinopolis. Reverse possibly Gloria Romanum type.,Roman camp, near Bath.1
ARC2264CoinBRLSICoin of Victorinus. Reverse worn.1
ARC2265CoinBRLSICoin of Magnus Maximus. Reverse: Gate of Praetorian camp.1
ARC2266CoinBRLSICoin of Crispus. Reverse: Beat[a] tranquillitas.1
ARC2267CoinBRLSICoin of Theodosius. Reverse: Rome seated holding globe and spear.1
ARC2268British Iron Age coinBRLSIBritish coin, Dobunnic? Obverse: Head in profile facing right. Reverse: Three-tailed horse. Lansdown, May 1906.1
ARC2269aCoinBRLSICoin of Tetricus I, antoninianus. Reverse obliterated.1
ARC2269bCoinBRLSICoin of Tetricus I, antoninianus. Reverse obliterated.1
ARC2269cCoinBRLSICoin of Tetricus I, antoninianus. Reverse obliterated.1
ARC2270aCoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian I, AE 3. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum, or Securitas Republicae ?1
ARC2270bCoinBRLSICoin of Valens, AE 3. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum, or Securitas Republicae ?1
ARC2270cCoinBRLSICoin of Gratian, AE 3. Reverse: Gloria Romanorum, or Securitas Republicae ?1
ARC2271aCoinsBRLSI2 Coins of Constans, AE 4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2271bCoinBRLSICoin, of Constantine II, AE 4. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2272CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian I, AE 3. Reverse: Securitas Republicae.1
ARC2273aCoinBRLSICoin of Tetricus II.1
ARC2273bCoinBRLSIAntoninianus of Claudius Gothicus.1
ARC2274CoinBRLSICoin of Roman Republic. Obverse: Helmeted head. Reverse: Cornucopia? Mineral Water Hospital ?1
ARC2275CoinBRLSIUrbs Roma coin. Obverse: VRBS. Reverse: Wolf and twins.1
ARC2276CoinBRLSICoin of Crispus. Reverse: Altar with vot.xx.1
ARC2277CoinBRLSICoin of Crispus. Reverse: Vot.x. within a wreath.1
ARC2278CoinsBRLSI2 Coins of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Providentia.1
ARC2279aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Sarmatia Devicta.1
ARC2279bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, AE 3. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Sarmatia Devicta.1
ARC2280aCoinBRLSICoin of Licinius. Reverse: Jupiter holding staff with figures around.1
ARC2280bCoinBRLSICoin of Licinius. Reverse: Jupiter holding staff with figures around.1
ARC2280cCoinBRLSICoin of Licinius I, follis. Reverse: Jupiter holding staff with figures around.1
ARC2280dCoinBRLSICoin of Licinius I, follis. Reverse: Jupiter holding staff with figures around.1
ARC2281aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, Constantinopolis, AE 3/4. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship.1
ARC2281bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine I, Constantinopolis, AE 3/4. Reverse: Victory on prow of ship.1
ARC2281cCoinsBRLSI3 Coins of Constantine I, Constantinopolis, AE 3/4 ? Reverse: Victory on prow of ship.1
ARC2282CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse obliterated. Reverse: Cross within wreath.1
ARC2283aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2283bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II, AE 3/4. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2283cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II, ? Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2284CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II. Obverse obliterated. Reverse: Constantia. Vot. xx in wreath.1
ARC2285CoinBRLSICoin of Theodora. Obverse: Max Theodora to left. Reverse: Pietas Romana.1
ARC2286CoinBRLSICoin of Antoninus. Reverse: Standing figure with an orb.1
ARC2287CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus, helmeted to left. Reverse: Warrior, hand on shield.1
ARC2288CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Sol.1
ARC2289CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2290aCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II or Constantius II ? Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2290bCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II or Constantius II ? Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2290cCoinBRLSICoin of Constantine II or Constantius II ? Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2291CoinBRLSICoin of Licinius?1
ARC2292CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Civis Romanus, head to left.1
ARC2293CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Roma. Reverse: Star within a garland.1
ARC2294CoinBRLSICoin of Theodora. Reverse: Empress suckling a child.1
ARC2295CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2296CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Reverse: Providentia.1
ARC2297CoinBRLSIFlat irregular disc-like coin.1
ARC2298CoinBRLSICoin of Carausius. Obverse: Carausius, radiate to right. Reverse obliterated.1
ARC2299CoinBRLSICoin of Postumus. Reverse: Hercules with club.1
ARC2300CoinBRLSICoin of Postumus. Obverse: Postumus PF. AUG. Reverse: Pax ...1
ARC2301CoinBRLSICoin of Constantine. Obverse: Constantinus. Reverse: Gloria Exercitus.1
ARC2302CoinBRLSICoin of Valentinian. Obverse: Valentinian. Reverse: Securitas Republicae?1
ARC2303Counterfeit coinBRLSIBarbarous radiate coin?1
ARC2304CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Eanred. Reverse: M. Aldates, Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2305CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Eanred. Reverse: M. Fordred. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2306CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins. Obverse: Eanred. Reverse: M. Monne. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2307CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Eanred. Reverse: M. Wihtred. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2308CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Aethelred II. Reverse: M. Alghere. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2309CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Aethelred II. Reverse: M. Brother. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2310CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Aethelred II. Reverse: M. Eanred. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2311CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Aethelred II. Reverse: M. Fordred. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2312CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins. Obverse: Aethelred II. Reverse: M. Leofthegn. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2313CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins. Obverse: Aethelred II. Reverse: M. Wendelberht. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2314CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins. Obverse: Aethelred. Reverse: M. Eardwulf. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2315CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Osberht. Reverse: M. Eanwulf. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2316CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Osberht. Reverse: M. Monne. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2317CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins, Eanred - late derivatives. Reverse: M. Monne. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2318CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Wigmund. Reverse: M. Coenred. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2319CoinRB ?Saxon coin. Obverse: Wigmund. Reverse: M. Ethelhelm. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2320CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins. Obverse: Wigmund. Reverse: M. Ethelweard. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2321CoinsRB ?2 Saxon coins. Obverse: Wigmund. Reverse: M. Hunlaf. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
ARC2322CoinRB ?2 Radiate coins with different reverses, illegible. Pump Room Hotel, 1867-1868.1
AS001Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS002Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS003Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS004Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS005Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS006Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS007Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS008Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with carved decoration in black.29
AS009Shirt07B04Shirt decorated with glass beads.29
AS010Sword and scabbard07F43Parang Ihlang Mandau - Short sword of the Dyak people of Borneo
Iron blade with wooden grip
Wooden scabbard the rear with a secondary scabbard for attaching the stick-like "Pisau Raut" dagger - probably MISC102
AS011Bamboo tube07G12.06Bamboo tube, incised decoration, leaf and scroll motif. Background painted red.29
AS012Bamboo tube07G12.06Bamboo tube, incised decoration, leaf and scroll motif. Background painted red.29
AS013Bamboo tube07G12.06Bamboo tube, incised decoration, dragon and flower/leaf motif. Background painted red.29
AS014Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with lid, incised decoration. Background painted red.29
AS015Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with lid, incised decoration. Background painted red.29
AS016Bamboo tube07G12.06Bamboo tube with lid, incised decorations of human figures, animals and scrolls. Background painted red.29
AS017Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with lid, incised decoration. Background painted red.29
AS018Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with lid, incised decoration. Background painted red. Lid cracked, someone has repaired it with sellotape!!29
AS019Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with lid, incised decoration. Background painted red.29
AS020Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo container with lid, incised scroll decoration. Background painted red.29
AS021Bamboo container07G12.06Bamboo tube with lid, incised decoration. Background painted red.29
AS022Blow-pipe dart quiver07G12.06Blowgun dart quiver of bamboo (empty).29
AS023Quiver and blow-pipe darts07G12.06Quiver of blowgun darts, bamboo with cane cap.34
AS024Opium pipe?07G12.06Opium pipe? Decorated bamboo tube.29
AS025Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger and scabbard. Carved wooden hilt. Indonesian Kris dagger - Java (Surakarta region). Thin straight blade 30.5cm. Wooden grip with "Kala" face. Wooden 2-piece sheath with figured grain.34
AS026Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger and scabbard. Carved wooden hilt. Indonesian Kris dagger - Java (Suratarta region). Wavy blade 33cm, with pattern. Wooden grip with "kala" face. Wooden 2-piece sheath.34
AS027Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger and scabbard. Scabbard partly covered with brass. Carved wooden hilt. Sheath broken, stuck together with sellotape!!! Indonesian Kris dagger - Java. Straight patterned blade tapering to a point 33.5cm. Plain wooden grip with small kala mask (Yogyakarta type). Wooden 2-piece sheath with brass reinforced sleeve.34
AS028Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger and scabbard, hilt wood carved in shape of figure. Indonesia. (Javanese type). Wavy patterned blade tapering to a point 27cm. Wooden grip carved to represent a bird-like figure. Plain wooden 2-piece sheath.29
AS029Dagger with sheath07G12.06Indonesian Kris dagger and scabbard. No hilt. Calligraphy on scabbard. Thin wavy patterned blade 31.5cm. Grip missing (mendak present). Wooden 2-piece sheath with figures grain and painted inscription.34
AS030Dagger with sheath07G12.06Indonesian Kris dagger and scabbard. Plain wood hilt. Calligraphy on scabbard. Straight patterned blade 21cm. Plain wooden grip (loose) with carved mask (mendak). Plain wooden 2-piece sheath inscribed with painted charactors.34
AS031Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger and scabbard, carved bone hilt. Indonesia. (Javanese type). Wavy thin patterned blade 35.5cm. Carved bone grip in the form of an animal. Decorative brass hilt fitting (mendak). Wooden 2-piece sheath.29
AS032Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger and scabbard. Indonesian - Sulawesi region. Wavy fine patterned blade 32.5cm. Wooden & horn grip with large brass decorative hilt fitting (mendak). Wooden 2-piece sheath the top section of burr-wood.34
AS033Dagger with sheath07G12.06Kris dagger - no hilt. Indonesian - Sumartra? Straight patterned blade 38cm, tapering to a point. Grip missing. Wooden 2-piece sheath.34
AS034Sword07G12.06Sword of 'Kris' type. Indonesian. Flat wavy blade of equal width, chiseled and grooved 48.2cm. Wooden grip bound with braided cord, the top end exposed and carved with decorative shaping.29
AS035Dagger and sheath07G12.06Small Indonesian Kris dagger, fine quality. Scabbard split. Remains of metal ornamentation at bottom of scabbard. Straight blade with fine pattern, tapering to a point. Wooden 2-piece sheath.29
AS036Figurine07G13.15Clay model of a devil, coloured. Four arms broken.67
AS037Model heads07G12.0513 Models of human heads (Indian) showing the facial features and headgear to be found in the various regions of India.28
AS038Brass plaque07G13.16Brass plaques with stamped designs from shadow puppets - probably modern.29
AS038ABrass plaque07G13.16Brass plaques with stamped designs from shadow puppets - probably modern.29
AS038BBrass plaque07G13.16Brass plaques with stamped designs from shadow puppets - probably modern.29
AS039SpearNULLSpear (whickerwork and hair covered). Goat hair, natural dyes.28
AS040SpearNULLSpear (whickerwork and hair covered). Goat hair, natural dyes.28
AS041SpearNULLSpear (whickerwork and hair covered). Goat hair, natural dyes.28
AS042SpearNULLSpear (whickerwork and hair covered). Goat hair, natural dyes.28
AS043SpearNULLSpear (whickerwork and hair covered). Goat hair, natural dyes.

B.Godwin: December 2011
4 iron spear heads wrapped in modern cloth and tied as bundle. Label states AS043 part of series. Waxes and re-wrapped. cloth disposed of.
AS044SpearNULLSpear (whickerwork and hair covered). Goat hair, natural dyes.28
AS045Battle axeNULLWar Axe. 'Dao.'28
AS046Battle axeNULLWar Axe. 'Dao.'28
AS047Shield07I01Hide shield.28
AS048Fly whisk07D004Fly whisk with horn handle.28
AS049Fly whisk07D004Fly whisk with horn handle. The tuft on this one is now detatched.28
AS050Bamboo container07D004Bamboo container with stopper. Incised decoration. Stopper at other end missing.29
AS051Bamboo container07D004Bamboo container with stopper at each end. Incised decoration.29
AS052Ear ornament ?07D004Ear ornament ?29
AS053BowNULLBamboo bow, one end bound with leather cord.28
AS054BowNULLBow, traces of decoration, strongly curved at ends.140
AS055BowNULLKaman bow, of recurved form, India (Rajastan), 18/19th century

Of compisite construction (horn, wood and sinue, glued together. The entire surface lacquered and with traces of painted decoration, strongly curved at both ends.
AS056BowNULLBow, traces of decoration, strongly curved at ends.140
AS057BowNULLBamboo bow.25
AS058Ball07G12.05Ball, of open woven canework.25
AS059Sword and scabbard07G13.18Gurkha kukri, plain blade, three large chips in cutting edge. Scabbard in bad condition. Small scabbard attached to main one empty.27
AS060Sword and scabbard07G13.18Gurkha kukri, plain blade, scabbard in bad condition, small scabbard attached to main one empty. Gurkha fighting knife with typical curved blade; wooden grip; leather scabbard.27
AS061Sword and scabbard07G13.18Gurkha kukri, plain blade, scabbard decorated with incised design. Small scabbard attached to main one empty.27
AS062Sword and scabbard07G13.18Gurkha kukri, blade engraved with decoration, scabbards attached to main, with provision for three smaller knives (missing). Wooden 2-piece grips with decorative shaping, fixed by 5 rivets. Engraved pommel plate. Leather strap attached.27
AS063Sword and scabbard07G13.18Gurkha kukri, plain blade, two loose scabbards attached to main one. One containing small knife.27
AS064Battle-axeNULLBullova - fighting axe from the Chota Nagpur region of India, 18/19th century. Iron axe head formed formed with 2 points, the single edged re-curving blade with engraved decoration. Wooden handle encased in brass, the brass pommel formed with decorative moldings and held inplace with an iron ball-shaped nail. B.Godwin 201028
AS065Battle-axeNULLBullova - fighting axe from the Chota Nagpur region of India, 18/19th century.
Iron axe head formed formed with 2 points, the single edged re-curving blade with engraved decoration. Wooden handle encased in brass, the brass pommel formed with decorative moldings and held inplace with an iron ball-shaped nail. B.Godwin 2010
AS066Battle-axeNULLBullova - fighting axe from the Chota Nagpur region of India, 18/19th century. Plain iron axe head in the form of a cresent. Wooden handle with a brass pommel, the top capped with a decorative brass cone.28
AS067Battle-axeNULLBullova - fighting axe from the Chota Nagpur region of India, 18/19th century. Plain iron axe head formed formed as 2 connecting cresents with 4 points. Wooden handle reinforced with a brass strip along one edge, this retained by 4 bands made of wrapped wire. The pommel with a decorative brass band held inplace with an iron nail.
B.Godwin 2009:
AS068Battle-axeNULLBullova - fighting axe from the Chota Nagpur region of India, 18/19th century.28
AS069Battle-axeNULLKond axe.- Bhil weapon.28
AS070ClubNULLIndian/Persian mace or war hammer; 18/19th century. Iron shaft and head; the head consisting of 7 blades (1 missing); the round shaft decorated overall with a criss-cross cut pattern.28
AS071Battle-axeNULLAxe. Iron handle with pommel decorated with silver damascene. Iron axe head, its centre pierced to form a tiger shape, the whole decorated with silver damscene.28
AS072ClubNULLClub or mace - iron. Shape of a cow's head. India ? B.Godwin 2009: Gorz - "Bull head" mace, Persia, 19th century. Iron tube handle with "bull head" top, the cow-shaped head with 2 spiral form horns, 2 "ears" and pierced nostrills; the head with faint traces of overall silver damascene decoration O/L 77cm.28
AS073ClubNULLClub or mace - iron. Shape of a cow's head. India ? B.Godwin 2009: Gorz - "Bull head" mace, Persia, 19th century. Iron tube handle with "bull head" top, the cow-shaped head with 2 horns, 2 "ears" and pierced nostrills; the head with faint traces of overall silver damascene decoration O/L 71cm.28
AS074Battle-axeNULLAxe. Iron tube handle, octagonal in form with moulded rings, half-round pommel. Curved iron axe head in the form of an antelope head with twisted horns (1 missing) and ears (1 missing). The whole decorated in silver damascene.28
AS075Battle-axeNULLIndian battle axe, 19th century. Iron axe head formed with 3 tips - 2 spear shaped and 1 with chopping blade. Wooden handle.28
AS076Ancus (Elephant goad)07G13.18Ancus/Ankus (Elephant goad), India 19th century. Iron shaft and blade - the blade with silver decoration; the shaft also with some silver decoration; the pommel of the shaft with a brass puma head.28
AS077Spear or pike head07G13.18Spear or pike head, flat blade with engraved decoration; silvered shaft.28
AS078Spear or pike head07G13.18Spear or pike head, squared point terminating in four flats; facetted shaft; Silvered overall - some loss: India /Persia? 19th century.28
AS079Punch dagger07G13.18Katar or punch dagger. Plain iron blade and handle :India, probably 19th century. 25 cm blade with flutes and thickened point.28
AS080Punch dagger07G13.18Katar or punch dagger. Indian. 19th century? Triangular blade with bifricated handle; the blade 37 cm, with 2 channels either side; the handle silvered and pierced; 2 turned grips also silvered.28
AS081Punch dagger07G13.18Katar or punch dagger. Indian, 18th century? Triangular blade with chiselled decoration - some guilding. Chiselled handle dipicting birds of prey - evidence of guilding. Peirced and chiselled.28
AS082Punch dagger07G13.18Katar or punch dagger. Fakir's horns. Rare form of Indian weapon used by some Fakir's, who as holy men, were not allowed to carry a conventional dagger. 2 Black buck horms, linked together, each with steel tips and brass end caps.28
AS083Punch dagger07G13.18Iron dagger (Bichwa - meaning scorpion's sting) with two curved blades, each blade riveted to a single iron grip, the top with two small protruding pommels. Blades plain- pommel with some filed and punched decoration. Wooden sheath with two compartments for the blades, the whole covered with green leather with stiched seam. Remains of a suspension loop.28
AS084SwordNULLSword, scimitar type. No scabbard. Probably a bazaar or tourist item 20th century ? Short sword (Kora, Khora), Nepal, 19th/20th century - based on the traditional sword of Nepal. Curved steel blade with a single edge, widening towards the tip with a concave incurve. Each side marked with a Buddistic "eye" symbol. Iron hilt and knuckle guard.114
AS085Spear07H01-05Iron Hindu spear.28
AS086Architectural model07G13Model of Queen's Palace in Kyaungs Mandalay, Burma. (in 3 parts). Some pinnacles damaged. See also AS086A, AS086B.25
AS086AArchitectural model07G13Model of Queen's Palace in Kyaungs Mandalay, Burma. (in 3 parts). One pillar is cracked.. See also AS086, AS086B.25
AS086BArchitectural model07G13Model of Queen's Palace in Kyaungs Mandalay, Burma. (in 3 parts). Some damage.. See also AS086, AS086A.25
AS087Quern07G BesideStone quern engraved 14th January, 1856. India. Calcutta.28
AS088Encaustic tilesNULLEncaustic tiles from the ruined mosque of Khargerd, N. E. Persia, on the Afghan border, and 120 miles west of Herat. Probably built in the 7th c. A.D. and destroyed by Afghan raiders in the 11th century.91
AS089Wallet07D004Decorated leather wallet, tooled in gold 'Constantinople'.61
AS090Hair-piece07D004Pigtail of Yak hair.26
AS091Drum07G12.022 Human skulls fastened together and fashioned into drums.26
AS092Bowl07G11Oval bowl or bath made of wood, traces of laquer.28
AS093War hammerNULLZaghnal - war hammer, India 18/19th century. Iron tube handle with molded pommel; square form head with spike and ball finials; main hammer head missing. Damascened overal with silver designs.28
AS094Prayer-wheel07G12.02Prayer wheel (complete).26
AS095Prayer-wheel07G12.02Prayer wheel (incomplete, lacking knob.26
AS096Pivot gunNULLPivot gun, captured First Burmese War, 1825. With spike to dig in the ground for steadying.25
AS097Pivot gunNULLPivot gun mounted on a wooden stand.25
AS098Fly-whisk07G12.02Tail of Yak (including tail bones) for use as fly whisk.28
AS099Figurine07G10Carved wooden figure of Budha. Traces of gilt. Buddha in the image of Godma or Gautama, a Birmanese form.25
AS100Figurine07G07.03Bronze figure of Budha.25
AS101Figurine07G07.03Brass figure of Buddha with arm outstretched, finger pointing.28
AS102Horse trappings07G07.11Horse trappings from Upper Burma.25
AS103Model of instrument07D003Model of recorder-type flute.25
AS103AModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of Gamelan percussion instrument. Several 'cymbals' missing.25
AS103BModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of Gamelan percussion instrument. Broken.25
AS103CModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of highly decorated Gamelan instrument with drums, 10 attached, 1 loose, originally 17? Also bag of fragments of decoration.25
AS103DModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of highly decorated Gamelan instrument with drums, 5 attached, 10 loose, originally 17?25
AS103EModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of [or genuine) reed flute, complete with mouth-piece.25
AS103FModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of [or genuine) reed flute, missing mouth-piece.25
AS103GModel of musical instrument07G23.02Stand for gongs or drum(s).25
AS103HModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a crocodile-shaped 3-stringed instrument. 1 peg for attaching strings snapped off.25
AS103IModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of Gamelan percussion instrument, boat-shaped with 'cymbals'.25
AS103JModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a xylophone, complete with keyboard. 1 upright for attachmert broken off but present, 1 broken off and missing.25
AS103KModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a xylophone? missing keys or other musical parts. Three uprights for attachment broken off and missing.25
AS103LModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a xylophone? missing keys or other musical parts.25
AS103MModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a Saung-gauk (Burmese harp). Stem broken and missing.25
AS103NModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a Saung-gauk (Burmese harp). Stem broken through earlier worm damage. Now in 4 pieces.25
AS103OModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of a violin, with bow. 2 pegs for strings snapped off. Bow-strings in poor condition.25
AS103PModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of drum hung by two threads, probably from stand AS103G..25
AS103QModel of musical instrument07G23.02Model of drum..25
AS103RModel of musical instrument?07G23.02Model of a simple drum stick? Previously assumed to be part of a collection of model musical instruments from Burma, donated by De La Combe Maingaiy, but probably not so.63
AS104+ASpoons07D004Pair of wooden spoons ornately carved.29
AS105Knife07G13.15Knife with carved handle and ornamented work on blade.67
AS106Knife07G13.15Knife with carved handle and ornamented work on blade. Knob? missing off end of handle.67
AS107Comb07D004Comb with inlaid silver decoration.28
AS108Comb07D004Comb, semi-circular, made of bone.28
AS109Pin07D004Pin made of bone, decorated head.28
AS110Figurine07D004Carved wooden figurine.28
AS111Tobacco pipe07D004Tobacco pipe. Ornamented clay bowl with separate brass stem.25
AS112Figurine07G12.14Iron figurine (Buddha?). Standing, arms outstretched. Originally attached to a base. Probably archaeological.28
AS113Figurine07G12.14Iron figurine (Seated Buddha). Probably archaeological.28
AS114Figurine07G12.14Iron figurine (Buddha?). Standing with arms crossed, on circular base. Probably archaeological.28
AS115Figurine07G12.14Iron figurine (Buddha?), seated beneath a canopy. Probably archaeological.28
AS116Figurine07G12.14Crude iron figure of an animal. Probably archaeological.28
AS117Smoking accessory07G13.09Tube and mouthpiece of an Indian 'Hubble Bubble' pipe. Tube patterned with flowers or stars.28
AS118Tobacco pipe07D004Clay tobacco pipe bowl, ornamented in relief and with gold decoration.28
AS119Tobacco pipe07D004Clay tobacco pipe bowl, ornamented in relief and with gold decoration.28
AS120Brass container07G13.09Brass vwater bottle.28
AS121Buddhist charm07D004Wooden slab painted with the name 'Alexander Hill Gray' in Tibetan characters in white, red, green and blue.26
AS121ABuddhist charm07D004Wooden slab painted with the name 'Alexander Hill Gray' in Tibetan characters in white, red, green and blue.26
AS121BBuddhist charm or prayer07D004Stone painted with charm or prayer in Tibetan characters in white, red, green and blue.26
AS121CBuddhist charm or prayer07D004Stone painted with charm or prayer in Tibetan characters in white, red, green and blue.26
AS122Buddhist shrine07G12.14Household shrine. Single figure of Buddha seated. Chip on one side.28
AS123Buddhist shrine07G12.14Household shrine. Single figure of Buddha seated. Some damage and cracks.28
AS124Buddhist shrine07G12.14Household shrine. Figure of Buddha seated with a figure either side. Left side partially broken.28
AS125Buddhist shrine07D004Small household shrine.140
AS126Cigarette/Cheroot holder07D004Cigarette/Cheroot holder. Loose peg with item possibly used to block mouth-piece.25
AS127Drum07G13.09Small drum, goblet shaped. Decorated red and black on foot and stem; design in black on drum head.25
AS127ADrum stick07G13.09Drum stick.25
AS128Wind chimes07G13Part of set of wind chimes. Consisting of 10 metal bells attached to a crown-like structure of metal, formerly joined to two similar structures (AS128A and B) of diminishing size.25
AS128AWind chimes07G13.12Part of set of wind chimes. Consisting of 10 metal bells attached to a crown-like structure of metal, formerly joined to two similar structures (AS128 and AS128B).25
AS128BWind chimes07G13.12Part of set of wind chimes. Consisting of 10 metal bells attached to a crown-like structure of metal, formerly joined to two similar structures (AS128 and AS128A).25
AS129Stringed instrumentNULLStringed instrument. Incomplete - no pegs or strings. Half coconut shell as sound-box connected to the neck with turned ivory. Neck tapered with a mythical beast head.25
AS130Plate or bowl07G13.09Brass plate, or shallow bowl, on three feet. Bird and plant motif in centre.28
AS131Figurine07G13.15Figurine of a Burman, carved in teak.25
AS132Figurine07G13.15Figurine of a Shan, carved in teak.25
AS133Contents of a crocodile's stomach07G13.13Coin mounted on card. Found in stomach of a crocodile shot on a lake of the Ganges near Benares.28
AS133AContents of a crocodile's stomach07G13.13Small bronze anklet . Found in stomach of a crocodile shot on a lake of the Ganges near Benares.28
AS133BContents of a crocodile's stomach07G13.13Bronze anklet. Found in stomach of a crocodile shot on a lake of the Ganges near Benares.28
AS133CContents of a crocodile's stomach07G13.13Bronze bracelet in two pieces, originally tied to card with coin (AS133). Found in stomach of a crocodile shot on a lake of the Ganges near Benares.28
AS134Model of elephant07G13.13Wire-work model of elephant, mahout mounted. Tail missing.28
AS135Model of horse and rider07G13.13Wire-work model of horse and ride. Can be attached to the trailer (AS141).28
AS136Model of peacock07G13.13Wire-work model of a peacock. Head broken off, damage to tail.28
AS137Model of cobra07G13.13Wire-work model of cobra poised to strike. Detachable head.28
AS138Model of a deer07G13.13Wire-work model of deer, one antler damaged.28
AS139+A-BFigurines07G13.133 Wire-work figures, soldiers or warriors. Can be attached to a trailer (AS141) which probably originally carried four figures.28
AS140+AFigurines07G13.132 Wire-work figures, soldiers or warriors.28
AS141Model carriage07G13.13Model of flat carriage with four wheels andf protuberances with which to fix figures. Soldiers (AS139-AS139B) and horse with rider (AS135) can be attached.28
AS142Figurine07G13.13Wire-work model of a female figure.28
AS143Incense burner07G12.17Brass incense burner? Handle in shape of a cobra. Five pear shaped depressions in a row. One shallow circular depression above.28
AS144Incense burner07G12.17Brass incense burner?. Four shallow pear shaped depressions in a row. One pear shaped depression above.28
AS145Incense burner07G13.13Brass incense burner? Figure stood on pedestal with container on head.28
AS146Brass box07G13.09Brass box, circular in shape with six compartments, each with heart shaped lid. Stylised peacock in centre screws down to hold lids shut. India. Probably for betel nuts or hine or cosmetics.28
AS147Ladle07G13.13 Bronze ladle, probably ceremonial.28
AS148Ladle07G13.13 Bronze ladle, probably ceremonial.28
AS149Amulet07G12.17Amulet made of copper with two figures visible through central aperture.26
AS150Shrine07G13.09Wire stand with three models of an Indian goddess (gilded). One goddess broken off from wire.28
AS151Amulet07G12.17Amulet made of brass with pieces of material visible through central aperture.26
AS152Spear07H01-05Long iron spear, one end with a pointed and flattened blade, the other end ternating in a flat blade, incised with lines, the tip broadening into a wide head. The shaft of the spear inlaid with brass banding and incised with lines; the mid-section of the shaft covered with a brass sheath (part missing); the lower end with a circular disc.63
AS153Container with lid07G13.09Coconut shell container with lid. Finely carved with panels depicting various scenes with human figures. Rim of container and lid decorated with metal work. Top of lid decorated with wire and green glass; attached underneath is a 'handle' turned and gilded. Asia. Burmese. Shell cracked but otherwise intact.25
AS154Container with lid07G12.05Large gourd container with lid. Finely decorated with motifs of animals and birds. Lid has a 'handle' with a decorative motif of amber, pearls and rose coral, plus leaves worked in a gilt metal. (One leaf broken).25
AS155Figurine07G12.14Bronze female figure, standing with legs together. Right and left hands extended with gestures.28
AS155AFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated male figure standing with legs apart. Dagger in right hand. Traces of red paint visible.28
AS155BFigurine07G12.14Bronze male figure, seated with left leg crossed over right. Child held in right arm.28
AS155CFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated female figure standing with legs together. Right hand extended. Traces of red paint visible.28
AS155DFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated female figure standing with legs together. Right hand extended. Traces of red paint visible.28
AS155EFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated elephant figure seated with legs extended sideways. Traces of red paint visible.28
AS155FFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated male figure standing with four arms, two raised, two lowered, legs together. Traces of red paint visible.28
AS155GFigurine07G12.14Solid brass male figure standing with four arms, two raised, two lowered, legs together.28
AS155HFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated male figure seated, cross-legged with hands in lap.28
AS155IFigurine07G12.14Solid brass female figure standing with dagger in right hand, lamp in left, legs together.28
AS155JFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated male figure standing with legs crossed. Traces of red paint visible.28
AS155KFigurine07G12.14Brass-plated male figure, standing with legs together, dagger in right hand, bow in the left. Traces of red paint visible. Right eye with white stone imbedded.28
AS155LFigurine07G12.14Solid brass female figure seated cross-legged with implement (axe?), in right hand, placed across lap.28
AS155MFigurine07G12.14Solid brass male figure standing with legs together, axe in right hand, balanced over shoulder, staff in left hand.28
AS155NFigurine07G12.14Solid brass female figure standing with legs together, right hand extended.28
AS155OFigurine07G12.14Solid brass male figure standing with legs apart, about to remove a dagger from its sheath?28
AS156Model of bull07G07.03Brass model of bull.28
AS157Brass seal07G13.15Brass seal with handle in the form of a fish. Seal surface has inscription.28
AS158+A-BSpecimens of silk threadNULL3 Skeins of Bengal silk.28
AS159Bas-relief of Ganesh07GLarge stone panel.with carving of Ganesh - Kalinga style (?).28
AS160Comb07D004Comb made of wood.28
AS160AComb07D004Comb made of wood.28
AS160BComb07D004Comb made of wood.28
AS160CComb07D004Comb made of wood.28
AS161Woman's smock07B04Woman's dress. Smock style. Dark coloured cloth decorated with strips of red material forming vertical, horizontal and diamond shaped patterns. The whole lavishly decorated with small shells. Condition good, slight fading.25
AS162Apron dress07G13.09Belt of cloth with small apron attached. Decorated with hair (dyed red and black) and shells.28
AS163+AEar ornaments07D0042 Ear ornaments. Inner circle of beetle carapaces and shells, outer circle, red dyed hair with a skein of same material.28
AS164Cape07H09Male Devil's dress with tail (AS164A) of 'Human' hair tufts.28
AS164ACeremonial dress07G07'Tail' (part of ceremonial dress) comprising an animal horn, attached to which is a piece of bent wood down the centre, lengthwise are small shells and hair dyed red and black.28
AS165Shoes05A07Pair of shoes made of woven grass. Sandals for hill-climbing. NB. AS165 are for 2 left feet, AS166 are for 2 right feet?28
AS166Shoes05A07Pair of shoes made of woven grass. Sandals for hill-climbing. NB. AS165 are for 2 left feet, AS166 are for 2 right feet?28
AS167Hat07G13.09Helmet shaped hat of woven cane. Alternate bands of red, yellow and black. Surmounted with a band of hair.28
AS168-169Head-scarves07B012 Silk head scarves.28
AS170Head-scarf07B01Silk shawl/headscarf. Purple ground with geometrical design in yellow. Tasselled.28
AS171Statuette of Buddha07G12Marble statuette of a reclining Buddha. Traces of gilding.28
AS172Pillow-case07B04Pillow-case of matting.29
AS173-174Bracelets07G13.01Pair of bracelets, circular, simple (silvered brass).28
AS175-176Bracelets07G13.01Pair of bracelets, grey, opening (ball & rope decoration).28
AS177-178Anklets07G13.01Pair of anklets, brass, opening, tapered, loose seeds.28
AS179-180Bracelets07G13.01Pair of bracelets, opening (gilt on grey).28
AS181Bracelet07G13.01Brass bracelet, simple, plain.28
AS182Bracelet07G13.01Bracelet, brass, opeing, simple, plain.28
AS183-184Bracelets07G13.01Pair of bracelets, simple, split ring, grey.28
AS185-186Bracelets07G13.01Pair of bracelets, decorated, opening, brass? One has snapped across bracelet.28
AS187-188Bracelets07G13.01Brass bracelet (like a cog wheel).28
AS189-190Bracelets07G13.01Pair of bracelets? grey, hinged, loose seeds (some no longer loose). One snapped across bracelet.28
AS191Bracelet07G13.01Bracelet, opening type, heavy, decorated and pierced.28
AS192-193Bracelets07G13.04Pair of bracelets? grey, tapered, opening, decorated, loose seeds.28
AS194Bracelet?07G13.04Bracelet? brass, heavy, solid (like cog wheel).28
AS195Armlet?07G13.04Heavy flexible armlet? with opening.28
AS196-197Bracelets07G13.04Pair of bracelets, oval, pierced (loose seeds inside).28
AS198Anklet07G13.04Anklet, opening, decorated, heavy and deep.28
AS199-200Bracelets07G13.04Pair of bracelets, brass, oval, patterned.28
AS201Anklet07G13.04Anklet, oval, brass, solid, decorated on outside.28
AS202Bracelet?07G13.04Brass bracelet (anklet?), heavy, decorated on outside.28
AS203Anklet?07G13.04Anklet?, iron?, oval, decorated on outside, tapered (rust holes).28
AS204-205Anklets07G13.04Pair of anklets (silvered on base metal), circular, hollow ('acorn' opposing), pierced, rattle.28
AS206Armlet?07G13.08Brass armlet?, very heavy and solid.28
AS207Bracelet07G13.08Brass bracelet, patterned.28
AS208Armlet07G13.08Armlet, slip on 'U' shape, brass (acorn and balls design).28
AS209-210Anklets?07G13.08Pair of anklets?, brass, solid, heavy, 'W' shape.28
AS211Bracelet07G13.08Bracelet (2 hinged), gold colour on base metal, nail design.28
AS212Bracelet07G13.08Bracelet, single hinge (grey on? base metal), circular.28
AS213Anklet07G13.08Anklet (silver colour on base metal), oval, tapered, poor decoration on outside.28
AS214Bracelet07G13.08Bracelet?, circular, opening (ball design), base metal, low quality.28
AS215-216Bracelets?07G13.08Pair of bracelets? brass (in sections), cog type.28
AS217Armlet?07G13.08Brass armlet/bracelet with apposing acorns.28
AS218Decorated metal tube07G13.09Highly decorated metal tube (stand?).28
AS219Decorated metal tube07G13.09Highly decorated metal tube (stand?).28
AS220Bracelet07G13.07Large bracelet, decorated, hollow, brass? or gilt, pierced.28
AS221Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, hinged.28
AS222Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, brass (cog type).28
AS223-224Bracelets07G13.07Pair of bracelets, opening.28
AS225-226Bracelets07G13.07Pair of bracelets? grey metal.28
AS227Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, opening, heavy, flexible (silvered brass).28
AS228Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, flexible (silvered brass). One link broken. Makes a pair with AS231?28
AS229Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, opening, heavy, loose link.28
AS230Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, opening, flexible.28
AS231Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet, loose link type, very flexible (1 link loose). Makes a pair with AS228?28
AS232Bracelet07G13.07Bracelet (?silvered brass), flexible, heavy.28
AS233Decorative metalworkNULL60 Items were given numbers: AS173 - AS233, which amounts to 61 entries, so AS233 was probably never used.28
AS234Metal box and lid07G13.09Round metal box with lid. A band of decoration in relief around top and bottom. Design repeated on the domed lid. Lid forced on and now stuck in place.28
AS235Brass plaque07G13.15Brass plaque with one of the Indian Gods in gold relief.28
AS236Brass seal07G13.15Small seal, brass.28
AS237UnknownNULLEntry for number made in accessions register, but no description.63
AS238UnknownNULLEntry for number made in accessions register, but no description.63
AS239UnknownNULLEntry for number made in accessions register, but no description.63
AS240Coin, Indian(?)07A044Obverse shows circular floral motif with calligraphy in centre within a crescent shaped symbol. Reverse shows similar with different calligraphy. A large coin with a milled edge.63
AS241Bed legs07H094 Bedstead legs, painted.28
AS242+ATrays07I03Brass trays with decorative inscription in Arabic script, including the date 1296 (AD 1879). This was the date that Haj Muhammad Hassan was appointed Amin al-Zarb (Trustee of the Persian Mint), possibly indicating a Persian origin.91
AS243Pali inscription on silver in brass tin07G12.02Beaten silver leaf in brass tin, with inscription in Pali - sacred writing of Buddhists.25
AS244+ASago bread07A0852 Pieces of 'Sago bread made by the natives of the Moluccas in 1839' Donor Capt. W.H. Breton - label.29
AS245Bags of plaited hair07G10.32 Bags of woven hair.28
AS246Indian 'violin'07G15Wooden stringed instrument with 4 gut strings for playing (now broken) and 11 internal strings of wire (mostly missing) for sympathetic resonance. Sound box with skin diuaphragm on top and curved ivory bridge for strings. Donated as an 'Ancient Indian Violin and Bow.'28
AS247Suit of armour07 ManikinChain mail jacket with metal plates (large at front, small at back), 9 neck protector plates linked to jacket and plates, and links helmet with side of face-protector, smalll plates.113
AS248ShieldNULLRound shield with a central spike and four bosses. The iron surface highly decorated with incised patterns and damascened with silver and gold. On the back the bosses are attached to rings for the attachment of leather straps, one for the wrist and one for the shoulder. The straps are still in place and in good condition.
Diameter 37cm
AS248AHelmet07G23.19Indo-Persian helmet (Kulah Khud), 19th century
Iron hemi-spherical skull cap, the front formed as a human mask. Central spear-shaped spike and two curved "horns" (1 missing); pierced nasal bar retained by a moustache-shaped bracket ; chain mail neck defence. The whole surface decorated with gold and silver damascene.
19th century; perhaps made for the tourist trade.
Dia: 18cm x 21cm
AS248BHelmet07G23.19Cap-shaped iron helmet with centrally mounted plume holder, and two smaller plume-holders either side at the front. Adjustable nose-protector threaded through a detachable strip. Chain armour hanging from the edge for protection of neck. The surface of the metal profusely decorated with incised patterns and silver damascene.
19th century; perhaps made for the tourist trade.
Dia: 18cm x 20cm
BATKS:1986.01/04Fossils01Kingswood fossil collection, not rescued, assumed destroyed, apart from 1986.1/4, which is not a fossil but a portion of stem of a Tree-fern or similar plant.63
BATKS:1986.02FlintsNULLFlints (various. 2000 approx. Various localities and dates.1
BATKS:1986.03FlintsNULLFlints (miscellaneous). 100 plus.1
BATKS:1986.04FlintsNULLFlints (miscellaneous). 100 plus.1
BATKS:1986.05/01Hand-axeNULLFlint hand-axe.115
BATKS:1986.05/02Flint tools08A06.18Flint spearhead and two other modern flint implements.63
BATKS:1986.05/03Flint toolsNULLFlints (miscellaneous) plus two arrowheads (Seaford, Orpington, Petersfield, Co. Antrim).115
BATKS:1986.05/04Flint toolsNULLFour flint tools (various).1
BATKS:1986.05/05Stone arrowheadsNULLEight small leaf-shaped arrowheads of a variety of rock types (pale orange, green, yelow).4
BATKS:1986.05/06Stone arrowheadNULLStone arrowhead with single barb.1
BATKS:1986.05/07SpearheadNULLFlint spearhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/08ArrowheadsNULLTwo leaf-shaped arrowheads.1
BATKS:1986.05/09ArrowheadNULLSingle barbed arrowhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/10.1ArrowheadNULLLeaf-shaped arrowhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/10.2ArrowheadNULLLeaf-shaped arrowhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/11ArrowheadNULLTanged arrowhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/12ArrowheadNULLBarbed and tanged arrowhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/13FlintsNULLFlints (mostly waste).1
BATKS:1986.05/14Flint toolNULLFlint implement.1
BATKS:1986.05/15SpearheadNULLFlint spearhead.1
BATKS:1986.05/16FlintsNULLFlints (scrapers, waste, flakes etc.).1
BATKS:1986.05/17ArrowheadsNULLEighteen flint arrowheads (Upper Langridge Farm, Slates, Claverton Down, Bath, etc.).1
BATKS:1986.05/18Flints & pottery08A05.14Fl;ints (scrapers, cores, flakes, hammerstones) & coarse ware pottery, from Iron Age village site.1
BATKS:1986.06/01FlintsNULLFlints (miscellaneous).1
BATKS:1986.06/02FlintsNULLFlints (waste and scrapers), 100 plus approx. Charmy Down (Holts Down & Hartley Site 3).1
BATKS:1986.06/03FlintsNULLFlints (fabricators, thumb scrapers, cores, core frags. axe frags. etc.). 100 +1
BATKS:1986.07/01FlintsNULLFlints (flakes & waste). Ancient British site.1
BATKS:1986.07/02FlintsNULLFlints (cores, scrapers & flakes), from excavation of tumulus.1
BATKS:1986.08/01Hand-axe08A08.22Seven flint hand-axes.63
BATKS:1986.09/01Adze08A09.24Two? stone adzes. Only 1 found so far.63
BATKS:1986.10/01Adze08A08.22Two polished flint adzes.63
BATKS:1986.10/02AdzeNULLTwo polished flint adzes.63
BATKS:1986.10/03Rock sampleNULLFelsitic rock (devitrified rhyolite), Neolithic hand-axe factory.2
BATKS:1986.10/04AdzeNULLFlint adze.1
BATKS:1986.10/05Flint08A06.18Flint nodule (large), Neolithic or Mesolithic.1
BATKS:1986.10/06Axe-head08A09.24Small polished stone axe-head.3
BATKS:1986.10/07AdzesNULLTwo stone adzes.63
BATKS:1986.10/08StonesNULLWhetstones, hammerstones, rubbers etc. 50 approx.63
BATKS:1986.10/09StonesNULLStone rubbers etc. & flints63
BATKS:1986.10/10Stones08A09.23Stone rubbers & hammerstones.1
BATKS:1986.11.1DaggerNULLFlint dagger (associated with 'A' and/or 'C' Beakers).1
BATKS:1986.11.2DaggerNULLFlint dagger (associated with 'A' and/or 'C' Beakers).1
BATKS:1986.12/01Ferrule of spear08A09.24Bronze ferrule (of spear).1
BATKS:1986.12/02DaggerNULLBronze dagger, Irish (probably).3
BATKS:1986.12/03aCeltNULLSocketed bronze celt.1
BATKS:1986.12/03bCeltNULLSocketed bronze celt.1
BATKS:1986.12/04PalstavesNULLTwo bronze palstaves (axes with stop ridges).1
BATKS:1986.12/05Axe headNULLFlat bronze axe.1
BATKS:1986.12/06BroochNULLN. Syrian bronze brooch.118
BATKS:1986.12/07BroochesNULLTwo bronze brooches.130
BATKS:1986.12/08DaggerNULLFlint dagger (signs of pressure-flaking).78
BATKS:1986.12/09AdzeNULLPolished flint adze, Anstey's Brickyard, 13 February 1874.1
BATKS:1986.12/10Cinerary urn08A14.44Cinerary urn (with bones), incomplete. Ancient British site. Late Bronze Age.1
BATKS:1986.12/11Axe heads08A09.24Four casts of Bronze Age axes.1
BATKS:1986.12/12Skull & bones08A01.02Human skull & other bones from barrow.1
BATKS:1986.12/13aCinerary urn08A09.24Cinerary urn (fragmentary).1
BATKS:1986.12/13bCinerary urnNULLCinerary urn (fragmentary).1
BATKS:1986.12/14Stone pick-axe08A09.24Oolite pick-axe from tumulus. Ancient British site.1
BATKS:1986.12/15Skull fragment08A01.02Human skull fragment, probably Late Bronze Age, from tumulus. Ancient British site.1
BATKS:1986.12/16Miscellaneous findsNULLMiscellaneous bones, pottery, flint fragments etc. Ancient British site.1
BATKS:1986.12/17CremationNULLBone (partially cremated), tumulus. Ancient British site.. Late Bronze Age ?1
BATKS:1986.12/18CremationNULLBone (cremated) & cinerary urn (fragments), from tumulus. Late Bronze Age.1
BATKS:1986.12/19CremationNULLBone (cremated) & cinerary urn (fragments), from tumulus. Bronze Age.1
BATKS:1986.12/20Cinerary urnNULLCinerary urn (fragments), from tumulus. Ancient British site. Late Bronze Age.1
BATKS:1986.12/21Pottery & flintsNULLMiscellaneous coarse pottery & flints. Ancient British site.1
BATKS:1986.12/22Miscellaneous findsNULLMiscellaneous animal & human bones, pottery & glass. Ancient British site.1
BATKS:1986.12/23Miscellaneous finds08.A14.45Miscellaneous animal bones, teeth, pottery. Twin Barrows, Barlands Hill, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.12/24CremationNULLCremated bone. Twin Barrows, Barland's Hill, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.12/25Flints08A09.24Flints (scrapers, cores, arrowheads, borers, flakes, chips etc.). Twin Barrows, Barland's Hill, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.12/26Miscellaneous finds08A02.07Miscellaneous burnt material Twin Barrows, Barland's Hill, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.13/01Loom weightNULLLoom weight. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/02Loom weightsNULLStone loom weights. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/03DaubNULLTwo boxes of daub. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/04Pot08A02.07Glastonbury ware pot. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/05PotsherdsNULLPotsherds. 100+ Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/06DaubNULLTwo pieces of burnt daub. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/07Potsherds08A02.07Nine coarse ware potsherds. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/08Bead08A02.07Bone bead. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/09Pots08A02.072 Large pots (1 fragmentary). Eraly Iron Age A.1
BATKS:1986.13/10PotsherdsNULLPotsherds. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/11Miscellaneous findsNULLMiscellaneoius finds: Charcoal, iron nails, iron slag, flint & stone fragments. Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/12Axe-headNULLPerforated axe-head of Oolite. Age uncertain.1
BATKS:1986.13/13Potsherds08A09.24Pottery (Late Iron Age & Romano-British). 50 approx. [potsherds]. Lansdown (No. 2 Tumulus).1
BATKS:1986.13/14Human remains08A14.45Human bones & flint fragments. Late Iron Age.. Lansdown (No. 2 Tumulus/cross trench).1
BATKS:1986.13/15Human remains08.A14.45Burnt human bones. Late Iron Age (100 BC ?).. Lansdown (No. 2 Tumulus).1
BATKS:1986.13/16Miscellaneous08 notesMiscellaneous finds (flints, iron nails, burnt bone frags., pieces of Samian ware)' Late Iron Age / Romano British site, Lansdown (Slates).1
BATKS:1986.13/17SlagNULLIron slag (large chunk).1
BATKS:1986.13/18Stone tools08A04.11Hammerstones & flint.1
BATKS:1986.13/19Slag & flintsNULLIron slag & flints.1
BATKS:1986.13/20Paddle08A13.33Wooden paddle, Glastonbury [lake village?]. Early Iron Age,1
BATKS:1986.13/21Miscellaneous finds08A05.14Miscellaneous finds (iron slag, pottery, hammerstones etc.).1
BATKS:1986.13/22Spindle whorl08A13.33Stone spindle whorl, Iron Age ? Mawenporth (beach), Cornwall.1
BATKS:1986.13/23Oak beam07Part of Oak beam. Iron Age B [lake] village.1
BATKS:1986.13/24Sling-stones08A08.22Ten sling-stones.1
BATKS:1986.13/25CremationNULL2 Cinerary urns (with bones), coarse pottery. Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age.1
BATKS:1986.13/26Slag08A02.07Iron slag (fragment) & part of bloom, Little Down, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.13/27Weaving combNULLBone weaving comb, Little Solsbury, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.13/28Bone toolsNULLBone work (fragments), Little Solsbury, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.13/29PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse ware fragments), Little Solsbury, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.14/01Miscellaneous finds08A14.45Miscellaneous finds (glass, iron, bronze, flints, bones, teeth), Lansdown (Fairfield Long Barrow), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.14/02Miscellaneous finds08.A14.45Miscellaneous finds (flints, bone, pottery), Lansdown (Fairfield Long Barrow), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.14/03Miscellaneous finds08A14.45Miscellaneous (bones, animal teeth, iron frags.) & cannon ball (later), Lansdown (Monument Field), Bath. Ancient British site (mound).1
BATKS:1986.14/04Miscellaneous finds08A14.45Miscellaneous (flints, bone frags. etc.), Lansdown (Monument Field), Bath. Ancient British site (mound).1
BATKS:1986.14/05Potsherds08A04.11Pottery (very coarse). Ancient British ? Brockham End, Bath, near quarry.1
BATKS:1986.14/06Bronze decorationNULLBronze ornament (from scabbard of dagger or narrow sword). Late Celtic. Bath.1
BATKS:1986.14/07Miscellaneous finds08A05.14Coarse pottery, small flints, iron ore fragments, knife blade fragment. Charlcombe, Bath. R. Crossland collection.1
BATKS:1986.15/01AnvilNULLStone anvil, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.15/02Gate slotNULLGate slot of Bath stone, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.15/03Gate slot ?NULLBath stone fragment with rectangular hole, Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.15/04Door stoneNULLDoor stone (large Bath stone fragment with circular crater), Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.15/05Pestle & mortarNULLPestle & mortar (crude) of Bath stone, Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.15/06Tile08A05.14Tile (pennant stone), North Wraxall, Chippenham, Wilts.1
BATKS:1986.15/07CorniceNULLStone cornice fragments.63
BATKS:1986.16/01QuernNULLFragment of large quernstone (scored), Bath ? Romano British.1
BATKS:1986.16/02QuernNULLUpper quernstone, Bath ? Romano British.1
BATKS:1986.16/03QuernNULLSmall quernstone, Bath ? Romano British.1
BATKS:1986.16/04QuernNULLQuernstone fragment (coarse red stone), Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.16/05Stone tools08A09.23 ?Quernstones & rubbing stones, Bath (Charmy Down & Oatland Down & Little Down field). Romano British sites (arable land).1
BATKS:1986.16/06QuernNULLQuernstone fragment, Lansdown, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.16/07QuernNULLQuernstone fragments (misc. stones), Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.16/08Stone tools08A06.18Quernstones & rubbing stones, Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.16/09Quern08A06.18 ?Quernstone fragments.63
BATKS:1986.17/01SlagNULLIrregular lumps of iron slag, Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.17/02Miscellaneous finds08A04.11Miscellaneous finds (Roman tiles, glass fragment, flints, rubbing stones etc.), Upper Langridge Farm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.17/03Miscellaneous findsNULLMiscellaneous finds (glass, iron nails, bead, oyster shell etc.), Bowd Farm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.17/05Wall plaster08A05.14Roman wall plaster, West Kimgton, Wilts.1
BATKS:1986.17/06TufaNULLLumps of calcareous tufa, Keynsham. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.17/07Wall plasterNULLRoman wall plaster, Keynsham. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.17/08Plaster casts08A06.19Plaster casts (from Roman pottery moulds), Corbridge, Northumberland. Roman wall fort.1
BATKS:1986.17/09Woodwork08A03.12Fragment of Roman woodwork, Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.18Pottery moulds08A04.13Whie Lias moulds (for pottery-making), incomplete, Little Down (Field), Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.19Table leg08A04.11Roman table leg (part), of Kimmeridge Shale, Bath (Upper Langridge Farm). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.20/01Tesserae08A04.13Roman tesserae, Bath (Mineral Water Hospital). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.20/02Tesserae08A05.14Roman stone tesserae, Colerne, Wilts. Roman Villa site. 100 approx.1
BATKS:1986.20/03Tesserae & tilesNULLRoman stone tesserae & red brick tiles (6). 50 approx. Keynsham. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.20/04Tesserae08A06.19Roman tesserae.63
BATKS:1986.21/01Ironwork08A04.11Roman ironwork (nails, cleats, balls etc.), Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.21/02MetalworkNULLRoman metalwork (buckle, knife, coins etc.) iron & bronze, Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.21/03Ironwork08AEight bags of Roman ironwork (hobnails, cleats etc.), Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.21/04Nails08A03.12Iron nails, Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.21/05Ironwork08A06.19 ?Ironwork (tweezers, part of brooch, nails), Upper Langridge Farm. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.21/06Ox-shoeNULLIron ox-shoe, Roman ? Bucketwell Piece ? Brockham End, Bath (disused well).1
BATKS:1986.21/07Ironwork08A05.15Roman ironwork (knife blade & nail), Swainswick, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.22/01BroochNULLSmall 4th century Roman brooch, bronze & gilt with glass? inlay, complete, including pin. Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.22/02Jewellery08A04.11Bronze Roman jewellery fragments, Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.22/03Miscellaneous finds.08A06.19Miscellaneous finds. 1 bag.63
BATKS:1986.23/01Miscellaneous findsNULLHuman & animal bones, pottery. Lansdown (Monument Field), Bath. Ancient British / Romano British site (coffin).1
BATKS:1986.23/02Human remains08AHuman skeleton (male), missing skull, Oatland Down, Bath. Romano British site. Mis-recorded by Kingswood as female.1
BATKS:1986.23/03Human remains08A01.03Human skeleton (female), missing skull, Oatland Down, Bath. Romano British site. Mis-recorded by Kingswood as male.1
BATKS:1986.23/04Human remains08A07.04Human skeleton (complete), Bath (Sion Hill). Roman burial ground.1
BATKS:1986.23/05Human remains08A02.26Human skeleton (incomplete), Bath (Sion Hill). Roman burial ground.1
BATKS:1986.23/06Human remains08A01.02Human skull, complete, & 2 lower jaw bones. Lytham ? Roman burial ground (from card)
Skull marked "Grave No. 6, Romano Brit Cemetry, Bodney Brake, Ingham, 1873"
Mandible marked "Asthall Roman Cemetery, Oxon"
See Dawn Hodgson's notes with specimen.
BATKS:1986.24/01Animal remains08A01.02Animal bones (jaw bone, tusk etc.), Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.24/02Animal remains08A01.03Animal bones & teeth (5 bags), Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.24/03Animal remainsNULLMiscellaneous animal bones & teeth, Upper Langridge Farm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.24/04Animal remains08A01.02Miscellaneous animal & human bones, Roman ? Bath (Sion Hill).1
BATKS:1986.24/05Animal remains08A01.02Miscellaneous animal bones & snail shells (100+), Big Down, Lansdown, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.24/06animal & human bones08A01.01animal & human bones,63
BATKS:1986.24/07Animal bonesNULLanimal bones (miscellaneous) & snail shells1
BATKS:1986.24/08Oyster shells08A03.09Oyster shells, Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.26/01Oil lampNULLRoman pottery oil lamp.63
BATKS:1986.26/02Oil lampsNULL2 Pottery lamps (coptic). Roman period.45
BATKS:1986.26/03Oil lampsNULLPottery lamp (with decorated discus).63
BATKS:1986.27/01Stone rubberNULLStone rubber, Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.27/02Stone pillasterNULLSection of stone pillaster, Lansdown, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.27/03Stonework08A08.22Stonework. 1 bag.63
BATKS:1986.27/05StoneworkNULLMiscellaneous stonework, Bowd Farm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.27/06StoneworkNULLSection of column moulding.63
BATKS:1986.27/07StoneworkNULLHead of Ionic capital, Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.27/08Loom weightNULLStone loom weight. Greek. Greece.14
BATKS:1986.27/09Stone idolNULLCarved deity or votary (incomplete), Bath stone, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.27/10StoneworkNULLStone column moulding (in 2 pieces), Bath stone, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.28/01Window glass08A04.13Fragments of window glass, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.28/03GlassNULLFragments of glass, Roman & later (50+), Oatland [Oakland?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.28/04Glass sherds08A13.33Glass bottle top, handles, ornaments, tubes etc. Rochester, Kent.1
BATKS:1986.28/05Amphora08A08.22Glass amphora.63
BATKS:1986.28/06Unguent bottlesNULLGlass ointment bottoles, Canterbury, Kent.1
BATKS:1986.28/13Archaeological find(s)08A04.11Archaeological find(s). 1 bag.63
BATKS:1986.29/01Tiles08A05.14Red brick tiles, Bath (Evans fish restaurant, Abbey Green). Building site.1
BATKS:1986.29/02Tiles08A03.12Stone tile fragments, Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.29/03Tiles & stoneworkNULLFragments of red brick tiles & column mouldings, Colerne, Wilts. Roman Villa site (Northwood Farm).1
BATKS:1986.29/04Tiles08A04.10Red brick tile fragments, Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.29/05Tiles08A09.23Red brick tile fragments, Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.29/06Tiles08A04.10Tiles (stone - some Pennant). Romano British. Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.29/07Tiles08A03.12Tiles (red brick). Roman. Bowd Farm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.29/08TilesNULLMiscellaneous tles (pennant roof tiles, white paving tile, brick tile with inscription). Various locations.1
BATKS:1986.29/09Tile08A08.22Roman pavement tile. Pompeii, Rome. 1 bag.10
BATKS:1986.29/10TilesNULLRoof tiles of pennan t stone. Romano British. Bath.1
BATKS:1986.29/11TilesNULLFloor tiles (with imprinted footmarks marked in blue paint). Roman. Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.29/12TileNULLTile (scored for keying mortar). Roman. Bath.1
BATKS:1986.29/13Tile08A04.13Box tile (keyed to hold mortar), incomplete.. Roman. Charlcombe (?), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/01Potsherds08ACoarse ware pottery fragments. Roman. Bath. 50+1
BATKS:1986.30/02MortariumBATRMSamian ware mortarium. Roman. Bath. Restored.1
BATKS:1986.30/03PotshedNULLSamian ware pottery. Bath (Combe Grove).1
BATKS:1986.30/04Potsherds08A08.20Pottery (Samian, fine & coarse ware). Roman. 50 approx. Bath (Abbey Green). Building site (Evans fish restaurant extension).1
BATKS:1986.30/05Potsherds08A08.20Pottery (carse ware & Samian ware). Rioman. 50+. Bath (Sydney Gardens). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/06Potsherds08A09.23Pottery (carse ware & Samian fragments). Rioman. 21. Bath (Anglo Terrace). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/07Potsherds08APottery (carse ware & Samian fragments). Rioman. 7 bags.. Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.30/08Potsherds08A03.09Samian ware pottery. Roman. 8 fragments. Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.30/09Potsherds08A03.12Pottery (from Mortar jar). Roman. 4 fragments. Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.30/10Potsherds08A03.12Coarse ware pottery. Roman. 100+ fragments. Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.30/11Potsherds08A03.09Coarse ware pottery. Roman. 28 fragments. Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site).1
BATKS:1986.30/12Potsherds08A03.09Pottery (Samian & coarse ware). Roman. 20 fragments. Bath (The Paragon). Romano British site (bomb site). Surface find ?1
BATKS:1986.30/13Potsherds08APottery (coarse, red & Samian ware). Roman. 5 bags & boxes. Bath (Powlett Road). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/14Potsherds08A08.20Butt beaker (fragments) & fine red ware with rouletting & slip scrolls. Roman. Bath (Powlett Road). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/15Potsherds08A08.20Pottery (red & grey coarse ware). Roman. 50+ Bath (Forester Avenue, Beckford Road). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/16Potsherds08A05.14Pottery (coarse ware). 14 fragments. Englishcombe, Bath. Deep Trench, Chew Stoke.1
BATKS:1986.30/17Potsherds08A05.14Pottery (Samian & coarse ware). Roman. 2 fragments. Swainswick, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/18Potsherds08A09.23Pottery (Samian & coarse ware). Roman. 30 fragments approx. Charmy Down (Snacketts), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/19Potsherds08A09.23Pottery (Samian & coarse ware). Roman. 50 fragments approx. Charmy Down (Cherrywell), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/20PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse, fine red, Samian etc.). Roman. 100+ Big Down, Lansdown, Somerset. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/21Potsherds08A09.23Pottery (Samian & coarse ware). Roman. 100+ Upper Langridge Frarm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.30/22PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse ware). Roman. 30 approx. Upper Langridge Farrm, Bath. Roman Villa site (Langridge Lane).1
BATKS:1986.30/23PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse ware). Roman. 100+ in square tin. Upper Langridge Farrm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.30/24PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse ware). Roman. 100+ in large round tin. Upper Langridge Farrm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.30/25Potsherds08A04.10Pottery (coarse & Samian ware). Roman. 100+ Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/26PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse, fine, black, Samian etc.). Roman. 20 bags in large box. Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/27PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse ware). Roman. 100+. Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/28Potsherds08A04.11Pottery (Samian ware). Roman. 60 approx.. Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/29Potsherds, animal remains08A04.10Pottery (coarse ware), animal bones & teeth. Roman.. Oatland [Oaklands?] Down, Bath. Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/30Archaeological find(s)08A08.22Archaeological find(s). 1 bag.63
BATKS:1986.30/32Archaeological find(s)08A04.11Archaeological find(s). 1 bag.63
BATKS:1986.30/34Potsherds08A05.14Pottery (coarse, black & Samian). Roman. Bowd Farm, Bath. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.30/35PotsherdsNULLMiscellaneous pottery. Roman. 20 fragments. Keynsham. Roman Villa site.1
BATKS:1986.30/36PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse, black, Samian). Roman. Bath (Sion Hill). Roman burial ground.1
BATKS:1986.30/37Pitcher08A02.06Roman pitcher. Münstermayfeld, Germany.8
BATKS:1986.30/38Amphora08A02.06Pottery amphora. Roman.63
BATKS:1986.30/39DishNULLPottery dish (Samian ware), incomplete. Sabratha. Roman city site in Libya.129
BATKS:1986.30/40Potsherds08A02.05Miscellaneous pottery. Roman. Godshill, Hampshire. Roman Fort.1
BATKS:1986.30/41Potsherd08A13.33Pottery (coarse & Samian ware). Roman. 100+ Upchurch, Kent.1
BATKS:1986.30/42Potsherd08A08.22Pottery (mostly coarse ware). Roman. 100+ Richborough, Kent. Silchester, Berkshire.1
BATKS:1986.30/43PotsherdNULLPottery (Samian ware). Roman. 30+ large fragments. Boroughbridge, Yorkshire.1
BATKS:1986.30/44Potsherd08APottery (Samian ware). Roman. 31 large fragments. Upton (Bread Street), Southampton, Hants.1
BATKS:1986.30/45Potsherd08A09.23Pottery (coarse & Samian ware). Roman. 50+ Inwoods ?1
BATKS:1986.30/46Potsherd08A08.22Pottery (Samian ware) . 4 fragments. Wall plaster. 1 fragment. Roman. Worsham, Oxfordshire. Roman Villa site (photo supplied).1
BATKS:1986.30/47Potsherds08A08.22Miscellaneous pottery & piece of bronze. Roman. Arrezo, Italy. Silchester, England. Kent, England.115
BATKS:1986.30/48Potsherds08A06.19Pottery (coarse ware). Roman. 5 fragments.63
BATKS:1986.30/49Potsherds08A08.22Pottery (coarse & Samian ware). Large fragments.63
BATKS:1986.30/50PotsherdsNULLPottery (grey coarse ware). Roman. 100+ fragments.63
BATKS:1986.30/51PotsherdsNULLPottery (amphora & jar handles). Roman. 4 large fragments.63
BATKS:1986.30/52Jar08A04.17Small jar (countersunk handles). Roman. Restored.63
BATKS:1986.30/53Pot08A04.13Pot (dark grey coarse ware), complete (except for rim). Romano British (Belgic ?). Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/54aPot08A04.17Funerary pot, brown coarse ware, complete. Roman. Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.30/54bPot08A04.17Funerary pot, brown coarse ware, complete. Roman. Bath ?63
BATKS:1986.30/55Basin08A04.17Basin of red coarse ware (imitation Samian ware). Roman. Bath (Mineral Water Hosoital). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/56Cinerary urnNULLCinerary urn (grey coarse ware), complete apart from part of rim. Roman. Bath (Mineral Water Hospital). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/57Dish08A04.13Dish (grey coarse ware), repaired, complete apart from one handle. Roman. Bath (Mineral Water Hospital). Romano British site.1
BATKS:1986.30/58aCinerary urn08A04.17 ?Cinerary urn (grey coarse ware), restored (in need of re-glueing), complete. Roman. Walcot (church), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/58bCinerary urn08A04.17Cinerary urn (grey coarse ware), restored, complete. Roman. Walcot, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.30/59Bottle08A04.17Pottery vessel (probably feeding bottle), complete except for rim and small hole. Roman. Hampton Down, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.31Saxon itemsNULLSaxon items.63
BATKS:1986.32/01Potsherd08A05.15Pottery (dish fragment). Medieval. Larkhall, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.32/02Potsherd08A05.1575 Pottery fragments, Medieval & later. Bath (Art Gallery Extension).1
BATKS:1986.32/03Potsherd08A05.1535 Pottery fragments, Medieval & later. Bath (Evans fish restaurant, Abbey Green). Building site.1
BATKS:1986.32/04Potsherd08A09.2350 approx. Pottery fragments, Medieval. Englishcombe (Barrowmead), Bath.1
BATKS:1986.32/05PotsherdsNULL3 Glazed pottery fragments. Medieval or later. Big Down, Lansdown, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.32/06Potsherds08A05.157 Pottery fragments (3 pieces green glazed ware, 14th century jug handle, etc. Upper Langridge Farm, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.32/07PotsherdsNULL8 Pottery fragments (Medieval & later) & clay pipe bowl. Bowd Farm, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.32/08PotsherdsNULL8 Pottery fragments. Medieval. Brockley Hill. [Somerset, above Brockley Combe?]1
BATKS:1986.32/09Potsherds08A09.238 Pottery fragments. Medieval. Stapenhill. {Staple Hill, Bristol?]1
BATKS:1986.32/10PotsherdsNULL6 Pottery fragments. Medieval. Caerwent & Monmouth, Gwent.2
BATKS:1986.32/11Tiles08A06.192 Coloured tiles (blue, brown, yellow, green). Canterbury (house in which C. Marlowe 1564-93 was born), Kent.1
BATKS:1986.32/12PotsherdsNULL26 Glazed pottery fragments.63
BATKS:1986.33/01BuckleNULLBronze & iron buckle. Later than Medieval. Bath (The Paragon). Bomb site.1
BATKS:1986.33/02CoinsNULLCoins (3 Medieval, 1 Cromwell, 2 Georgian)1
BATKS:1986.33/03Beads & buttonsNULL4 Beads & buttons.63
BATKS:1986.33/04Chain mail08A05.15 ?Iron chain mail (section). Tog Hill, Lansdown. Battle of Lansdown site.1
BATKS:1986.33/05Pike head08A05.15Iron pike head. Tog Hill, Lansdown. Battle of Lansdown site.1
BATKS:1986.33/06Hand guard08A05.15Iron hand guard (from sword). Tog Hill, Lansdown. Battle of Lansdown site.1
BATKS:1986.33/07Musket balls08A05.156 Musket balls. Tog Hill, Lansdown. Battle of Lansdown site.1
BATKS:1986.34/01Clay pipes08A07.1622 Clay pipe fragments (stems & bowls). Bath.1
BATKS:1986.34/02Clay pipes08A07.1611 Clay pipe fragments (stems & bowls). Bath (The Paragon). Bomb site.1
BATKS:1986.34/03Clay pipes08A07.16Clay pipes (early), incomplete (parts of stems missing). Bath (The Paragon). Bomb site.1
BATKS:1986.34/04Archaeological find(s)08A07.16Archaeological find(s). 1 bag.63
BATKS:1986.35/01Glass sherd08A03.12Glass fragment. 18th century.. Bath (The Paragon). Bomb site.1
BATKS:1986.35/02Glass sherds08A04.11Glass bottle fragments. 18th century. Lansdown.1
BATKS:1986.35/03BottlesNULLGlass bottles (one 18th century wine bottle (top of neck missing), two 20th century lemonade bottles, one 19th/20th century medicine bottle). Bath ?1
BATKS:1986.35/04Potsherds08A08.22Pottery fragments. Georgian.63
BATKS:1986.35/05Carved headNULLCarved Bath stone head (local workmanship). Early 19th century (probably). North Stoke, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.36/01LekythosNULLLekythos (small, white ground), restored, complete except for two fragments. Greek.14
BATKS:1986.36/02Oil lampNULLSmall pottery lamp. Greek (4th/5th century BC). Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/03Lekythos08A02.06Lekythos (little, white), incomplete, & fragments of another vessel. Greek.14
BATKS:1986.36/04PotsherdsNULLPottery fragments. Greek (Petran). 6+5. Petra & Greece.63
BATKS:1986.36/05PotsherdsNULLPottery fragments. Greek (Knossos).14
BATKS:1986.36/06PotsherdsNULLPottery jar lid, Greek (Etruscan) & part of dish handle. Etruria, Italy (Greek colony). Virtually complete [jar lid?]10
BATKS:1986.36/07Lid of jar08A02.06Pottery jar lid (small, virtually complete). Greek. Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/08Unguent jarsNULLOintment jars (Aryballoi). Corinthian (c. 600-700 BC). Rhodes, Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/09Unguent jarNULLOintment jar (Alabastron). Corinthian. c. 700 BC. Rhodes, Greece ?14
BATKS:1986.36/10Unguent jarNULLCotyliscus (small pottery ointment vessel). Greek. Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/11-12Pottery ?NULLClassical Greek items.14
BATKS:1986.36/13Bronze replicas of BallotsNULLBallots (from an Athenian law court). Bronze replicas.14
BATKS:1986.36/14Unguent jarNULLPottery ointment jar (small), complete apart from part of base. Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/15Unguent jarNULLOintment jar (small), Greek style. Italy.10
BATKS:1986.36/16Strigil;sNULL2 Bronze strigils (to clean the body after exercise). Greek. Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/17Lekane lidNULLLekane lid (i.e. lid of large bowl or vase). Etruscan. Etruria, Italy (Greek colony).10
BATKS:1986.36/18DishNULLPottery dish (with geometrical pattern). Cyprus. c. 1000 BC.84
BATKS:1986.36/19Pottery vessel08A02.06Pottery vessel (small), incomplete. Greek (Corinthian).14
BATKS:1986.36/20PotsherdsNULLLarge Greek pottery fragments, various (Cypriot, Atrtic etc.).14
BATKS:1986.36/21CupNULLReplica of Spartan gold cup, hand made. Greece.14
BATKS:1986.36/22MaskNULLReplica of gold mask (head of Agamemnon). Greek.14
BATKS:1986.37/01Horn ornamentsNULLPair of horn ornaments. Southern Africa.80
BATKS:1986.37/02SheathNULLOrnamental metal sheath. Kenya.35
BATKS:1986.37/03African item(s)NULLAfrican item(s).80
BATKS:1986.37/04Smoking pipeNULLSmoking pipe. African. Hollowed wooden stem inserted into pottery bowl and boud with coloured beads.80
BATKS:1986.38/01-02American itemsNULLAmerican items.139
BATKS:1986.38/03Bolas stonesNULL3 Bolas stones covered with snakeskin and roped together. Central America.139
BATKS:1986.39/01Water gourdNULLGourd (used as water bottle) hollowed ands dried. Aboriginal. Queensland, Australia.81
BATKS:1986.39/02Water gourdNULLGourd (used as water bottle) hollowed ands dried, with carved handle. Aboriginal. Queensland, Australia.81
BATKS:1986.40/01Fish hooks?NULL6 Bamboo [fish?] hooks. Far Eastern.140
BATKS:1986.40/02Fans & carved dragonNULL2 Rush fans. Siamese. Carved wooden dragon. Siam.33
BATKS:1986.40/03StoolNULLAshanti stool. Fijian. Sawn and carved wood.103
BATKS:1986.40/04Pottery vesselNULLPottery vessel glazed with vegetable varnish. Fijian.103
BATKS:1986.40/05Bamboo book 'pages'NULLBamboo book 'pages'. Far Eastern.140
BATKS:1986.41/01Flint toolsNULLFlintwork (arrowheads, spearheads etc.). Modern North American.82
BATKS:1986.41/02SpearheadNULLSpearhead of cloudy brown worked glass. N. American.82
BATKS:1986.42/01PotsherdsNULLPottery (coarse ware) fragments. Libyan.129
BATKS:1986.43/01Ring fragmentsNULL4 Frgaments of a blue faience ring (c. 1400 BC). Egypt.45
BATKS:1986.43/02Pot08A02.06Pot (Kohl). Egyptian. Gaza, Egypt.97
BATKS:1986.43/03Thumb ringNULLBronze thumb ring. Egyptian.45
BATKS:1986.43/04JarNULLEgyptian jar (26th Dynasty). Kahun, Egyot.45
BATKS:1986.43/05PotsherdsNULLEgyptian vase fragments (Pre-Dynastic). Luxor, Egypt.45
BATKS:1986.44/01Oil lampNULLOil lamp. Israel.70
BATKS:1986.44/02Oil lampNULLLamp (primitive, undecorated). Near Eastern.140
BATKS:1986.44/03Pottery vessel08A02.06Coarse pottery vessel. Syrian ?118
BATKS:1986.45/01Inscribed brickNULLBrick fragment (with inscription). Babylon (c. 550 BC).119
BATKS:1986.45/02Jar lidNULLPottery jar lid (fine), chipped rim. Babylonian. Babylon.119
BATKS:1986.46/01BroochNULLDecorated brooch with pin (tin ?). Byzantine.63
BATKS:1986.47/01MiscellaneousNULL2 Adzes & 2 Pottery vessels (ointment jars). Indian. One adze marked 'India'.28
BATKS:1986.48/01Jar08A04.17Pottery jar. Capri.10
BATKS:1986.49/01Unidentified item(s)08A13.33Unidentified item(s)63
BATKS:1986.50/01Newspaper cuttingsNULLNewspaper cuttings (local, national and international archaeological topics).63
BATKS:1986.50/02Prints, maps and sketchesNULLPrints, maps and sketches (Bath through the ages).63
BATKS:1986.50/03Scroll end decorationNULLLead scroll end decoration. Upper Langridge Farm, Bath.1
BATKS:1986.50/04Stained glass fragmentNULLGreen glass (with leaf impression). Tintern.2
BATKS:1986.50/05Human skull08A01.02Human skull uncovered by road workmen. Salisbury, Wiltshire.1
BATKS:1986.50/06CoffinNULLStone coffin (of a small girl) c. 500 AD. Westwood, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire.1
BATKS:1986.50/07Miscellaneous findsNULL3 Pottery lamps, 2 Ointment jars, 4 Figurines. Egyptian ?45
BATKS:1986.50/08Human bones08A07.04Bones (human) + lower jaw bone (human) + bones of small child.1
BATKS:1986.50/09WeightNULLLead weight.63
BATKS:1986.50/10Bone toolNULLBone instrument (for skinning animals).63
BATKS:1986.50/11StatuetteNULLPottery statuette (man in armour).63
BATKS:1986.50/12HorseshoesNULL6 Iron horseshoes (one decaying).1
EUR001Mantrap07G22Semicircular-jawed single spring man-trap.1
EUR002Mantrap07G besideSquare-jawed double spring man-trap.1
EUR003Stone vase, broken and incompleteNULLMaltese stone vase in five parts. Ornately carved, two figures of Satyrs, one with arm missing. General condition chipped. One figure broken off.93
EUR004Daguerrotype photographNULLDaguerrotype photograph of point lace.1
EUR005Rush-light holder07G15.14Rush-light holder, bronze.1
EUR007Tooth extractor07A100Dental Pelican: Dentist's tooth extractor consisting of central metal shaft with screw mechanism, plus lever to raise or lower it and worn wooden knob.1
EUR008Knife, folding07A059Folding pocket clasp knife. Blade of angled metal (iron?) with sharp edge. Metal pitted in small areas. Brass and iron rivets. Inscribed in pricked characters: 'I'le waite on ye at the table', 'And doe what Service I am able', 'To carve your meate is my intent', 'Use me but let me not be lent'.1
EUR009Glass bottle of liquid07A059Small glass bottle containing brownish liquid, supposedly: '( In which the body of Nelson was brought home after the victory of Trafalgar, Oct. 1805).' Glass stopper, with remnants of wax (?) used to seal stopper but now cracked, also remains of cord around neck.63
EUR010Ceremonial sheath07B03Velvet-covered sheath. Originally holding a 'miserucord' or dagger of mercy, lost or stolen in 1893.1
EUR011Spectacles07A059Pair of spectacles with iron frame containing horn and glass inserts. Side bars have circular ends. Both lenses are cracked.1
EUR012Piece of wood07A059Rectangular piece of wood, with five cut sides and one rough edge. Apparently a 'Piece of beech cut in 1907 from a log under water in the 11th century foundation of Winchester Cathedral.'65
EUR013Figurine07A059Bone figurine of crucified Christ, wearing crown of thorns and loin cloth. Arms were possibly once attached. Feet have been broken off just below ankles. Carving is one sided - original structure of bone shows at back. Carvede by a French prisoner-of-war during the Napoleonic Wars.63
EUR014Piece of melted lead07A059Piece of misshapen lead made up of attached strands. Apparently a relic from the fire at the Palace of Westminster.65
EUR015Wig curlers and stone rubber07A0604 Wooden objects mounted on a card together with a smooth stone cylinder. Described as wig curlers and a stone rubber from the 17th century.63
EUR016Piece of wood07A060Small piece of rough wood. Apparently a 'piece of Willow from Napoleon's tomb at St Helena 1848.'83
EUR017Armour07A060Piece of articulated steel armour. Possibly made by an armourer's apprentice or off a model of a suit of armour' - N. Griffiths, 2003. Articulated steel plates held together with dome head rivets; separate thumbpiece held by leather straps. Miniature gauntlet from a suit of miniature armour, European, 19th century - B.Godwin 2009.63
EUR018Seal07A003Glass seal with red wax impression in original box produced by British Museum labelled "Signet Ring of Mary Queen of Scots from the original in the British Museum". Under wax impression is the number '71'.1
EUR019Wax impression07A003Red wax impression from the signet ring of Mary Queen of Scots in original box as purchased.1
EUR020Piece of wood07A060Small piece of rough wood with attached label stating 'Milton's mulberry in Christ Church Garden torn with my own hand..P.Hupey (?)'.65
EUR021Piece of armour07A060Short band consisting of leather straps supporting a row of rusted .metal links.63
EUR022Scales07A061Brass folding scales attached to a hinged wooden box. Original printed instructions on lid and bottom of box. Incomplete, missing small parts.1
EUR023Candles07G225 Tallow dip candles, broken.1
EUR024Candle holder07G15.14Iron tallow dip and rush light bracket.1
EUR025Candle holder07G15.14Tallow dip or candle holder.1
EUR026Candle holder07G15.14Iron tallow dip or candle holder.1
EUR027Candle holder07G15.14Iron tallow dip or candle holder terminating in a hook, not a bowl. Appears to be missing candle holder.1
EUR028Screw07A061Only base and labels found so far.1
EUR029Bridle07A061Coiled string 'harness'with a number of loops and attachments of wire, plus the remnant of a leather strap. In a few places the external covering of the coiled string has worn through to reveal a structure of vertical strands of the same material which form the main structure.3
EUR030Tobacco jar07G15.14Lead 18th century tobacco jar. Has a false bottom, currently jammed in.1
EUR032Knife07A061Knife with iron blade and decorated brass or bronze handle. On top of handle is a half figure, possibly female, possibly beating a drum. Suggestion of copper rivets on handle with some green tarnishing. Knife blade is iron with some rusting and scarring, and shows a "Z" or "N" together with an arrow shaped mark scored into the metal.1
EUR033Spur07A062Iron spur with buckle and two hooks attached. Pointed metal piece at end of spur still rotates.1
EUR033ASpur07A062Large iron spur with buckle and two hooks attached. Pointed metal piece at end of spur still rotates.1
EUR034Spur07A062Silver spur with buckle attached. slightly distorted in shape. Actual spiked part of the spur still rotates.1
EUR035Purse(?)07A062Metal bar which rotates on a central vertical bar surmounted by a sturdy ring. Bar terminates at each end in a terminal rounded stud and has four perforated loops hanging down from its lower edge. Both sides inscribed, AVE. MARIA. GACIA. GLENA. A. DOMINUS. TECUM.' The central block shows a large inscribed "W" or "V V".1
EUR036Nail07G15.01Door nail found in a Roman villla at Shockerwick. There were originally two nails.1
EUR036AHammer head07G15.01Iron hammer head with fragment of shaft.1
EUR037Hammer07A062Iron claw hammer with iron shaft. End of shaft with awl-like point.1
EUR038Dowsing rodNULLDowsing rod. (stick).1
EUR039Shoe soles07A0632 Incomplete leather soles with stitching holes around edge. Slipper soles found in a stone coffin, Orange Grove, Bath 1896.1
EUR040Nail07A063Large iron nail with square head (4 cm square) and round shank.1
EUR041Wheel gauge07A063Wheel gauge. Flat metal plate with incremental slots cut into the metal. spike on one side and a hold on the other with a separate ring (unattached). Used at toll-gates to gauge the breadth of wheels.1
EUR042AHorse shoe07A064Thick, iron, open-ended horse shoe with two open nail holes.Slightly concave in shape.1
EUR042BBullock shoe07A064Iron bullock shoe with four open nail holes and curving metal strap.1
EUR042CHorse shoe07A064Iron, horse shoe, closed, with four open nail holes.Slightly concave in shape.1
EUR043Gun-powder measure07A064Gun-powder measure for charging a muzzle-loading gun. Brass cylinder with lip and a perforated scale, that fits over an inner cylinder with a milled bottom and a tiny hole halfway up. Allows for three different measures. A brass hook (unattached) has been placed inside.1
EUR043ABullets and wadding07A0641 Plug of cotton wool wrapped in paper, 1 Lead bullet with its base wrapped in a scrap of wax paper, probably originally attached to wadding, 1 Paper wrapping containing another lead bullet together with its cotton wool wadding with a printed label on the bottom "ELEY. LONDON".

B.Godwin:2009 2 paper cartridges for a percussion revolver by Eley, England mid 19th century. William & Charles Eley, London founded 1828. Manufacturers of cartridges, wadding, percussion caps etc.
11.5mm calibre. 1 cartridge intact with orange paper seal marked "Eley London", the other end with brown cotton tape pull to enable the cartridge to be opened. The other cartridge broken apart and the powder charge lost.
EUR044Banker's balance07A064Banker's balance. Mahogany box containing pair of round dishes attached by string to iron balancing bar. One string broken. Also 3 circular brass weights with decorated edges and inscription on both sides. One is one guinea (" IL IS"), another is half a guinea ("10S 6D"), the third is a quarter of a guinea ("5S3D"). Four loose sections of wood ias separators. Label gives instructions for use.1
EUR045Scales07A064Brass folding scales attached to a hinged wooden box. Original printed instructions on lid and bottom of box. Three weights located in end of box. See also EUR022 (a smaller but similar scales) - both are incomplete, missing small parts.1
EUR046Figurine07G12.06Priest? in robes with garland. 'Freyburg'.11
EUR046AFigurine07G12.06Man in jacket and trousers, wearing a hat. 'Freyburg'.11
EUR046BFigurine07G12.06Woman in dress with apron and hat. 'Zug'.11
EUR046CFigurine07G12.06Woman in dress and headdress, carrying a basket. 'Berne'.11
EUR046DFigurine07G12.06Man wearing breeches, jacket and hat, sitting on a stile. 'Schasshausen'.11
EUR046EFigurine07G12.06Man with breeches and tricorn hat, carrying a scythe, and a boy with a fork. 'Zurich'.11
EUR046FFigurine07G12.06Gentleman wearing pantaloons and court dress, also a little girl.11
EUR046GFigurine07G12.06Woman in a dress and carrying a basket of fruit/bread. 'Schasshausen'.11
EUR046HFigurine07G12.06Man in breeches, with alpen horn. 'Appenzell'.11
EUR046IFigurine07G12.06Woman wearing a dress and apron, carrying a basket.11
EUR047Door Lock07G15.14Iron door lock, XVII Cent.ury.1
EUR047ADoor key07G15.14Iron door key, XVII Cent.ury.1
EUR048+A-BNails07A0653 Hand-made nails, rectangular heads, different sizes.63
EUR049Door key07A065Door key.63
EUR050Door key07A065Large door key.63
EUR051Screw propeller, model07A063Small carved wooden model of propeller of the S.S. Great Britain. Apparently carved from the same wood used to make the original.63
EUR052Pike head07G15.14Pike head 18th century. Ireland. Used in the rebelliojn of 1798. Made from a 15th/16th century model.3
EUR053Irish pike07H03-05Irish pike with shaft.3
EUR054Pike staffNULLPike staff? Ceremonial? Locality unknown.1
EUR055Post-horn07G15.01Brass postman's horn. Used in villages until mid-nineteenth century for official receipt and delivery of letters.1
EUR056China bowl07G15.04Complete china bowl, badly cracked and since repaired. Decoration of flowers with maker's mark of four dots on rim of base.1
EUR056AChina bowl07G15.04Part of a china bowl (about two thirds), cracked and since repaired. Ring of blue flowers and green leaves on the inside of the rim. With small blue flowers on the outside. No maker's marks.1
EUR057ATelegraph cable07A065Piece of telegraph cable with ends secured by coiled wire bands.. Example of the cable used for the first telegraph across the English Channel from Dover to Calais.63
EUR057BTelegraph cable07A065Piece of telegraph cable encircled by brass ring with inscription reading "MEDITERRANEAN TELEGRAPH CABLE, LENGTH 250 MILES, WIEGHT 1750 TONS. H.V.PHYSICK, ENGINEER, LONDON'.63
EUR057CTelephone cable,07A065Piece of telegraph cable with ends secured by brass rings. Example of the first cable laid across the Atlantic.63
EUR058Door key07A065Door Key. Very rusted condition and loop at end has eroded in one place.63
EUR059Tile07A066Square dirty buff-coloured tile with stencilled star pattern in red, black and pale blue. On back a number '29' is imprinted in the clay. Found in a German dug-out during the First World War.8
EUR060Rifle grenade07E16British rifle grenade, 1915 Mark II, No. 3 (explosive charge removed)
Steel shaft with brass and segmented iron explosive head; brass section stamped "The Cotton Powder Co. Ltd. London, Hales Patent".
(Cotton Powder Co.Ltd., Faversham, Kent)
steel spring clip for attaching to rifle muzzle; wind vane for stabilization; safety pin with split ring pull
Overall length 41.6cm
EUR061Rifle grenade07E16British rifle grenade, Mark i, No.20 - First World War (explosive removed)
A simplified version of the 1915 rifle grenade (EUR060)
Steel shaft with segmented brass explosive head painted white and stamped with small "triangle" mark
Overall length 41.5cm
EUR062Hand grenade05B09British hand grenade, pineapple type. Second World War.1
EUR063Rifle grenade07E16British rifle grenade, Mark II, No. 24, 1918 - First World War (explosive charge removed)
Steel shaft and grenade head; the head of smooth cylindrical shape and stamped "No 35 Mk. 1 1917 G.IL"
Overall length: 40cm
EUR064Hand grenade07E16British hand grenade, Mark 2, No.2 - First World War (explosive charge removed)
Based on a design by Marten Hale and introduced in 1915. Deemed to be unsafe and was out of service by 1916.
Wooden throwing handle, the rear attached with 4 piece cloth "streamers"; brass explosive container with segmented iron head.
Brass container stamped "The Cotten Powder Co. Ltd. Hales Patent London, 8mm F"; the lower base stamped with Broad Arrow mark and number "82".
(Cotton Powder Co.Ltd., Faversham, Kent)
Overall length 32cm
EUR065Flag (bannerette)07B03German bannerette found in a German dug out during the First World War.115
EUR066Cosh07A066'Blackjack' cosh. Flexible woven cord with two rounded weighted ends Leather strap with tassel at end attached below one of the weights. First World War.115
EUR067Calthrop07G15.14Calthrop. Small sphere with four spikes attached, used by the Sikhs to strew on roads as an offensive weapon against horse transport, etc.28
EUR068+A-FGun accessories07A066Box containing 3 milled percussion caps, two square-cut flints with tapering edge, and two lead bullets seated on wadding.1
EUR069Shell fragment07G22Fragment of an iron shell, from the battlefield of Sebastopol, 14.5cm diameter, of hollow construction with vent or fuze hole.94
EUR070Defensive weapon07A066Iron tube containing eight slits, 4 on each side, which release concealed knife blades. One end decorated with milled bands and has a loose ring. Instrument for self-defence, English, probably early 19th century.63
EUR071Leather belt and pouch07G15.01Leather belt and pouch with metal coat of arms of Bath on pouch, comprising a lion and bear supporting a shield. Ornamental buckles and a badge which bears the cipher Victoria Rex.1
EUR072Flags07A067Hand-painted silk flags protected between glass plates. Flags crudely painted and worn in places: White Ensign, Union Flag, and a burgee with the flag of St. George.63
EUR073Chisel07A067Steel waster - stone carver's chisel. Tapering steel chisel with hexagonal section and flat sides. Rounded knob at one end and flat blade at the other.63
EUR074Decorated bottle07G15.04Bottle ornamented with coloured wood/straw? inlay by Russian Prisoner of War.115
EUR075Resuscitation kitNULLOak box containing the Royal Humane Society's instruments for resu